*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: tasty on November 12, 2002, 12:14:47 am

Title: favorite beer
Post by: tasty on November 12, 2002, 12:14:47 am
since the forums have gotten a bit stagnant, i thought i would post on a subject i know is near and dear to everyone's heart: alchohol. this subject will be devoted to the discussion of favorite beer? however no microbrewed/local shit? we dont want to hear about beer we have to go to your hometown to buy. if you cant buy it at a good grocery or liquor store, than bah.

personally, i enjoy anything made by Leinenkugel? I also like Rolling Rock and Newcastle.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: Ace on November 12, 2002, 12:22:38 am
This is a tough one. By far, my two favorite beers are Harp and Guinness. I go back and forth on which one I like more. Some other killer beers are Sam Adams and Gordon Biersch, but I don't think many of you have Gordon Biersch. They started as a microbrew in San Jose and have been growing to pretty much all over the west coast, but I don't think they have made it east of the Mississippi yet.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: EUR_Zaitsev on November 12, 2002, 12:24:00 am
Id have to go with...Root Beer. Actually ive had bits here and there and enjoy Sam Adams

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 12, 2002, 12:27:32 am
At 14, you would enjoy any beer thrown your way. For me, most beer tastes like a bucket of piss, but Sam Adams and Guiness generally taste good. Cheapest way to get drunk or buzzed is probably Coors. Anyway, beer is for pussies, you need to hit the hard stuff.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: Mattster on November 12, 2002, 01:04:33 am
Root Beer by far, although Molson is pretty good and Coors is god too.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: †FiRE Infection on November 12, 2002, 01:06:57 am
Root Beer by far, although Molson is pretty good and Coors is god too.

Yeah because you know he's tasted them.  You guys should take me out drinking so I could contribute to this thread, I'd highly appreciate that ;).

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: Jeb on November 12, 2002, 01:37:33 am
Root Beer by far, although Molson is pretty good and Coors is god too.
I remember the days when i was 12...
Sipp'n 40s at grade school, Smok'n blunts, kill'n cops, and nailing hoes every night.
pffffFT, mattster, get real

As for beer last night and my hangover this morning are evidence of my undieing passion for fine ale.
1. hieneken
2. Henry Wienharts pale ale
3. Corona
4. Fat Tire ale (local micro brew i think)

cheap beer is shit, but budwieser is fun to shotgun :)

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: bronto on November 12, 2002, 03:10:22 am
If i have to have beer, it's either miller or rolling rock. i'm more of a vodka person though.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: davmann on November 12, 2002, 04:01:10 am
Pripps Bl? folk?l (Pripps Blue Peoplebeer) =P. taste good as hell.
and btw, you Americans would get raped, get your hands cut off, get them shoved up yo ass, and then raped again if you drank light beer where I come from, you sissies.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 12, 2002, 06:00:00 am
Light beer tastes more like piss than normal beer. Anyway, a good stein of German beer tastes pretty damn good (not familiar with the beer since I had it at an Oktoberfest event).

As for you little kiddies, you obviously have never had beer, so don't say "Coors is the best" or some crap like that.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: jn.preciousroy on November 12, 2002, 06:17:56 am
Ahh, Mr. Assassin, you are wise, and I agree with you whole-heartedly.

For good beer I'd have to say my favorite is Guinness.

For good beer which you can buy for under a dollar a bottle, Honey Brown.

And when it comes to cheep beer, nothing beats the beer every college student (after a keg stand or two) learns to love: Natural Light.  w00t!

As for the hard stuff... man do I have some good stories about that!  

Well, I thought I did... him, my memory fails me!  I wonder why.

(Note: the ever-so-precious roy has returned, hopefully for a while)

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: |MP|Cringe on November 12, 2002, 06:27:00 am
Root Beer, by far, but i like Mythos. (Never heard of it?? Go to Europe and ull figure it out)

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: tasty on November 12, 2002, 07:11:40 am
as far as cheap beer, i always go with bud light.

if you want to talk really cheap beer (as in laughably cheap and bad), i go with miller high life or natural ice.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: Jeb on November 12, 2002, 07:20:58 am
I'm glad no one has mentioned any bitch brew, because any man who drinks that is a pussy. As far as light beer goes, as a 18 year old it doesn't really matter what type of shit beer your drinking as long as you get drunk. Coors light begins to taste like water after the piss taste leaves your mouth on the 3rd or 4th beer.
As far as cheap beer or 40s go its a love hate relationship, i love to get drunk, but i hate the beer. Besides davan your only 13 so you shouldn't have many opinions.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: Ace on November 12, 2002, 07:37:13 am
As for you little kiddies, you obviously have never had beer, so don't say "Coors is the best" or some crap like that.

Now, I have had lots of good beers, and I could probably drink most of you here under the table, and I must say that there is a special place in my heart and in my belly for Coors Light. Coors Light is one hell of a beer for how cheap it is. It is a little more than the really fucking cheap crowd (natty light/ice, keystone, etc.), but it is way better. It has very little flavor, but that also means it has virtually zero bad flavor. If you want to get drunk off something that doesn't make you puke at the first sip and is cheap, Coors Light is the way to go.

For the other college students here, how in the hell can you say for really shitty and cheap beers that there is anything better than Pabst Blue Ribbon. PBR is a million times better than natty, keystone, high life, or anything else you can get for 4 dollars a twelver.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: tasty on November 12, 2002, 07:59:54 am
PBR is popular among certain scenes, but when i am the one buying cheap beer i go for the motherfucking dirty thirty ? yes thats right, 30 cans of miller high life for 8.99. and while coors light may taste extremely watery, i still believe that it also tastes like crap? for that little bit of taste it does have is disgusting. not so with miller high life light. as far as beer goes, it has an almost complete absence of flavor, and the flavor that it does have goes down smooth, silky smooth.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: EUR_Zaitsev on November 12, 2002, 12:58:40 pm
Pripps Bl? folk?l (Pripps Blue Peoplebeer) =P. taste good as hell.
and btw, you Americans would get raped, get your hands cut off, get them shoved up yo ass, and then raped again if you drank light beer where I come from, you sissies.


Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: bronto on November 13, 2002, 03:53:31 am
Stupid hypocrite noob kids these days...makes me sick.

Title: Re:favorite beer
Post by: Cossack on November 13, 2002, 07:03:42 am
I am just gonna ignore what the kids say, but I am not a beer person. On occaision I will get a heiniken, but other than that I am more of a wine fellow, despite my nationality I do not drink that much vodka. I just say that to make you guys think I wear a fuzzy hat and do that Russian Dance all the time. Wine is good, but expensive. I had a freind that made his own wine, and it tasted good. As for beer, it just makes me feel to unsophisticated. When I think of beer, I think of a fat Southerner in a stained white wifebeater sitting infront of a TV or I think of some idiot fra boy or slutty Sorority girls (however slutty is good).