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*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: ?TF6_lionpants? on October 24, 2002, 12:48:32 pm

Title: Map & Stratagie!
Post by: ?TF6_lionpants? on October 24, 2002, 12:48:32 pm
Ok, first of all I'm sorry if this topic is repeated but I have never seen a topic on this myself! Anyways, to the question: What is your favorite map in Rogue Spear? And what is your stratagie on it? My favorite map would have to be SUBWAY! I have 2 stratagies on this map: 1- Run to end of tracks, shoot out window nade upper balcony thing, then run through the balcony and PWN! 2- Shoot open the door to the stairs, shoot open the other door, nade, then PWN!  (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/banana.gif) [/b]

Title: Re:Map & Stratagie!
Post by: Flame on October 24, 2002, 10:04:04 pm
My fav map is bunkers, for 2 reasons: 1, other people hate it and 2, it was commonly used on RSD where I pwned. Best technique is to crouch down while going off a side, and jam there, then, if you make it, nade when off the corner up (kills anyone with a head poking up, or people peaking off the side of the bunker), and then rush in, killing whoever's left.

Title: Re:Map & Stratagie!
Post by: Mattster on October 24, 2002, 11:03:00 pm
My favorite maop is Chemical Compound (obviously) and 1 - i like to go in a circle inside then i go upstairs in a circle and keep repeating that. 2 - i rush left outside into enemy base.

Title: Re:Map & Stratagie!
Post by: *NADS De?ert ?torm on October 25, 2002, 06:22:58 am
My favorite map is Storage Depot... If on gold- go out the door and run to the ditch and snipe out the rushers, then rush the small house and pwn! If on blue- Charge as fast as you can to the right and sweep through the big building, then come around to flank the people doing the gold strategie above...

Title: Re:Map & Stratagie!
Post by: Typhy on October 25, 2002, 07:36:10 am
 In my opinion, the worst players are the ones who always do the same thing. Of course I have tactics that I perfer using, and locations that I perfer to get to, but really I just play as the game goes. I pick the best angle to attack my enimeys from, my whole attack plan is based off of what happens durring the game, for example: At Storage Depot blue, about 5v5; I have about 4 diffrent ways to start, by going behind the shack and sniping while peaking from behind the tree, and firing a clip like that. Another is to snipe out the window, another is to get down to the trenches, and a fourth is to come along close to the warehouse. Once I am to my next posistion, I have a whole new set of options, a key to the game is being unpredictable.