*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: A?K Kilzo on August 23, 2002, 02:20:21 am

Title: Plz delete D$
Post by: A?K Kilzo on August 23, 2002, 02:20:21 am
OK, Since I was the leader of D$, and I disbanded the clan I would like it removed form the BL. One is not the leader, he just kept the tag and kept recruiting after I said it was over. Thank you, Kilzo

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: *DAMN Snake on August 23, 2002, 05:20:05 am
Yes kilzo was leader and he did tell D$ it was disbanded. so what gives? mauti take em off the BL seeing how it was kilzo clan and he does not want it to continue, or if you decide other wize plz enlighten me...

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Bondo on August 23, 2002, 06:34:56 am
I'll make them inactive...I'd prefer not to remove them until after the season ends because it helps to have all the CBs accounted for on the ladder (although there are some missing already with TASK and SX).  Rest assured that they will be removed before next season if they aren't an active clan.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: one on August 24, 2002, 06:12:26 pm
umm why would you delete ds and make it inactive
Me and Kilzo were the leaders, hes just mad at me because I didn't close the clan down

Btw--- no insults in here

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Bondo on August 24, 2002, 06:25:55 pm
Well, I've set it active again...it doesn't really do anything to be inactive.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Flame on August 24, 2002, 07:58:50 pm
well one, cant you just give it another name instead of ds?

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: *DAMN Snake on August 24, 2002, 09:34:27 pm
i doubt you were the leader, but thats besides the point. If kilzo came up with the name of the clan he is the leader. and you would be the co-leader. leaving kilzo with full control. so like me with FBI. and voodoo of corse. we could tell them to drop the tags and icons and armpatches if we wanted to. because FBI was my idea, and voodoo made all the shit. so we are equal leaders.

(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/so.gif)so one, if you are not the maker of *D$,  kilzo has the right to make you change the name.  

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Bondo on August 24, 2002, 10:51:48 pm
Not really Snake...if Kilzo is sole leader and he chooses to close the clan down and then switches to another clan name...he no longer has the rights to the clan name and thus the current clan can keep it without the leader.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: .vooDoo. on August 25, 2002, 01:28:57 am
I dont see what the big deal is here. Kilzo has been in several clans
and hasnt stuck it out with any. I know One and im here to stick up
for him. He was there from the beggining. I dont understand why
Kilzo wants D$ shut down anyway, its not like D$ was a legendary
clan that he wants to retire....so wtf is the big deal Kilzo. Are you
just jelous that One has a clan that he can stick with and hang with
his buddies??? If i were to leave The Agency(AgT), i would have no
problem leaving it to any of the guys in my clan. Its only a game Kilzo.
Let them have there clan and there fun. End of story.... (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ass.gif)

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: †FiRE Infection on August 25, 2002, 01:35:34 am
The new DS beat one of Kilzo's newer clans, he got angry mb.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: *DAMN Snake on August 25, 2002, 03:58:14 am
so if i wanted to i could make ?SWAT? or <CIA>?

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Bondo on August 25, 2002, 05:40:32 am
Well, I wouldn't think you would be well liked in doing either (SWAT because it is respected, CIA because it isn't) but yes, you could start those clans up.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Typhy on August 25, 2002, 07:49:15 am
I hate to comment on a thread that really doesn't effect me, but I feel that I have a good point to make. Snake, there is a diffrence, DS was a newbie clan, no offence Kilzo, it lasted for about a week with Kilzo and One as leaders, one weeks isn't a respected clan, thats the diffrence, also, if he continues on in the name, rather than taking it off and putting it on again, there is a diffrence, rather than starting a clan up again, One is just keeping the clan that he is in alive. If someone started up one of the old clans, or any clan that has been dead or retired, then they shouldn't be allowed to. Also, if an old member who has been inactive comes back to start up the clan again, then thats not fair either, if it's a respected clan, a clan like DS? Who cares?? - Sorry Kilzo, I just have to say, get over it.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: †FiRE Infection on August 25, 2002, 05:25:20 pm
What about clans like, *NBK, Taf, RnT, all of their leaders left and they are still around playing.  I cbed *NBK last night, the clan that Hybrid started and just left.  RnT doesn't even know who there leader was, I believe it was Flies guys. ;).

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Deadeye on August 25, 2002, 09:43:11 pm
just to pipe in here.

bondo, matt is still around, and not in another clan, so by your reasoning, he'd still have the rights to the name swat if he wanted.  right?

more to the point, i think that some clans should be retired.  like pod or swat or psyco (and a few others).  unless their old leaders want to bring them back to life (or agree to it).  clans that lasted for over a year should hold some kind of standing.  at least in regards to the battle league.  it would just be in bad taste for someone to try to resurrect the clan names of those that were around a a long standing factor.  even ak would fall into this category (or soon).

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Bondo on August 25, 2002, 10:54:30 pm
Well, Matt seems to be in mop or some odd clan of the sort.

Certainly there could be some sort of system that retires clan names.  I recon no system of the sort would retire D$.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Typhy on August 25, 2002, 11:48:50 pm
 I really don't know why anyone should care, DS was never closed, one didn't restart it, he just never closed it, yes in about 2 weeks, AK will be a year old. DS played a few cbs, and sucked, who cares is One didn't close it? Does it matter? No.

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Mattster on August 26, 2002, 12:20:24 am
Would D$'s CB's played when Kilzo Said D$ Is Suposedly D. Would those CB's count?

Title: Re:Plz delete D$
Post by: Bondo on August 26, 2002, 02:02:04 am
Of course they would...the most significant part is that Kilzo never told the BL that D$ stopped being a clan so it never stopped being a clan.  Maybe if right as he "disbanded" he had said D$ is shutting down, then maybe it would have been done, but not now as he isn't the leader.