*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: zak on June 26, 2002, 11:05:25 am

Title: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on June 26, 2002, 11:05:25 am
iSteef: Hey, I'm sum1 from the netherlands but......
iSteef: 'zak' means in the dutch 'asshole'....


Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on June 26, 2002, 11:26:42 am
shit, it means nutsac/////

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 26, 2002, 11:43:12 am
I always suspected it...

But anyway I looked up zak in an online Dutch dictionary.  My Dutch is pretty bad...I don't really understand this, but it appears to talk more about your balls than your ass.  Or maybe I just can't read Dutch.

zak (de ~ (m.))

1 flexibel omhulsel van textiel, papier, leer of plastic om iets in op te bergen of te vervoeren
2 deel van een kledingstuk om iets in te bergen
3 bergplaats, om bij zich te dragen voor geld => portemonnee
4 [inf.] balzak
5 [biol.] buidel van buideldieren
6 [biol.] krop van sommige vogels
7 [sp.] gat in een biljarttafel, waarin de ballen vallen
8 [inf.] slap, futloos mens => klootzak

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 26, 2002, 11:44:01 am
Cool...your last post came while I was looking it up online...

I was right!  Sweet....I can understand Dutch profanity!

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 26, 2002, 11:53:25 am
Oooh - it gets better.  I found a dutch translation site that actually works...here are some interesting possible meanings of zak, according to my dictionary quote:

colony of marsupials
flock of birds
pocket of a billiard table
slack, klutzy man

Well, zak, I think they all describe you perfectly

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on June 26, 2002, 07:43:29 pm
haha, get the balls to say that to my face one day. I'll blast you in your face right there, we'll see whos the nutsac then.

knowing your a pussy, your gona come back with some fucked up wnaa be humorous response all your geek friend will laough at, but i'll be here, laughing at you, for being such a fucking loser, have a nice day kid.


Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: Jeb on June 26, 2002, 07:52:12 pm
his total amount of forum posts, point towards him being a loser ;D

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: Ace on June 27, 2002, 01:24:11 am
Well I didn't need a Dutch dictionary to tell me this, but this only confirms the fact, heh.

And once again, zak's inferiority complex rears its ugly head. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that you are laughing right now, but frankly, no one cares. BTW, if you ever saw any of us in real life, my best guess as to what you would be saying is "Would you like fries with that?"

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on June 27, 2002, 10:27:54 am
ace, your even more of a pussy then this loutass guy, you probaly both have homosexual thought, keep hiding in your house fags, have a nice day

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 27, 2002, 11:31:42 am

You're right zak, I would come up with a humorous response to that, but I can't think of a funny way to insult someone who wouldn't understand me in the first place.

Then again, I guess that's what would be so funny about it. ?Hell...why not...

By the way, is English your first language? ?Because if its not, then I can understand your frustration at being called a dumbass when you're only learning how to communicate. ?

And incidentally, what makes you think you're any better than the rest of us? ?Do you feel big for calling me a pussy and then a nutsack in the same paragraph?

Maybe after you've completed your 6th grade health classes, you can start trying to insult random strangers who laugh at your stupidity on online forums.

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: oso on June 27, 2002, 05:24:36 pm
bah cool down a bit you goof balls, we dont even know any one in real life butt tards. but if you guys are just goofing around then i say go gettem!

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: :V:*Beast on June 27, 2002, 05:52:53 pm

shit, it means nutsac/////

well... in real medical terms it means: that little thing hanging below your scrotum

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: :V:*Beast on June 27, 2002, 06:08:20 pm

haha, get the balls to say that to my face one day. I'll blast you in your face right there, we'll see whos the nutsac then.

Zak, maybe you better add a "c" to your nick: "Zack"... then you won't look that gay to all Dutch people on GR...
but hey, not all Dutch peeps came up with the idea of calling you a "nut sac"... I'm belgian-dutch and I pronounce your nick as: Zaaaaaaaa...aaaak, not just Zak... (like the dude who tried to rape Bruce Willis in the movie... err... what was the title of that movie again??)

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: Oso on June 27, 2002, 07:53:09 pm
uh it was pulpfiction =D

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: :V:*Beast on June 28, 2002, 10:57:18 pm
indeed, it was Pulpfiction... got it messed up with "reservoir dogs", ty Oso...

Zak, for christ sake, look at your topic-title!! are you??

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on June 29, 2002, 06:23:47 pm
yo kid, I'm tired of your bullshit, i dont have the time to come on here, cause some pansy fagget rich mommas boy keeps comming here and sayin shit tio me, cause he got picked on in school, so get the fuck off my nutsac, bitch.

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: :V:*Beast on June 29, 2002, 08:26:11 pm
uhum... Zaaaaaa....aaak...

you started this topic... it's just funny for us dutch guys to see someone called: zak

I never made the link with nut sac... others did...

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on June 30, 2002, 12:35:44 am
see, thast why i made this post, so the relaxed people, could get a laugh out of it, not soem geek tryin to start shit over it .

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: Brain on June 30, 2002, 01:41:20 am
then why did you start talking shit after a couple of innocent attacks, after all you opened your self up for them. what did you expect us to do, sit on our hands?

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on June 30, 2002, 12:01:51 pm
uhm, brian, i'll forgive you for being new, but no one said anythgn bad, except for loudass, the rest of the comments are ok, im lookin at this geeks "Well, zak, I think they all describe you perfectly " sentence, this was way overboard, so stay out of stuff you dont know about, kid has a personal grudge against me cause im the type of guy that picked on him in school

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 30, 2002, 08:08:19 pm
No zak, you're just the kind of typical dumbass I like to pick on in forums.

If you'd stop making yourself such an easy target, I wouldn't have any reason to insult you.

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: zak on July 01, 2002, 04:05:29 pm
the way i see it, your just making yourself look like more of an ass, so jsut cut your nerd star track making friends trick, and get a life.

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: Oso on July 01, 2002, 04:17:12 pm
ok ok every one shut the @#$# up..... please?

you all overreact soooo much =/

zak=asshole in dutch, yep thats funny, cuz it fits zak well =D  hehe

p.s. zak loves little boys =D

Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: :V:*Beast on July 01, 2002, 04:33:15 pm

zak=asshole in dutch, yep thats funny, cuz it fits zak well =D ?hehe

p.s. zak loves little boys =D

hey Oso?!!

you wanna know what "oso" means in Dutch??


Title: Re: I'm an asshole
Post by: oso on July 01, 2002, 05:04:24 pm
actually i do =D what does it mean, does it mean