*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Bondo on June 24, 2002, 06:16:59 pm

Title: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 24, 2002, 06:16:59 pm
...kicks some serious ass.

Just got it today and played through the first two levels and it is extremely well done and fun.

Haven't played online yet as my cable went down (modem and TV damnit) so I'm on a 56k on a non-gaming machine (my comp doesn't have a modem in it).

Anyway, I'll be looking forward to pistol whipping a few of you helpless individuals ;).

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 24, 2002, 06:32:27 pm
Sounds like it must be good, is it a mod?? What is it??? ???

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Jeb on June 24, 2002, 06:32:47 pm
MOHAA is fun, its laggs like a fuck sometimes. exampe being, i won't play on hosts with pings over 70because of the lag. Also, you have to deal with kuran from BMR. If you like hearing a whiny little bitch, who thinks he is the shit at MOHAA, play with him. ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 24, 2002, 07:45:43 pm
Voodoo... mohaa stands for "Medal of Honor Allied Assualt".

I has nothing to do with RS... if thats what you are thinking. It is pretty much a 1st person shooter based on World War 2.

Go to : www.aspyr.com for more info.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 24, 2002, 11:43:00 pm
I'm up to Operation Overlord now, damn that is intense.  I made it to the wall once out of 6 tries and that time I nearly killed by the manowars and then did die trying to rush up to the next wall.  Anyway, it is immensely fun although with only six sets of missions it is running on the short side.  I've only played 3 hours and I'm done with 1/3 of the levels.  Still, if multiplayer is fun it won't be a problem.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: †FiRE Infection on June 24, 2002, 11:58:05 pm
 yea my cable and televsion went down too Bondo.  I hate 56k  >:(

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on June 25, 2002, 09:46:16 am
I have Mohaa on PC and the MP is not that good as it is in R6 or RS , the maps are fun, but the MP of RtCW is much better.

May be we can meat eachother on a server me on PC u on mac hehe.


Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 25, 2002, 11:42:10 pm
Thanks to Grift for hosting my first game of MoH:AA and as well to Ult, Oso, Gorf, Jeb and the others who played.  Thanks for not booting me based on my whining, it comes with the breaking in of the game.  Anyway, I think I started getting pretty good at it during the later games.

Now for my impressions.
1.  Too much sniping, anyone want to make a mod that acts as a kit restriction not allowing rifles or rockets ;)
2.  Don't know if it was an option but objective based things like beach would work much better as a RtoCW SW type game.
3.  Levels tend to have fairly simple outsides, but overly complex interior mapping that gets a little overwhelming.
4.  Players move too slow, for example, on beach level when you have the people planting bombs, it takes most of the bomb's timer just to get to it to try to disarm it.
5.  Laggy, takes some massive prefire/luck to hit people.

Anyway, will look forward to playing more and some new maps.  Also I'll be looking to join a clan for it assuming DAMN isn't moving in that direction.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: WeaSelFlinK on June 26, 2002, 04:39:03 am
Dammit guys, stop it... you're torturing me...

... stuck here with a grrr, 400Mhz, grrrr, 128 RAM, grrrr, 8MB RAGE PRO card, grrrr, iMac, grrr...!

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 26, 2002, 10:37:55 am
I think me and Grift were agreeing on starting a clan together... we just need to think of a good name. We figured... there needs to be a clan that can stop GI from taking over the mohaa mac community :).

Oso... your dead meat buddy, lol. Grift, come online tonight if you can and we can talk some more.

As for Bondo, I am sure me and Grift would consider you. However, as you know, mohaa is a teamwork game, and with our history... I don't know if it would work out very well. I will talk to grifter tonight.

Happy Fragging  :)

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: |MP|Nomad on June 26, 2002, 12:49:38 pm
Well ppl, since I have been one of the first to get mohaa b4 any1 else (for mac), I can definetly say that I can take you all on  ;) ;D  Anywaz, since mac gamers are playing PC gamers on multiplayer, I think this is our chance to finally "stick it" to PC bums, however, you must realize that mohaa came out for PC months b4 it did for mac, so PATIENCE is the key.

btw, Ulti & Grifter, I would like in on the clan if you guys organize one, I thought about making my own with my bro Kirok, but that idea is still up in the air.

THe only thing I am disappointed about mohaa, is that it is somewhat like RS, in that, everyone online plays the same damn maps over & over.  My fav maps for sure are, Destroyed Village, The Hunt cuz they dipict realism, with busted up cities, etc.  Unlike Southern France where all the houses, etc are still intact, dont like that.....
Also, on a good note thank god there is no bs like in TO, where everyone is hoping up&down like rabbits, thats REALISM.  However, incase you still haven't noticed there is one thing players have already been doing that I consider cheating or bs......that is people are running around using the "peak" keys so that they are not standing upright straight, so it is harder to hit them, again more BS like hopping around like TO & if you combine this tactic with the Machine gun from the Nazi (Axis) team, you will most likely lose since is it far superior weapon than the Allies (USA) machine gun.

O well ppl, like Ultimo said.....Happy Fraggin

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 26, 2002, 03:52:19 pm
Ult, I think that all that buisiness is behind us and that we have moved on, but either way I wouldn't let it affect how I am as a teammate. ?I'd be honored if you and Grift choose me for your clan.

After playing a bit more all I can say is fucking rifles.  Come on guys, it would be much more fun if you didn't use them, the main reason, it isn't fair.  The Axis rifle is a piece of shit and only good from far with the scope.  The Allies rifle has more bullets, faster reload and works from both near and far, only thing lost is the scope.  This give the allies a clear advantage if rifles are used because they beat rifle users close up and smg or mg users before they can be a threat and thus have no real threat to them.  I don't see why both sides can't choose the rifle, I mean as an ally in the game he uses all the weapons.  It just takes away the fun of the game if every game is a sniping war.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Jeb on June 26, 2002, 07:47:43 pm
if you hate sniping, use the rocket launcher. thats how i take out those damned dirty snipers, like GI Jester

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 26, 2002, 09:17:40 pm
I found the rockets to be quite useless, maybe I was just expecting it to be like the panzer kill everything withing a mile RtoCW rocket but in MoH you actually have to like hit the guy with the rocket for it to kill him.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Oso on June 26, 2002, 09:45:34 pm
muaha ok,
i agree 1/2 with you about restrictions, bazookas and panzers are a pain in the butt, but live with it, as for rifles... it is part of the game and that is how it was in WW2 allies had that type or rifle and the nazis had the other pos one, but banning them is retarded but it all balances out with the Machine gun. that blasted machine gun for the nazi owns the allied bar gun.

now for ultimo,
muahahaha DIE ULTIMO , GI has already taken over the GR community!
1. jester with his crazy good sniping skills,
2. alex with his thompson ownage
3. and me with my M1 garand rapage =D

mohaa for mac didnt come out months after the PC version it came out like a year after the PC version =D

and for the rest of you fools,


Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Ace on June 27, 2002, 01:35:36 am
Has anyone tried MOH on a 16 MB video card? I know it says you need a 32 MB card, but I want to get it for my TiBook. If I can get decent framerates with a G4 500 and a 16MB Rage, I'll finally have a good OS X shooter.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on June 27, 2002, 07:19:06 am
lol OSO u are completly wrong:

Mohaa came out for PC in February 2002 now u can count the months to find out if it were only months or a year ;D

Also the release Date was set on February.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Oso on June 27, 2002, 04:06:26 pm
whoops maybe i was thinking about MOH not MOHAA,  my mistake, and no i cant count cuz i am still in little  school =(


Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Oso on June 27, 2002, 04:11:14 pm
wait a sec you sob's this video here says fall 2001 so die! http://mohaa.ea.com/intelligence/videos2.html

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on June 27, 2002, 04:22:25 pm
I was wondering just how good your computer has to be to be able to play the game? I have a 400 iMac DV Model with cable, could my computer handle it? Any one know?

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on June 27, 2002, 05:07:30 pm
OSO this Video is wrong the game came out in Fenruary of 2002. I bought on the release day!!!!

It was maybe a preview - the video i mean , or the publisher did a mistake and put an wrong date.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: oso on June 27, 2002, 05:08:49 pm

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 27, 2002, 05:09:51 pm
Well, I have 400 G4 Tower and I have no problem playing it, even with max graphics.  Then again I have a geforce 3 and 384 MB memory which may be better than what you have on the iMac.  Either way, with a 400, I think you should be able to play it with barebones graphics settings.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on June 27, 2002, 05:17:29 pm
lol OSo i  looked it up now - and i can tell u that these Videos were previews - most of them were ther before the game was released. Some has been made during the development status.

Take it easy Oso ;D

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: oso on June 27, 2002, 05:20:51 pm
DAMN YOUSSSS oh and i am confoozed about what /whobondo is talking about.. but if it is me uh yep you have a better vid card =D thats it though =D


Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 28, 2002, 12:04:54 am
Oso, maybe you should read the first page again where I am asked if MoH would run on a 400 iMac, really, is it that hard or do I have to quote for everything I talk about.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: WeaSelFlinK on June 28, 2002, 03:14:01 am
I know this isn't really what we're talking about, but could anyone be kind enough to look up for me on how to upgrade (hardware) a 400DV iMac?
I'd appreciate it a lot.

Thanks in advance,
-Beefy, feelin' weak...

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Brain on June 28, 2002, 09:02:59 am
2 questions for you beefy are you willing to void you warrinty or render you computer useless,
and are you willing to basically rip your computer totally apart

all i'm saying is that these imacs can be a nightmare to upgrade , if you are prepared to do that then i wish you lots of luck

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 28, 2002, 12:03:31 pm

Has anyone tried MOH on a 16 MB video card? I know it says you need a 32 MB card, but I want to get it for my TiBook. If I can get decent framerates with a G4 500 and a 16MB Rage, I'll finally have a good OS X shooter.

I use a G4 450 mhz with 16 mb Rage, and it is playable. At some times, the frame rates can be pretty bad, but most time all you have to do is turn down the graphics and it is playable. The only map that gives me a hard time in MP is omaha beach, because so much stuff is happening at once, and my graphics card can't keep up.

Neither the less.... I still OWN OSO !!! lol  ;)

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Grifter on June 28, 2002, 12:04:17 pm
Brain, there are safe ways to upgrade your iMac and then unsafe ways....

overclocking would be the unsafe way....

But, with an iMacDV you may be able to upgrade the video card (it uses AGP2x).  I don't know if anyone has tried it... but it may be possible to put in Radeon Mac edition for $150.  That would get his video more then good enough.

Then, he's just 50mhz from the minimum requirements...  there are two makers of CPU upgrades for iMac's.... but it will cost another $350-$450 to just upgrade a little bit (to like 500mhz or so)...

so, you are looking at spending $600 just to upgrade a little.... better to save up another $300 and upgrade alot....  

As for overclocking... I don't recomend it on an iMac... those tiny little circuts that you have to work with are a true bitch.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 28, 2002, 12:08:19 pm
400MHz should be enough if he upgrades his video card and has sufficient memory.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 28, 2002, 12:26:45 pm

400MHz should be enough if he upgrades his video card and has sufficient memory.

Yea.... Bondo would know, lol

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Toby on June 28, 2002, 03:10:08 pm
I had the pleasure of playing both BONDO and Oso under my handle of BalloonANIMAL. Great games!

I have to say that I still prefer RTCW for multiplayer - the class system is sooo much better at forming team cohesion. I keep wanting to call for Medic when I'm lying on the ground in MOH:AA - or call in an airstrike, for that matter...

I was wondering if anyone's had any luck getting any third party maps to work - I get the loading screen for the level, but that's it - I'm then booted back to the main menu again. I can get the blood mods and new skins mods to work - but not the new levels. Anyone have any luck?


Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Brain on June 28, 2002, 03:14:55 pm

Brain, there are safe ways to upgrade your iMac and then unsafe ways....

overclocking would be the unsafe way....

But, with an iMacDV you may be able to upgrade the video card (it uses AGP2x). ?I don't know if anyone has tried it... but it may be possible to put in Radeon Mac edition for $150. ?That would get his video more then good enough.

Then, he's just 50mhz from the minimum requirements... ?there are two makers of CPU upgrades for iMac's.... but it will cost another $350-$450 to just upgrade a little bit (to like 500mhz or so)...

so, you are looking at spending $600 just to upgrade a little.... better to save up another $300 and upgrade alot.... ?

As for overclocking... I don't recomend it on an iMac... those tiny little circuts that you have to work with are a true bitch.

he still needs to get to the inside of his computer, and imacs are what the 3rd mb 4th hardest  mac to open and gain access to the innards?

and along  with what grift said on the over clocking, it IS possible but you need brass balls and nerves of steel to pull it off

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on June 28, 2002, 03:33:08 pm
Was it just me or is Sniper Town one of the most insane maps ever created?  Those snipers are tricky, lol.  They hit me no matter how random I move and those trees....you'd think if I cant see them though the leaves, they cant see me either...but oh well.  Great game!   Has anyone beat Omaha Beach on hard?  I'm still workin on that one, lol.  I get blasted by thos 42's as soon as I step off the LC.  

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Oso on June 28, 2002, 04:01:47 pm
hahaha ultimo keep dreaming =D muahahahaahahahahahahahahaha

GI rapes you ultimo =D die budddddyy
but on the down side, every one rapes me in RS now, but some how i was able to keep killing 3 people a game yesterday, after like 3-4 rounds of eating ass =D

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: WeaSelFlinK on June 29, 2002, 03:39:08 am
I dunno fellas, but anyway... I appreciate your help.

I've never been too good with comparing things, but you could actually (here goes...) compare my computer with a car... If for example I was to remove my graphics card and install a new one, it would be like removing my car's battery, or carburator... you might as well say I'd have to buy a new one...

I did, but only because I bought it in the first place, add more RAM to the computer. I had 64MB RAM and had it upgraded to 128MB RAM. I was actually thinking of upgrading it again, but these particular computers have a RAM limit... I went to this store nearby, and spoke to the guy about the issue. He kept nodding and saying it was bullshit. Maybe the guy was right? Any ideas?

Thanks again,

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Grifter on June 29, 2002, 07:52:27 am
There is a RAM limit on every computer... it's just the maximum amount of RAM your computer can use.... and at 128Megs... you are nowhere near it.

The problem with your iMac is it only has two slots.... so if you want to upgrade, you have to replace one of your existing modules...  I'm assuming that you have two 64Meg modules from your post.

But RAM is cheap...  Spend $40 and get a 256Meg DIMM for it.  That should hold you over until it's time for you to get a new computer.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on June 29, 2002, 05:48:59 pm
May i just say:

The system requirements for mohaa is BS. Don't listen to the box.

i have a TiPowerbook with a tiny little 8 MB graphics card and it works just fine. ?God. ?and to think the people with the GeForce2 MX bitch about their card....

ALSO:  My MOH program is SO MESSED UP.  when i'm playing in maps, sometimes the textures go white, like instead of a building being stone, it'll just be plain bright white.  also some times the main menu goes all white and i can't do anything.  You can still click on stuff, you just can't see it cause everything is white....

anyone else know wtf is up?

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 29, 2002, 07:30:34 pm
Gorf, you first say that it works fine with your 8MB Graphic card and then say the graphics are all messed up...hmm.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Grifter on June 29, 2002, 07:36:59 pm
LMAO Gorf.... I'm with Bondo on this one.... I'm thinking you are having some problems due to not meeting those minimum requirements for the video card.  

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on June 29, 2002, 08:01:37 pm
lol, oh stfu u guys ? ;)

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 30, 2002, 05:00:03 am
Ok, playing through the SP more, Mission 5 (part one) is the single dumbest creation ever. ?It is fucking impossible...and I'm not exagerating, it truly is impossible. ?If you can shoot a sniper, they've already shot you. ?They are also placed in such places as they can shoot you but you can absolutely not see them. ?It is utter fucking bullshit. ?They are inhuman. ?It isn't realism, it is completely fake. ?If I were going to rate the game, it was getting a 10, but now that I've hit this mission it is an 8 threatening to drop to a 7 if I can't figure out how to activate the cheats. ?I type in set cheats 1 like it tells me to, and it says cheats will be changed on restart...then I restart the game and it acts as if nothing has happened. ?And don't give me a lecture about not being able to enjoy the game if you cheat. ?I'm certainly not going to enjoy an impossible game so it is the better of two evils.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on June 30, 2002, 01:05:47 pm
Bondo , first :

the map is not impossible i did it without cheats - it pretty hard- and u have to save evry min - one tipp :
always look in all doors, windows, and trees and do it slow! dont try to cross the streets or u will be sniped.

Belonging to cheats:
i only know how to activeate the on PC , ther  u can enbale cheats on Starttup of the game.
But try this - start the savegame --> tipe in the set cheats thing into the console. then save the Game. Go back to startup screen and reload the save game. When  it dont work go out of the game rastart and reload the savegame after that. I think that should work.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 30, 2002, 02:30:38 pm
I am  thinking of buying MOH,
I have a G4, 450mhz with 512sdram w/ the video
card that came with it. Will it run ok on my system or
will I have to buy the ATI8500(witch i was trying not to do) ???

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 30, 2002, 04:46:44 pm
Holo, it is cheap.  I'll be getting shot so I'll be looking around and there is no enemy to be seen.  If you can't see them, they can't see you and thus shouldn't be able to shoot you.

And I tried what you said and the cheats still didn't activate.  I don't see why they have to make them so fucking hard to use, it is completely pointless.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: oso on June 30, 2002, 05:28:29 pm
bondo you goof ball, it isnt impossible like he said, try looking in the bell tower =D

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on June 30, 2002, 06:40:29 pm
What bell tower?  I must not have gotten that far in the level.  I kill the first guy and then take out the two in the building adjascent to him...then I go up the stairs on the near building and take out those two guys.  Then I go down and around and there is a guy there but there must be another somewhere because I was hidden from the one guy I knew about and was still being shot.  I looked all around and nothing, I was being shot and no one was anywhere where they should be able to hit me.  I've learned that it is abnormal to be good at MP and not at SP but I guess I'm just abnormal.  Could have something to do with my run and gun attitude, no stealth for me thank you very much.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 30, 2002, 08:02:43 pm
I beat Sniper Town in only 2 tries... it's not ipossible Bondo... just take your time and advance slowly. If your getting shot, and can't see anyoone at eye level, always look up. It's not really that hard.

PS: I love it when you control the King Tiger Tank :)

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Grifter on July 01, 2002, 10:30:01 am
And remember Bondo... while sniping isn't your bag... sniping was a very large part of the Germans style in WW2 (once they were on the defensive).  There were lots of places for snipers to hid out in those bombed out towns... and they took full advantage of it.

My one bitch about the game (on single player) is that on hard, guys will duck behind boxes... lift their guns up and spray... showing no part of their body... just the muzzle of the gun... and hit you with each and every shot.  That is my only bitch so far.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on July 01, 2002, 11:18:04 am

They are also placed in such places as they can shoot you but you can absolutely not see them. ?It is utter fucking bullshit. ?They are inhuman. ?It isn't realism, it is completely fake.

Well let me tell you one thing about realism: As soldier I practiced 8 month long combat situations on the field, in towns and in tunnel systems and one I thing I learned was that only in very very rare situations you see the enemy. Our camouflage was almost perfect - you could walk 5 metres next to us and you didn't see us - Also try to see a green painted face in 300 metres distance - you can't only once he shots you have a chance to locate the enemy because of the noise. War has nothing to do with fair play you can only be careful...

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: one on July 01, 2002, 12:07:31 pm
yay me too I got the same comp as pat....I wish I could get it for my imac

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on July 01, 2002, 12:15:39 pm
I don't know though, they shoot me the first time I get within sight in about 1 second, I suppose somehow they know I'm there even though I circle around and can perfectly predict where I'm going to be?  I'm not saying it would be easy to see them or that they wouldn't be accurate, but just the speed in which they do it is what is suspect to me.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: oso on July 01, 2002, 04:08:26 pm
bondo, once again look up in the bell tower, i didnt notice it at 1st untill i found a good spot and just starting spamming all buildings and found him just sitting up there shooting my team =(, poor souls =( BILLY NOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

so anywho try that bondo, if you cant, then you just stink =D

and muahah

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: Bondo on July 01, 2002, 05:39:00 pm
Where is this bell tower you speak of, I haven't seen any bell towers, maybe I haven't gotten there yet.  I'm to the point where I kill 5 people before dying.

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: oso on July 01, 2002, 07:11:04 pm
yep and there is a bell tower off in one direction which is kinda hard to see, but it is there trust me, i know what your talking about =D

Title: Re: MoH:AA...
Post by: *DAMN Postal Worker on July 01, 2002, 08:44:37 pm
Hey Bondo...just think of the movie "Saving Pvt Ryan"...it should come to you.  Remember that juicy up-scope shot that PFC Jackson took?  Freakin beautiful.  But if you didn't read my comment before...just look around a bit...im sure i mentioned this as to being one of the hardest levels (if you don't take your time.)

Oh, and at this time, I'd like to point out that chances are...Lt. Mike Powell is from my home state of Maryland.  Seeing how that Lt. Powell was in a Higgins Boat full of members of the 29th Infantry Division durring the D-Day invasion, he's likely to be a part of them.  The 29th consisted of members of Maryland and the DC National Guard Unit.  (If you don't believe me, check out the arm patches.  It looks like a blue and gray ying-yang, lol)  

Boy, its nice to see a MD boy take the fight to the Germans...err...Nazis.  Sorry, didnt mean to stereotype. ;)