*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 26, 2002, 06:22:55 pm

Title: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 26, 2002, 06:22:55 pm
Hey guys.Today me and prez went 2v1 with Colin.He won 7-4.And we also have facts he cheated.One.....he has a maphack.We know this because if we go to a certain place where he is camping,we dont even peek out and he starts shooting(we had hbs jammed).Two.....he has an aimbot.We know this becuase no matter what he always has a prefire,and if he sees us for a spilt secod we die.Btw,he killed us through a wall once.(once again,we had hbs blocked all games)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Colin on June 26, 2002, 06:52:53 pm
gee, looks like i'm a little late in the forums, but here's the real scoop...

I was having a great game.  Stfus Gokusniper and Mr. Prezident managed to kill me a couple of times so they decided to start saying that they own me.  Knowing that the opposite was true, i challenged them both to a "cb".  Me vs. the two of them, first to ten.  After i started winning, at once they started accusing me of cheating, having an aimbot, and maphacks (whatever those are).  After i realized they weren't kidding, i took screenshots (and told them i was) while they continued to accuse me of cheating.  the end results were 7-3 14-3 with me as the victor.  (actually, i might have had 13 kills because goku killed himself with a nade one game)  I really thought that STFUs would represent their clan better.  The Screenshots i took will be posted on gorf's website of which the address i will post soon so u can decide for yourself.

;D ;D ;D--Colin

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 26, 2002, 07:06:01 pm
LMAO(what are they bs) cmon colin,we all know you come from gorfs hacking family

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Jeb on June 26, 2002, 07:32:42 pm
ok first off, i win at 2vs1s quite frequently. just cause he won doesn't mean he cheated.
And there is no such thing as a AIMBOt on the mac. If he was using a Aimbot like you say, in the kit selection screen between games, his pings would turn to shit, because he would have to tab out to turn the cheat on. (at least thats what i read at Pi'sTacs)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on June 26, 2002, 08:14:22 pm
sigh....   i'll let you have this one cuo.

i've taken a general poll of the community and we want "The Best of +S?Fu+"  :D

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Colin on June 26, 2002, 08:40:23 pm
sry gorf, no can do, the clan didn't insult me, 2 members did.  Goku don't talk about my family, this is serious, u have accused me of cheating.

Btw, this isn't the first time i've had to silence a newb who came into my game and told me that he owned me.  I had a 1v1 with the other colin on gr, i believe he is in the new MI6 (newbie) clan, and beat him 9-1, gorf refereed cause we did it on his host.  The wager on the game was whoever lost could not have their name as colin anymore but he said that he didn't agree to that (bs).

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on June 26, 2002, 08:55:48 pm
ayiyi.. you know, there is an alternative to HBS. it's called your ears. Footstep sounds ARE audible even with HBS jammers on. and then think about this:

He was camping in the spot.

You would run up to that spot

He knew you would come that way

He hears your footsteps. Maybe he had "Loud footsteps" on

he jumps out and blows the fuck out of you.

it's just that simple.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Brain on June 26, 2002, 09:49:01 pm
also, depending on the map, there are only so many ways that you can approach certian spots, if can reduce the direction you are comming at me to just a few ways, you're already in a hole, and can narrow it down to 1, you're screwed

also, about getting shot through the wall, ever hear of something called lag?
getting' shot through a wall' occurs  to me alot, especiall on laggy servers, or when i edge out too far around a corner, it doesnt mean that  the host is cheating, it just means i fucked up

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: †FiRE Infection on June 26, 2002, 10:45:09 pm


sry gorf, no can do, the clan didn't insult me, 2 members did. ?Goku don't talk about my family, this is serious, u have accused me of cheating.

Btw, this isn't the first time i've had to silence a newb who came into my game and told me that he owned me. ?I had a 1v1 with the other colin on gr, i believe he is in the new MI6 (newbie) clan, and beat him 9-1, gorf refereed cause we did it on his host. ?The wager on the game was whoever lost could not have their name as colin anymore but he said that he didn't agree to that (bs).

Yea I came into the game...this was true.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Supernatural Pie on June 26, 2002, 11:12:54 pm
The way I see it is that the two guys thought, "Oh, 2 vs 1, this'll be easy shit. We don't have to try that hard." Well, they probably didn't, and Colin's no newbie, he can blow you off your asses and into the sky anyday. So to Goku and Prez: unless you can back up your story with some solid evidence of cheating, stfu.

:-[                                                                 ::)?

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Jeb on June 26, 2002, 11:48:12 pm
OMFG, is all AGT do now aday, is acuse people of cheating? also, when you do 2v1, and you the 1. you basicaly have to ether camp, or get each of them alone in order to win.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on June 27, 2002, 07:05:49 am
Haha boys - i thought u were all vets in RS.

If u were u would know that a shooting through walls in RS is possible, but its no cheats its a realistic fact, as u can shoot trough thin walls of wood in real life it is also possible with thin walls and doors in RS. Also a fact is lagg that make u feel being killed nehind the corner , its also no cheat its only your bad connection.

1)So shooting through wall is no cheat!
2) Those guys who say colin cheats, are damn stupid newbes:
b/c there is no AIM Bot possible for that game also hardly to menage on PC ( already mentioned ).
3) a map pack would also cause some problems for him - there it works it must be a serverside mod. that u also use when he enable it! so u hve the same possibilities as he has.

And to come to an end - PLZ stop this BS accusing ppl of cheating without having any prove or any experience to the game u play!

can someone close this Threat plz - its senceless

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Jeb on June 27, 2002, 01:05:38 pm
thx for backing up the AIMbot thing hologram, i hear alot f noobs saying people use aimbots, i just sit back and laugh. Another important thing to realize, is that everytime i get acused of cheating by newbies, i am flattered. When you get acused of cheating, that means that your doing something good ( asuming you don't cheat of course)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: +-KoS-+ Gorf on June 27, 2002, 03:05:12 pm

when you do 2v1, and you the 1. you basicaly have to ether camp, or get each of them alone in order to win.


not entirely accurate jeb ;)    i took reaper and zak on in a 1vs2 and i onwed them 8-2-1 and i rushed every time.  they were amazed that i prefired and everything.  I think that some people SERIOUSLY underestimate these days.  i was a noob just like prez and goku once too.  I got raped by the swat's and psyco's and kos's back in the day.  I had my fair share. But me and my bro have been playing a looong time.  We are also quick learners and we caught onto the game quickly.  i've been playing RS since about this time last year.  Some of you think that ur safe running down a hallway and then someone strafes out shooting and knocks you in the head and u get all pissed cause u think they were cheating.  Gimme a BREAK.  after a year u don't think i know what "head level" is and where to aim for the head?

hehe i love goku's post.  sounds like he thinks colin is  a RS god but he's just such a fuckin noob he can't tell the difference 8)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on June 27, 2002, 04:32:32 pm
For fun today, in John \CL/'s server, we used autoaim once... john got six kills completely owning them just window camping on depot: he picked 'em off one by one.. no big feat with auto aim but anyways some idiot yells "Aimbots!" WTF is an aimbot? Anyways, i think the dude was too dumb to realize that autoaim was on...

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Oso on June 27, 2002, 05:17:21 pm
I beg to differ about the aimbot,

I HAVE AIMBOT, how do you think i own all your ass so much, you really think , I alone have the skills to do that.... NO of course not!.

oh and for the 2 accusing colin that he cheats. IT IS TRUE !!!! jk =D actually you 2 are fucken idiots =D, just cuz some one has more skill than you at RS doesnt mean they cheat, Hell i alone have been accused of cheating soooooooo many times cuz people dont believe you can own 7-8 people in 30 secs... but i have done it and so has a lot of other people

So you 2 accusers are effen retarded you 2 are acting like rapid, cant stand to lose.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Colin on June 27, 2002, 05:53:34 pm
Considering this topic is about me, i should post a little more...

Goku and Prez, i warned u that this would happen if u kept accusing me of cheating, but u didn't listen, too bad.  I didn't even make the first post, u brought this upon urself.  Before Goku was mad at me because gorf blocked him (gorf came downstairs (to my computer)and saw what they said), well now he's considered a noob by many many more (and they haven't even seen the screen shots).

Thank you to all of u who backed me up against the newbies!

Btw Oso:  owning 7-8 people in 30 secs DOES seem a little strange, unless its a pdw-rape and well-placed-nade combo!

;D ;D ;D--Colin

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Brain on June 27, 2002, 06:01:59 pm
yea... prez ued to be in taf, so i know how noobish he was. he thought he knew it all then too, it's cool to see that ppl dont change and he still thinks that he is the shit

Title: Goku + Prez = Proven Noobs
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 27, 2002, 06:16:03 pm
8) LMAO! ?I'm glad Goku doesn't wear |?K| no more ;) and Prez ::) doesn't surprise me one bit since I seen him act like a poor whining baby as well... ?As much as Goku would tell me he had been playing so long and been in "good" clans and had it going on, he often proved that he was deeply stuck in a "PC NOOB" tactic attitude and just couldn't cope with some top ELITE players from the MAC section in GR. ?This one doesn't surprise me at all since he often challenged people from other clans such as STFU to 1 on 1's and called them NOOBS and all this, and then got badly owned. ?Now he did it worse with another NOOB to team up with, and got butt raped so bad, his cries are heard here... ?Guess some people just need longer on the spotlight to shine their colors... ;)

I got my AIMBOT and it owns you all! ?Of course you have to know how to use it properly. ?It has a ball and it rolls with the motion. ?When properly used, it helps get my crosshair right in the guys head with no problems! ?Of course when I'm too drunk, it becomes more challenging! ?It's amazing that my AIMBOT eats so little cheese, cuz as far as I knew, these critters with tails needed to eat. ?Good thing mine keeps going like a champion ;)

Take care of your AIMBOT and clean it and properly get all the rug hairs and other hairs off it and it will properly AIM for you too guys ;)

(You know what's funny, the ones that won't get this and wonder what my AIMBOT is! LOL ;D )

At least some things make more sense on some of my ex-members... ?
Get in where you fit in ;)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Brain on June 27, 2002, 06:33:35 pm
i have a tail less aimbot that can change colors,  i feel special now...
unfortunatly it isnt as good of quality as some of the others out there (i.e. most of ak, most of kos, hell most of gr)
cheep piece of crap...

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Colin on June 27, 2002, 07:34:08 pm
a few people having been asking me: "did u really beat Goku and Prez?"  Come on ppl they're NOOBS!!!  If u can point and shoot a gun, chances are u can own them too.  I'm DISGRACED that i even let them have 3 games.  After i told gorf, he shunned me for the rest of day (lol...jk)

I only take challenges i know i can win, if i know i can't, i admit defeat!

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 02:58:44 am
Guys....im sorry.This bs is my fault....and becuase i myself and prez were having a big ass ego we took it into this bs.Colin,you are a skilled player and im sorry for this bs i caused on gr and all.And rapid,as far as i can remember i didnt call anyone in stfu a noob,i just challenged meth to a 1on1.I owned in sniping,he owned in assualt.And thats it.I dont want to be knows as a crybaby,or a noob(wich i am not... :o  ).Please exuse my behavior,that was a bad day.And gorf,im sorry for insulting you.Colin,your better than me.Flat out.And im just saying....if i were you i wouldnt be pissed.....but every1 calling me a noob....when they know i am not...is getting annoying.I accept defeat and i hope prez does too.I want a snipe war sometime colin 8)      

thanx peeps,plz forgive me

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 03:01:37 am
One more thing.......i get owned by lots of ppl,i have the same skill as some ppl,and i own alot of people.but saying "a few people having been asking me: "did u really beat Goku and Prez?"  Come on ppl they're NOOBS!!!  If u can point and shoot a gun, chances are u can own them too.  I'm DISGRACED that i even let them have 3 games.  After i told gorf, he shunned me for the rest of day (lol...jk)" isnt true about my skill levels.Colin,you kicked our ass.But that doesnt mean we are noobs.....and you can own me....but lotsa ppl cant  ;)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Jeb on June 28, 2002, 03:42:04 am
Goku, you have to realize, that there are a small few who are really good at this game. and the rest die like noobs. Its not a matter of how good you might think you are, or how good you can own the other noobs, but all the average players die like noobs in my crosshairs

Title: Goku, try changing your ways bud...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 28, 2002, 04:48:17 am
Goku, you cry like a baby and get in weak arguements cuz of your simple mentality. ?When you were in |?K|, you would whine that you want to CB everytime you came on (Only on Saturday, Sunday & Wednesday) and got mad at me when I would say "NO" after watching you play all rookie like. ?Then you would go on and on about how you are not a noob and can get the job done, and then fail when in the battle field. ?Guess what, you hardly ever did, and that's what gets me. ?You talked as if you were GR's God to RS and I should be praising your stay with us! ?You talked about how you were in PsYcO, yet when Assin would come around, he would laugh at you on how you got booted for sucking so bad. ?I'm glad you found your way out after I wouldn't let you CB when you wanted due to your lack of skill and high boasting with no backing. ?If you would've been more kick back and less boastful, you would've gotten to the better place you were aiming for. ?Instead, you just kick it with a joke clan that started from our Ex-members that have nothing going for them other than the # of noobs with attitudes like yours in their clan. ?You did get in where you fit in... ;) ?I just put all this in your face for being the way you were with us and your attitude and big mouth that decided to lip off to me. ?I simply decided to ignore everything you said, and instead of letting it go, you go in a rampage to get messages to me. ?If you would've been as honorable as you claimed you would be, you would've never left the clan in the fashion you did by CB'ing with me and then shooting me and gimping me and playing shitty on purpose. ?Now stay on ignore and sit back for a change and think of how your fucked up actions got you nowhere. ?It's only a game, but there's a line of trust and faith to be drawn... >:

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on June 28, 2002, 09:44:51 am
How did i know this was gonna happen, Goku starts a big argument, makes all these lame points that always get proven wrong, then says (50% of the time) he was stupid, or (the other50% of the time) he was just kidding.

But, Goku is, or atleast from my view, a friend. And by saying the above paragraph, i intend no ?to offense goku.

Also, I read this topics name "Colin,proven he is a hacker", and i really have seen no real proof, everyone can camp, if you have a good spot where you can keep all entrances in your field of view.

I think that cover everything, any questions? ?;D

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 12:47:48 pm
Rapid,i never gimped you.....>.>......and you wouldnt be praising me and all that stuff while i was in your clan....while typhy said i was doing great,and u werent in the cbs half the time i was in them.Anyway....myst,just kidding?...O.o.Well.....rapid....i bet you would be standing up for me right now,but since im not a member of your asshole squad anymore you diss me every chance you get.Anyways rapid,playing crappy for you i didnt.....O.o...And i have screens with the ak name to prove it.And jeb,haha....ya,lets go ;)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: theN00b on June 28, 2002, 02:25:33 pm
BAH Goku! He did not cheat. Also any one know how to cheat? jk. Anyhow you have nothing to support your argument! Oh btw Rapid that was a pretty funny post. lol

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 02:45:55 pm
I already admitted i was wrong cossak..O.o......and now my sniping nizo is with every1 on the fact that im a noob...lmoa,w/e

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 02:47:51 pm
Oh rapid,i come on fridays to thx.....you act as if you know more about me than anyone else and than i do.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Jeb on June 28, 2002, 02:50:06 pm
Well, goku, sure we can do a little 1v1. but i basicaly beat 3 of your clanmates all alone in a cb (outa the 18kills my team got, i was responcible for 16 by rushing). so yeah, lets go

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 02:56:43 pm
OMG....i just read another part of your post.Assassin would never come on and make fun of me for sucking bad,what are you  8) ing.I LEFT the clan because to much bs was going on.And when i joined those canuks on rampage i said i might have wanted to go back.So he said fine your booted,when i was already gone.It was funny to becuase it was wolfs saying he would go with me gone.And then he stayed,o well.Lol rapid,what ever stick is shoved up your ass you got to pull it out.And i didnt gimp you or shoot you or lose on purpose,its called an off day.Wich your mind has alot.Get over the fact that i know more about my history and the way i play than you do.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 02:57:34 pm
Just for fun tho jeb,its not like i declared war against you.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Brain on June 28, 2002, 03:05:52 pm
wow, goku got a double double, nice work =P

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Jeb on June 28, 2002, 03:06:58 pm
haha, i have a short temper when i'm hungover goku :D :D :D :D ;) ;D :) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) :-[
but yeah just for fun sounds good

Title: Goku, stfu & chg ur name * Start over...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 28, 2002, 04:38:52 pm

And i have screens with the ak name to prove it.

Prove what? ?That you were an |?K|? ?We all know that, it's just your intentions that caused controversy. ?You can claim innocence all you want, but the facts are out and you will stay the way you are. ?You claimed you had all this proof of Colin cheating, and it was a bunch of BS. ?This is BS as well and there's no way for you to prove anything of anything. ?Your deeds are done and your reputation established. ?You might as well do like your clan's name and STFU with all your BS. ?Coming in here to claim someone was lying was the 2nd stupidest thing you could've done other than sabotage my clan in a CB. ?Now dwell on your past and keep acting as if you're all that and a pack of chips chump... ?I play the game, and don't tolerate assholes with bad attitudes or bad intentions. ?You surely thought you could get one by me, but you have now found out how bad it backfired... ::)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 28, 2002, 07:37:05 pm
No,not to prove i was in ak,to prove i wasnt diong bad while i was in ak.

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: Colin on June 28, 2002, 09:26:32 pm
Thank you goku, apology accepted.  I don't really expect an apology from prez since he is such a dumbass.

People, let this be a lesson.  It's much easier to kill an experienced rs player in the heat of battle when other people r shooting at him or being shot by him.  Just because u can kill him a couple of time doesn't mean ur better than him!  8 people going at it is chaos, one person directly fighting another (or two others in my case) is much different.

Well...i guess i won't be posting the screenshots after all, unless u guys really wanna see them (they're pretty funny)

Title: LMAO @ Goku
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 29, 2002, 03:08:07 pm
Sure Colin ;)

Especially if they have any funny comments coming out of their mouths like "AIMBOT" or what not. ?Knowing those 2 whiners, I'm sure there's some good stuff ;D

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: theN00b on June 29, 2002, 04:01:34 pm
Goku, first off I would like to add that my last post was in resonse to the first page of this thread. I did not notice there was a second and I did not have time to remove it.   Right now I am too lazy to remove it. So it will stay. btw rapid I do not hink goku sabotaged your cb. You do not know what to expect with goku, his skills may be up and he may be owning everyone 5 games in a row or he may be sucking like a first day newb

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on June 29, 2002, 08:15:59 pm
I wouldnt say first day cossak....maybe first hour? 8) ;)

Title: Goku, StFu like the name of your new clan fool...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 30, 2002, 06:06:48 am
LoL, it's l8, but I just read this and want to add my 2?

How do I know it was a sabotage? ?The idiot shot me and gimped me during our CB which ?pissed me off beyond recognition. ?After that, all I saw was him playing shittier than his usual self and that's something to raise an eyebrow on... ?Anyways, I have him on ignore in GR and expect him not to bug me since I don't need to be bugged by such a disloyal idiot. ?Thanks 8)

Title: Re: Colin,proven he is a hacker
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on June 30, 2002, 01:12:56 pm
Moderators - plz close this shit up plz.
Its annother stupid flamewar threat that we dont need here!