*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: theN00b on June 15, 2002, 01:34:29 pm

Title: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: theN00b on June 15, 2002, 01:34:29 pm
It truley takes a dedicated person to lead a clan. TASK fell apart after we won 2nd in the BL. It was on steroids. It was aging four times as fast as other clans. So where did I go wrong? It lasted for 1 pitiful month. Someone give me tips on leading a godddamned clan.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Grifter on June 15, 2002, 03:41:01 pm
Wow, I didn't realize that TASK went under....

One thing I've noticed around GR Cossak... the faster a clan grows, the faster it falls.  Clans that let a bunch of people in when they start up usually don't survive very long.  The clans that have made it past the year mark pretty much took a long time to grow.  

You guys started with 3, that all got along and wanted the same things.  You should have only let in members that wanted the same things you three did....  if that makes sense to you.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: theN00b on June 15, 2002, 03:55:13 pm
I want my own pool with jellyfish and sharks in it. So I should make a clan for people that want a pool with jellyfish and sharks in it? (sorry for the lame joke people)

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on June 15, 2002, 06:30:58 pm
I would tell you the PsYcO model for making a perfect clan, but then I would have to shoot you. (For all of you smartasses out there, PsYcO died due to me not being able to log onto GR much anymore)

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on June 15, 2002, 07:12:18 pm
The best way to be a clan leader is not to say "omg yes we are number one and we will pwn j00 all!" Or maybe that's just the way to be a respected clan....

seriously, slower is better. if everyone in your clan likes each other, it helps. *NADS had only 2 members for a  month or two, and it took several month to get up to our total membership of 6.

It also helps to not be a 12 year old whiny bastard who goes fuckin nuts when something unpleasant happens.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 15, 2002, 08:11:30 pm

Wow, I didn't realize that TASK went under....
You guys started with 3, that all got along and wanted the same things. ?You should have only let in members that wanted the same things you three did.... ?if that makes sense to you.

That could be the #1 reason to keep a clan together grif, an not to mention not being an asshole leader and listening to what ur members want.


It also helps to not be a 12 year old whiny bastard who goes fuckin nuts when something unpleasant happens.

And dont take in whiny members, they only cause a threat to bring down the inner structure of the clan

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Mr.Mellow on June 15, 2002, 08:45:00 pm
Yeah VD, don't take in whiny members.. heh heh heh. I think the most important rule to keeping a clan alive is to keep control of how many members join your clan..VD and Mike (from AgT) were smart and have a restriction on how many people can be in the clan. It keeps the clan closer together and less chaotic, because you don't have a new member jumping in everyday. The smaller the clan, the better(Most of the time). Oh, VD, got some news for ya too..PM me whenever you're on GR. m00t!

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Bondo on June 15, 2002, 09:13:41 pm
The best way to keep a clan together is to have all of the members go inactive for a year so that there is no reason for them to leave the clan ;).

Happy 2nd Anniversery DAMN.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 15, 2002, 09:19:48 pm
Consider (unt, when we started up, we had like 4 people for 2 months. we are in month 7 or 8 or something... just don't let the clan grow to fast, and try to get as many buddies as you can in your clan.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 15, 2002, 09:56:49 pm
Jeb.... there is no way Cunt is only 3 months younger then +-KoS-+ ;)

What I did was this..... First, ask one of your best buds to start a clan with you. For me, it was Geek USA. You have to know he is loyal, and is willing to work for the clan.

Second.... you have to recruit people you get along with. Even if they aren't good... you teach them. Don't be demandfull, or they will get sick and tired of your rules and leave the clan.

Third, look for talent in unlikely places. At the time, ElectronicJo and Tech n9ne weren't even considered for clans. I recruitted them because they had great personalities. Now look at them.... probably any clan on GR would take them in... (if tech and ejo were willing to).

The most important thing to learn is to bring people in who are your friends. As soon as you bring in people because of skill, they are demandful, and when they don't get what they want, they leave your clan and make everyone esle leave too. It's a vicious cycle.


Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Brain on June 15, 2002, 10:50:03 pm
too true ult
taf had the same problrm, when i let ppl based in on skill they wanted this, or that, and when it it didnt happen now, they got frustrated and left

we started with about  4 ppl because i had been in clans that had died because of lack of participation
so we added another 2 the next day

actually taf is still running(i left because i dont have time to play with them any more) athough there are only 3 ppl left now...and taf has survived (so far) both leaders having left the clan, cool huh?

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Bondo on June 16, 2002, 01:39:08 am
I think the reason so many clans don't last is all about patience and commitment.  Many players these days don't really know what being in clans is all about.  They are there strictly for the game and not the friendship and so they don't care about the clan other than it meeting their goals.  Sure, at times I wished DAMN was more active, but I didn't run and leave because despite it not completely fitting what I consider the ideal because the people in DAMN have become more than just the people I play with.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 16, 2002, 03:34:04 am
ult, me and bigpat started (unt with in december...
it is now june, that = 7 months. sorry i didn't want to do the math.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 16, 2002, 09:48:44 am
I started +-KoS-+ June 26th 2001  ;)

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 16, 2002, 11:38:20 am

The most important thing to learn is to bring people in who are your friends. As soon as you bring in people because of skill, they are demandful, and when they don't get what they want, they leave your clan and make everyone esle leave too. It's a vicious cycle.


indeed, i agree

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on June 16, 2002, 11:41:59 am
There needs to be a balance between skill and personality...more of one will bring down the other usually.

But essentially what is being said here is correct...

hehe Ult, PsYcO: 11/01/00

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Kilzo on June 16, 2002, 11:45:48 am
Well Cossak, here is what it takes, (and btw, why do you always refer to yourself as the Leader of TASK? As I recall it was me who left ?K and you guys joined with me to form TASK, so remember it was US not you.) It takes alot of time and effort, something you didnt have. And its a good thing it fell because I went about things wrong. I started to let anyone in that had any skill, I was so proud of us that ppl wanted to be a part of it. That hurt TASK and caused alot of stress, fuck I was so sick of babysitting.

Also our co-founder Hawk was never here as well, I think his motives were different then ours. Also Goku and Elim leaving for stfu, they wanted me to go with them, but I wasnt sure if they were all serious or not so I said I would join them if they left. And when they really left I thought to myself ?Well a good Captain always goes down with his ship? So I stayed until there were no more.

Now I see you have to take it slow, and thats what I am doing along with oNe. We are molding our strukture around that of SECT, and with any luck we will be a dominant clan someday. We are now *D$ = De?th $qu?d....

L8r all yall killas

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on June 16, 2002, 01:06:48 pm
DS will fall like task

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Black Sheep on June 16, 2002, 02:47:43 pm
quality over quantity, and i speak from the experience of watching a clan disintegrate around me.

a clan with 30 crappy players stands no chance against a clan with only 5 elite players. because when it all comes down to it, these arent wars, they're skirmishes. 5v5 not 30v5. a small well groomed clan will always outlast the clan with the 247 members because that small clan is a family and they know eachother as well as they know themselves.
true, skill is important when choosing members, but personality is paramount.  if a clan can work to gether like a well-oiled machine they'll win their cbs and last for years.

as for the leaders, when you think you cant come on enough to lead the clan, (assassin) or if you make some really stupid mistakes(romulus) pass the clan to your second in command,  I'm sure CIA would still be around if rom had passed it to me,  i'm sure i would have made a fine leader, but a part of me is glad i didnt get the responsiblity, i much more enjoy beign a gear in the machine rather than the man pressing the buttons.

on another note, SECT uses a council system which i belive is probably the safest way to rule a clan. no actual leaders just votes...

P.S. im gonna miss seeing you around assassin. :)

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 16, 2002, 03:29:25 pm
About the personality part of the clan. That is what makes (unt great. Haveing fun is why people join clans, and i think that having a great asortment of jackasses, and commedians, who can own at rs is a vital aspect of a clan. A clan should be the people you hang out with, and have fun with when your on GR. not just people you tell to Cb. Also, since i'm best friends with bigpat in real life, it makes things alot easyer to manage and comunicate, since i've known my second in command for a long time.

Title: Friendship with your members is needed to be a Ldr
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 16, 2002, 05:23:19 pm
Well Cossak, sorry to laugh, but I have to! :D ?

It takes patience and understanding and knowledge to lead a clan. ?I don't consider myself the best leader, but I do know that I make everything understandable. ?I too got into the problem of letting too many people into my clan, for the same reason of being happy of having others want to be a part of you. ?Quickly I found out that all they want, is to know how you were able to get to where you're at, and use it to do their own. ?I found out that even though I winged it and took a chance to let more members in (The ones that would ask to join) to see if we would get good results, it backfired by actually letting problems join our clan. ?I found out that letting randoms in simply because they bug you to join, was one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made. ?I found out that members that I personally asked to join, have been more loyal and down with the game, than those that I let in simply because they asked to join. ?|?K| has had a lot of players come and go, but somehow, we're still standing(A bit inactive cuz of work, but still standing strong). ?We will continue to stand strong and a good reason for that is me and monk being such good friends. ?Ultimo is right about foundation. ?You need a strong foundation for your clan to revolve around. ?Our newest members these days, join us simply because they know we have a smooth way of running things and have a foundation based around friendship and not skill. ?Sure our skills are good, but our friendship owns all! ?Many became jealous of our clan and attempted to start harsh gossip and rumors to turn off our members from our clan in these forums. ?It worked on the weak links (Thanks for helping our weak links leave us ;) ). ?The fact we can laugh about situations rather than loose our cool and get mad at each other instead, is one of the main reasons our clan stands strong and only inactive. ?When it comes down to it, me and monk know that we will stick together, and that's gonna keep our foundation strong forever. ?We have some other players such as Typhy, StealthSniper and 5150 that feel the same way, so you can count on us 5 to wreck shop everywhere we go together and stick together for many years to come. ?Sure I personally would like to go on a recruiting spree and get some new members, but that would just give us a weak surface on such a strong core. ?It made us look weak and as if we were falling apart in the past, but we were merely shedding our outer skin of weak links 8) ?Friendship is what a clan should revolve around and not skill. ?Grow from that my friend & good things will happen ;)

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: .vooDoo. on June 16, 2002, 07:10:37 pm
jeesh rapido, a simple answer could have surviced instead of a long drawn out lengthy boring post that i found myself falling asleep trying to read. :o

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Brain on June 16, 2002, 07:41:18 pm
i think thet i you want a clan to last, you need to be there for them and set an example of how to act
try to be on gr on a regular basis, that way your clan knows that you are there for them. give them an email address so that they can talk to you in private, when ever thay have a question/ problem ect

and voodo
i think rapid is entitled to detail how his clan has reacted, after all, ak has gone through many things that have the potensial to rip a less robust clan apart

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Kilzo on June 16, 2002, 09:12:18 pm
Well Myst, you have once again shown what an ass you are. Who are to tell what clan will fall aprt? You my friend arent even welcome in most clans bcuz you are an idiot. Im sure you a hawk will make a great pair, such a cute little couple. Anyways, DS will not follow the ways TASK did, I learned from leading my first clan, have you? Sucker! DS will be here for a long time, we may not have 20 members, but the ones who do join will be quality players. And even if it is just me and oNe, we will still survive because we understand the basic principles of the fact that it is just a game and we are here to play.

So take your little pathetic opinions and shove them straight up your candy ass! You are a has been who will not survive. M&H here to kick your ass!!! LMAO!! Fool, get a clue and eat shit. You will be on my ignore list forever after your proven idiocy, have fun you little punk ass bitch!!!


Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Cow on June 16, 2002, 11:52:32 pm
I didn't really bother to read any of the posts but as leader of one of the best R6 clans **SBR**,  i can tell you it is not that hard to be a leader.  Id have to say the most important part of being a leader is having the respect of your teammates and the respect of other clan leaders and their players.  If you don't have respect then gain it and if you can't gain it then it is almost impossible to do anything.  If you have no respect then no one will listen to you and if no one listens to you then you are not a leader at all.  For example Rapid, i am not bashing rapid.  But in the past (when i was in AK) i read his posts and most people laughed at him and ripped him apart on the forums because he had no respect.  Of course you can say friendship and not letting in to many players makes a good clan but that should almost be a given.  Letting a lot of players in is not bad and it can work if you know how to control your players and set down rules for them to follow by.  I am not talking about serious rules but ones that require members to show respect in games and not act like flamers and run their mouth and if they do then kick them out show them you mean business and it sets a tone for the rest of the clan.  Don't be afraid of kicking people out either cause bad members tend to grow like cancer and pull other people in.  

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Oso on June 17, 2002, 12:44:02 am
sorry but i didnt bother to read the entire post of rapids due to he doesnt use paragraphs...hint hint rapid.

Posted by: |AK| Rapid      Posted on: June 16th, 2002, 1:23pm
Well Cossak, sorry to laugh, but I have to!  ?
It takes patience and understanding and knowledge to lead a clan.

something rapid doesnt have =/

and to stay on topic here,

i would say be the example clan member. by 1. not disbehaving to others.  2. respect 3. actually be on so the clan doesnt think they are falling apart. and 4. by being damn sexy

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Casper on June 17, 2002, 01:23:06 am

It also helps to not be a 12 year old whiny bastard who goes fuckin nuts when something unpleasant happens.

So Being 12 Atomaticly makes you a whiny Bitch???

well That would probly be me though

And another thing... you can take alot of members in At first then cut them..... Not sure If you clan Will Be liked  (Talk about what typhy did when Starting Ak) So You just have to Keep at it Like me Im Just Me A Clan Hopper and untill I find a clan Thats right for me alot of clans Will either Be come from Me or ill JusT Be A Clan Whore and hope Later.
WooT ---- I wont be on for 2 weeks i will Be playing Soccer at reagionals for alaska......
We need lots oF Luck and some rain woulld Help To
Cya Later all

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on June 17, 2002, 01:51:25 am
God I love 12 year old runts who capitalize all of their letters in all of the wrong places.

Being an effective clan leader has to do with many things, but nothing more than respect. If your clan doesn't respect you, you essentially are a weak leader. Of course, another way to earn respect is to repeatedly beat their asses in combat.  ;D

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: theN00b on June 17, 2002, 12:50:49 pm
Well I can never be a good leader. SAS dissolved under my command (I inherited power) and so did TASK. The main reason of my downfall is the fact that I can only be on on the weekends. On the weekdays I am the busiest son of the bitch in the world. 6:00 AM wake up go to class for a few hours, practice on my swim strokes at noon to 3:00 Then I go to work, which is kinda relaxing, where you just whistle at people. By the time I get home I am beat. Also I ave a mother fucker as a roomate. He hogs the DSL line all day for his counterstrike. I can post or play during the day only when he is working.?He goes to his freinds on the weekends. Oh btw Kilzo. Did I say I was leader or did I say I was a leader. I forget I meant to say I was a leader. I was kinda tired when I typed that pst up.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Brain on June 17, 2002, 04:06:10 pm
well, there is your number one problem you dont have the time. try joining a clan as a regular member, it is relaxing after leading one

Title: Brain is on a Post Count Mission
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 17, 2002, 06:32:32 pm
Brain, if you would simply spend all the time you use typing, to play RS instead, you would be active as well.
But wait, my bad, you're on a Post Count mission... ?;)

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on June 17, 2002, 07:25:33 pm

So Being 12 Atomaticly makes you a whiny Bitch???

i said nothing of the sort. i said:


It also helps to not be a 12 year old whiny bastard who goes fuckin nuts when something unpleasant happens.

as you can see, there is a plain difference. And frankly, being 12 and mature enough to be kind, sociable, and funny online is not the rule, but the exception. More often than not, 12 year olds are annoying, whiny, and ?think much too highly of themselves to be succesful clan leaders.


Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 17, 2002, 07:37:19 pm
i think that being able to woop on your members in RS helps... when you get someone who is cocky it can hurt the clan. as far as boasting and such. Just get to know who you want to be in your clan, and invite them. it works well

Title: Re: Brain is on a Post Count Mission
Post by: Brain on June 17, 2002, 09:57:26 pm

Brain, if you would simply spend all the time you use typing, to play RS instead, you would be active as well.
But wait, my bad, you're on a Post Count mission... ?;)

first of all, i have to ask, why the hell did you attack me for no reason? what the hell did i do to you? didnt i just DEFEND your position a few posts ago?
sorrry to burst your bubble rapid, but that mission was only to 500 posts
and i dont spend time doing all that much typing either i have a job during the day and at night my parents want me to help run our karate school that maens from 8am till 9 pm i am unavailable to post(today was an exception, i got off from painting an hour early) oh, did i mension that my parents go to bed early because they wake up at 5 in order to get to work?
so that leaves me with a wopping 1-2 hours to post
now, because i founded my clan around the 6 to 7 pm time slot i cant play with them any more, so i left
so i have pretty much lost any reason to play rs any more.(i hate playing with newbies, they have no clue what the hell team play means)
so i use my few free hours to post (12.5%) and play aardwolf (87.5%)
so that leaves me with aproximatly 15min where i post
now can you , rapid, improve, or even maintain your skill level playing only 15 min a day?
i didnt think so
wait a sec...isnt your clan inactive in the bl?
why dont you stop taking potshots at ppl and lead your clan, if i remember correctly, you have a minimum number of cbs to fight, and i'm positive that there are a few ppl out thre who want to (try and) hand your ass to you on a silver platter.

oh and next time if you are gonna come after me, do it in a way that will take me more that 10 sec to think up a response

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on June 17, 2002, 11:10:37 pm
Brain, in case you haven't heard, a ";)" indicates jest. And yes, rapid DOES have a sense of humor.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: jeb in X on June 18, 2002, 12:54:15 am
Rapid doesn't have a sence of humor, he just laughs at what i say ;D :o :( ;D ;D ::)

[The smiley patrol is back on 56k, so you really should watch it now. Ace]

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on June 18, 2002, 01:53:17 am
post clean up in aisle 5.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Ace on June 18, 2002, 02:14:41 am
All I see is some stupid Bruin spamming right above me.

*reaches for the delete button...*

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Brain on June 18, 2002, 08:13:34 am

Brain, in case you haven't heard, a ";)" indicates jest. And yes, rapid DOES have a sense of humor.

really, well, this is the first time i ever saw it...
anyway, i thought he was referring to the post count mission in jest, not the whole message

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on June 18, 2002, 02:59:13 pm
seems too me way too many people here have a brush up their ass and are on the edge.


at least ir's still better than b.net.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Brain on June 18, 2002, 04:06:52 pm
ease up man, all i was asying was that i have never seen rapid make a joke that wasnt at someone else's expense, ok?
sheesh, we are all way to uptight here

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on June 19, 2002, 10:15:54 pm

try joining a clan as a regular member, it is relaxing after leading one

True... but it also can be very fustrating. If you have been a clan leader for a long time... you look at certain things diferently then your current clan leader. Usually, you will get in arguements about how he is running the clan, and eventually the shit will hit the fan. Cuasing you to get pissed off, and start another clan. It's a vicious cycle.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 19, 2002, 10:47:13 pm
As a clan leader, i'd say that the best thing for keeping people happy is taking sugestions. or making rules for them to cb and things. give your players responciblity and choices, and they won't feel like all they do is CB.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on June 19, 2002, 11:06:26 pm


True... but it also can be very fustrating. If you have been a clan leader for a long time... you look at certain things diferently then your current clan leader. Usually, you will get in arguements about how he is running the clan, and eventually the shit will hit the fan. Cuasing you to get pissed off, and start another clan. It's a vicious cycle.

One of the reasons why I abstained from joining another clan after PsYcO tanked. Ihave/had my own philosophies of leading a clan that no one else would understand unless you have played in my system.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Brain on June 19, 2002, 11:28:44 pm

True... but it also can be very fustrating. If you have been a clan leader for a long time... you look at certain things diferently then your current clan leader. Usually, you will get in arguements about how he is running the clan, and eventually the shit will hit the fan. Cuasing you to get pissed off, and start another clan. It's a vicious cycle.

you know, there is an easy way around that, just stop carring... no seriously
if you make a consious attempt not to care it is vary relaxing

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on June 20, 2002, 01:59:04 am
word up to that, brain. I started doin that.... lemme see... almost a year ago now.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 20, 2002, 02:24:13 am
One more sugestion...
Make a clan that as a  Joke (ie. Cunt)
this way no one will expect anything from you, plus its mostly a funny time. It just so happens that my little joke is filled with only the best jackasses :)

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Night Hawk on June 20, 2002, 06:30:52 pm
Task, was a joke, we started out good and then because everyone was not on at the same time period except 1 of the 3 leaders, we fell apart. kilzo could not do it alone. this is an example of a failing clan. Just because everyone is not on for a certain time period of 2 weeks or so, doesnt mean everyone should just leave the clan.  Once 2 of the leaders pretty much left and the other good peopel left, i decided to leave knowing that i had nothing left.  But clans such as ?K and Kos and some others, they dont leave because of most their players arent on.

I dont know why i brought this up really, but it shows how most clans die. Either its because their best bud left, their best player left, or everyone left.   Just one more thign a clan should do........................not to fall apart from one person.


Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: GokuSniper +sTfU+ on June 21, 2002, 12:35:11 am
Cossak,NH,Kilzo......you guys are my best friends on gr.....and just becuase besides us our clan was noob filled doesnt mean i should have left.I always want to stick with you guys becuase rs isnt about winning,its about hanging with your friends and having fun.So nomatter where we are remember the good times and how we are friends.Cossak,sorry for posting off the subject.


Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Night Hawk on June 21, 2002, 10:30:48 am
Yes i was hoping the same goku. but after us 3 went to 3 different places, what we gonna do. ::)

Title: wonders...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 27, 2002, 06:30:18 pm

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????wonders...???

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 28, 2002, 03:53:28 am
a little factoid on Cunt's history...
it all started after i was fresh outa a clan break up (mi6, damn noobs). and i was talking to Assassin about what clan to join, and he talked about how Psyco was a joke at first, and i got to thinking. so i talked to my nizzos bigpat, and pyrex. and Cunt was born. Originaly, we decided on the name, cause the tag looked so cool. then we were forced with figuring out what CUNT would stand for, So its the Crazy Urban Noob tkers. Thinking of making a joke at first, with 3 close friends online is a great thing, it took tons of stress of leading the clan for me. Recruiting for clans should be based of personality, and quality. i've been lucky enough to end up with alot of my close Gameranger buddies in my clan, even though they were in different clans when we started (dvs, crom, briger, fassst,  and bung) its a great thing when a clan is made of people who just chill. Its sorta a blessing that all the shit worked out right. ;)

Title: some |?K| facts...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 28, 2002, 05:10:30 am
Here's a lil history for yah...

When I was a demo player, I seen a group of people that called themselves a "clan" and I thought that was pretty cool. ?Being that I was such a noob and nobody knew me other than those that I played with in RSD, I wasn't able to join some of the bigger clans that were already out. ?Typhy was in the same position as me and wanted the same thing. ?He started wearing |AK| for Alaska and since me and him got along rather well and did excellent as far as teamwork, I decided to wear |AK| too, but decided to make it stand for |Another Killer| instead of Alaska. ?This helped this movement be the start of a "clan". ?Soon we decided this would be our clan and I was nominated #2 and Typhy #1. ?People started modding maps for RSD and we all started playing them and it was getting funner. ?At this point I offered to make us a website, which included all our original members (who were all RSD players). ?We CB'ed HKSDU for our first CB and beat them 6-3! 8) Things were going great other than Typhy having problems with the new maps and them crashing his cpu. ?His parents eventually were over the crashing and banned him from playing RSD. ?This is when he told me that he was leaving |AK| and leaving me with the leadership. ?At this point we had recruited a good group of guys and I decided it would be cool if I took leadership and kept this clan going since we were already known for doing well together. ?I then nominated Monk as #2, and decided to change it from |AK| to |?K| 8) ?Also, I changed it to mean |?ggressive Killers|. ?At this point Typhy asked me if I would be interested in joining his new RS:UO clan since |?K| was only RSD at the time. ?I told him no since we had talked about going out and buying full version to compete against better competition rather than the noobs in RSD. ?After seeing that we were stuck on sticking with |?K|, he asked if he could get back in. ?I said of course :) ?We then started working on team tactics and recruiting more players in search of the ultimate ELITE team. ?Our search proved that we were able to gather a group to get the job done and even win the BL in 3 separate ladders 8) ?Today, we enjoy what we first got here to do, and that is to have fun with some |?ggressive Killings| in a teamwork fashion ;) ?While we are getting a slow start on this new season, don't count us out... ?|?K|, here to stay thanks to the friendship bonds between players we have built over time...

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Jeb on June 28, 2002, 03:27:33 pm
Rapid... mb your idea of fun is  agressivly killing people. but i'd say its more fun to joke around

Title: LoL Jeb, LoL!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on June 30, 2002, 07:55:11 pm
Good for you Jeb. ;)

We have plenty of fun with |?ggressive Killings| ;D

Also, remember around April when we announced Ghost Recon for the mac (Ultimo remembers ;) ). ?That was mighty fun on everyone's reaction ;D ?Even Evill's! ?Well, not so much Evill since he banned me for it :( ?Check it out! Ghost Recon for the Mac announced on April 1st! http://homepage.mac.com/akrapid/GhostRecon.html

Title: LMAO
Post by: AK_Rap1d on July 03, 2002, 01:22:58 am
Well Myst, here's that lil prank that I pulled live and direct ;D

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Typhy on July 03, 2002, 05:41:10 am
I am back and ready to battle!! Yay!!

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Typhy on July 03, 2002, 06:12:22 am

It truley takes a dedicated person to lead a clan. TASK fell apart after we won 2nd in the BL. It was on steroids. It was aging four times as fast as other clans. So where did I go wrong? It lasted for 1 pitiful month. Someone give me tips on leading a godddamned clan.

First off, I agree with Grifter, that the faster that a clan grows, the faster that it dies. I started and commanded AK. The main key I think is to get 2 active members. Who are willing to train people, recruit, and battle. I think that the development of AK was helped by the fact that we started in RSD, and also because we didn't join the battle league for 3 1/2 months.


Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on July 04, 2002, 07:22:13 pm
ive never lead a clan but wut ive learned as a clan member is u must be strong and good at the game to be a leader. if ur in a clan and you can beat ur leader and he makes u a private r u gonna stay in the clan? no. i once had a leader and i threatened to leave and rite there he gave me a promotion. that was a sign of weakness so i left. that clan went down like 3 days later. no one will want to join a clan were the leader has no talent. then i joined a clan that u had to work for a promotion. so i was loyal and i worked and got a promotion. this made me respect my clan leader. like someone said earlier u need your member's respect.

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: Brain on July 04, 2002, 11:22:05 pm
i personally believe that there should be only 3 ranks in a clan tryout/nee member full member and the founder/leader

then give everyone equal say, let everyoone debate the issues, and then the leader should act on the information/opionins gleaned from these debates. of course this system also allows snap decisions to be made when needed
the real challenge is to for the leader not to be come a dictator, but to remain on the same level as the rest of the clan

Title: Re: What it takes to lead a clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on July 04, 2002, 11:28:24 pm
i prefer a system of more ranks because 1. its always nice to have a right hand man to depend on and its just something for your members to work for.