*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: xoclipse on July 01, 2002, 01:34:51 am

Title: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: xoclipse on July 01, 2002, 01:34:51 am
Well guys, the moment you have all been waiting for, the real aimbot. I know have it stuffed and available for download. To download go to

This is the REAL thing, I am not kidding, if you have been wondering how ppl are so good, this is the anwser, check it out

btw, stfu ejo

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Jeb on July 01, 2002, 04:12:06 am
now we all will have a good reason to quite RS and play MOHAA. once people use this widly, i don't see how it could be fun to play anymore. anyhow, i hope its a load of bullshit, or i hope that this post is deleted :)

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on July 01, 2002, 06:40:23 am
To post such a bullshit is really stupid!

Xoclipse : u only reach with this bs that evry damn newb uses this stuff and think he is good. And after that a CB leage will be useless b/c anybody in a team could cheat with this damn tool!

Are u crazy to open this possibility for evry ass?
When yes - then i know who should get banned for a while. B/c this is not fair to other players who are really skillfull and kick ass in RS.

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Brain on July 01, 2002, 08:46:20 am
can we please get a moderator to delete this post?

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on July 01, 2002, 09:40:54 am
thank god i got out of RS when I did...and for everyone's information, a buddy of mine on the PC RS side said that there have been many aimbots converted to macs. Only good thing about playing RS on a PC is that there are servers that prevent hacks and cheats when you play (it really works, I tested it out). I can try to get one of you the program to kill aimbots/hacks, but I wouldn't have the foggiest idea in hell how to port it.

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Grifter on July 01, 2002, 09:48:00 am

Well... I'm not going to delete this thread for a few reasons...

First, if there is a hack out there... everyone needs to know about it.  Otherwise, just the few that do know will be using it to cheat their way to victory....  I'd rather know then not know.

Second, I downloaded it this morning, and have to laugh... I don't think it works....  first, I read the readme... it shows up as a mod... but I didn't get a single hit (even trying) using it..... then I looked into the code... and it's all remarked (commented) out... so it shouldn't work at all....

So, this was another waste of time and worry for everyone.

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Brain on July 01, 2002, 03:39:17 pm
whattamaroon ;D

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: oso on July 01, 2002, 05:03:08 pm
what are you talking about it doesnt work!? i used that aimbot for ages!

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on July 01, 2002, 09:24:10 pm
even if this aimbot does work its so easy to tell if someones using it and theres an easy way to test it.

Title: Bullshit.
Post by: jtsoldier on July 01, 2002, 09:32:58 pm
How did you get that to happen? (The download to actually download)
I tried to download it and IE unexpectedly quit (Error type 12) so I assumed it was a "web browser bomber".

UnAimed  :-[

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Brain on July 01, 2002, 10:13:59 pm
first of all, let me say, with 100% cirtancy that what you download from that site is NOT a working aim bot

all the lines in the code are commented out, and i tried playtesting the program in question, only to find that it does nothing for you at all

secondly, i would like to ask hazard to enlighten us as to his dection method so that we can spot a cheater when they rear their ugly head

Title: MMMM...!
Post by: jtsoldier on July 01, 2002, 10:58:36 pm
I got it to download, finally, and now it won't unstuff, I give up, from what I hear it doesn't work anyway.
Whatta heap of crap.

UnAimed  :)

Title: Lolololololol
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on July 02, 2002, 04:07:19 am
Just another way to get attention isn't it xoclipse!?
First this cheat can't work because the autoaim function is hidden in the RS application. Redstorm did so to prevent cheating(however there was a guy on the pc side that decompilated the application to create cheats and compiled the app again with auto aim and hbs on and other very nice cheats)

Also for the guys who know C and C++ everything after // is only a comment and doesn't influence anything.

Very nice xoclipse

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Grifter on July 02, 2002, 06:33:16 am
BTW, someone please help an old coder out.... when did they actually start calling it "comment" instead of "remark"?

I do know that "comment" is the common term today, but I haven't had a formal language class in 20 years.  I had BASIC, PASCAL and FORTRAN all back in like 3rd - 10th grades....  and that was the last time I actually took  a class in a programing language (learned the rest from just picking up the books and playing... a true hack).  

Anyway, back when I learned them, it was always called "remarks"... that's even why it's the REM line in BASIC, v the // in C, C++, Java, etc.

So I'm just wondering... when it changed if anyone knows.

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Brain on July 02, 2002, 08:16:15 am
well, if i remember correctly our instructor always  called then remarks, but we always called them comments

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: jn.loudnotes on July 02, 2002, 11:33:22 am
Maybe its a southern thing Grift ;)

But I've always heard them called comments - with any language...although all I've ever used myself is PASCAL and HTML.

But what's this about you learning BASIC in 3rd grade?

Programming wasn't exactly a part of our elementary school curriculum...I don't think it was even an offerred course until high school.

When I think about it, the only computers we had access to back then was an old computer lab of Apple desktops running system 7 with At Ease installed.

Gotta love At Ease - it was easy to break out of but then there wasn't anything more interesting on the regular mac desktop.  Ah the joys of 3rd grade. . .

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: zak on July 02, 2002, 11:56:23 am
im the true aimbot, im unbeatable, i sting like a buttergfy and float like a leaf...hmm, that doesnt look right.

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Grifter on July 02, 2002, 01:44:29 pm
I was a lucky one Loud. ?We had time share systems in all the schools when i was growing up.... ?it actually typed on paper... used a 300baud modem to connect and all those things... but it was there ;). ?Mind you, I was a bit young... but all we ever did was simple array stuff, that sort of thing. ?Most of the kids were in 5th and 6th grades (like I said, I always was an over achiever).  My school district was pretty damn progressive... I was going to high school for classes while i was still in jr high... and to UofM for classes while I was still in high school....  They didn't mind pusing you up... even for just one class... if you were at a 6th grade math level in 3rd grade... you went and took it with the 6th graders...  that sort of thing.  The didn't let me go to high school when still in elementry... that was the only limit I seem to remember.

We graduated to TRS 80's in jr high.... then to apple]['s in highschool... ?but it was long long ago.... ?

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on July 02, 2002, 02:04:49 pm
well it depends on wut kind of aimbot. some aimbots require u to minimize and activate it after every game so there ping would be all messed up. others have hot keys. basically if something ridiculous happens like u lean over a corner in siberian base 1 (on the catwalk on top of small) and ur instantly dead when ur enemy is all the way up near the highest point and they get a head shot with a pdw (not a long range gun). its basically a measure of a player. also if ur running at someone and your shooting at them and hitting them while they strafe and they get a head shot off. thats almost impossible with the reticule knock, and the strafing. most aimboters r just stupid and they only shoot one shot on every1 for a head shot. basically if they have all head shots and 100% accuracy u know there using aimbots. and there is a lot of anticheat stuff out for pc but i dont know if there any for mac though. ill look and if i find it ill post it.

Testing it: first announce that u want a test. lets say u think Grifter is using auto aim. (just an example) u would put someone in front of a door and make grifter shoot outside the frame of the door. this would be impossible with autoaim since the croisairs would automatically go to the persons head. although some aimbots have hotkeys to turn off aimbot in the game. basically the only sure way is to get anticheat stuff.

another cheat that u would have to watch out for is the .50 caliber cheat and the armor cheat.

if u want to know any other mod testing things just message me.

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on July 02, 2002, 03:31:02 pm
However Hazard you are speaking about Vertigo's RS cheats for PC who doesn't make it to the Mac because it is a new compiled RS app. So you would have to rewrite the whole application code for Mac I highly doubt that there is a hobby  Mac programmer that would do such bs.

Pie Tactic's about Vertigo cheats (http://www.piestactics.com/guide/articles/cheatingfaq.asp)

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Destructo on July 02, 2002, 06:15:59 pm
Xeoclipse or whatever his fuckin name is spelt, is doing this, like Mauti said, to get everyone's attention.

I'll be sure to boot his ass out of my games.

And, what a stupid idiot he is, he could have kept this "aimbot" to himself and owned everyone if it did even work. But then again, we see how the mind of stupidity works on yet another installment on this forum.

Everyone who think this guy is a fuckin idiot, say "aye" ;D

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Destructo on July 02, 2002, 06:21:33 pm
Sorry to double post...i just d/l'd this "aimbot"


nice commets.

Wow that long and hard programming must have takin you a whole 30 secs. id you use C or C++, or no, you must have used SIMPLETEXT! hahahahaha

i better re-enfoce my firewall, we got a live one here.

//Aimbot Coding

//***Enable Auto-Targeting***
//***End Scripting***

Holy shit i can hit a guy from 300 yards below sea-level right between the eyes!

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Brain on July 02, 2002, 07:11:03 pm

food for thought: is xoclipse vertigo?

Title: Aye!
Post by: jtsoldier on July 02, 2002, 07:15:30 pm
Thats some almighty complicated scripting there ?;)
I say "aye". Destructo has a good point about how he could've kept it to himself, but its so clearly a hoax.

Dumdedum... Off chatting again. ?:)

UnAimed ?::)

Brain: Quite possibly? But if he was, I think he'd have actually made the cheat WORK.?!

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on July 02, 2002, 08:00:13 pm
Lol Xoclipse is never Vertigo who is an extremly skilled PC programmer also as a side note Vertigo sold his cheats then told all others how to find out who cheats and sold his next version where he closed this backdoor. And speaking about decompiling an app has nothing to do with using simple text  ;)

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: theN00b on July 03, 2002, 02:18:41 am
God damn I hope this never makes it to MAC. I hope you are right Mauti

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: Jeb on July 03, 2002, 04:30:49 am
a friend of mine from school, who was ranked as the top Rogue Spear player on the Zone, quit playing because of the cheating that happens on PCs. Hope that doesn't happen to us.

Title: Re: I have the REAL aimbot
Post by: xoclipse on July 05, 2002, 08:30:19 am
wow, i really have to laugh at all this!
and btw, dest, its X-O-clipse, not X-E-O-clipse, how could  i be dumb, if you cant even spell xoclipse right?

aimbot, real,HAHHAHAHAAH

later gullable fellas