*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Cobra6 on June 03, 2001, 04:34:53 pm

Title: New Models
Post by: Cobra6 on June 03, 2001, 04:34:53 pm
Hey Coco...can we have flint make the models for the flashbangs, smoke, and sting balls? We should do all new models for everything including the HBS.

Title: Re: New Models
Post by: DKFlint723 on June 03, 2001, 04:44:40 pm
i'll do them if you want me to. those would only take about 2 min each since they are very basic.

Title: Re: New Models
Post by: DKFlint723 on June 03, 2001, 05:19:30 pm
Cobra I just finished the Stun Ball Grenade Model if you want to use it.