*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Cobra6 on June 08, 2001, 09:30:13 pm

Title: New HK MOd
Post by: Cobra6 on June 08, 2001, 09:30:13 pm
Saw this over at Pie's Tactics. This guy is talking about a new HK MOd he just made...here is a quote:

"After the release of other HK type mods, this one is sure to be the best. Why? Here are some answers. First of all, this mod is realistic and very high quality. The HK-Mod has all new gun Sounds, Pictures, Reticules, and 3D Models. Guns on this mod are NOT copied, everything is ORIGINAL. The accuracys on the guns make sense (unlike other mods were the reticules don't move and shoot perfectly). If a gun has strong ammo, it wouldn't be as accurate as a gun with smaller ammo. I use concepts like that in my modding to create a realistic mod.
Now don't get me wrong, Im not dis respecting the hard work put into the other HK type mods, but I can assure you that this HK type mod is the best, by far. I even have proof to back that up, on this web site you can check out everything to sounds to pictures and see why it is so good."


Some good sounds and rets, but thats about it.

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Cocobolo on June 11, 2001, 09:22:24 am
Hahaha who cares, We're up over 8000 downloads so mission accomplished. Anything that comes out and is popular, there will always be those who want to 1 up you. Picture us posting something like "better than those other HK mods" etc... Please, I am not thinking about anybody else's work when I do ours, clouds the judgement, I think you feel the same. Somebody once said you can always reach higher if you'er standing on somebody else's shoulders.

And by the time that mod gets to 8000, we'll hvae 3 other super high quality mods out. HK was just ONE of our projects, remember 8)

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Ghost on June 12, 2001, 11:14:43 pm

This dude copied all his stuff from the HK website....tsk tsk... plus he got some stuff wrong... plus the HK 4 was called the HK 4 b/c it was initially offered in 4 calibers, not just 1 as he says... TiS should stick with making MiB guns and leave reality to real modders...

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Cocobolo on June 13, 2001, 08:04:04 am
Oh you're back eh? I got somethin' for u...
Completed the dayglo orange urban tactical uni's and the camo with ghillie, now what was the other one again? OD?

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Ghost on June 13, 2001, 04:34:12 pm
Thx for the unis, the last one was Olive Drab, as in Vietnam style....any way to have it be a vest, like in Full Metal Jacket? With humanoid skin-color arms? Not super-muscular, just normal dude arms.

In the market for a good rifle, was going to buy a HK handgun but dad talked to my uncle who was a captain in the Nevada Highway Patrol and didn't like the idea 'cuz I'm 14. Anyway, I'll have to get a good bolt action, maybe a 7mm mag or .300 mag, for hunting woodpeckers... they get big around here.

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: chekist on June 13, 2001, 09:17:45 pm


Thx for the unis, the last one was Olive Drab, as in Vietnam style....any way to have it be a vest, like in Full Metal Jacket? With humanoid skin-color arms? Not super-muscular, just normal dude arms.

In the market for a good rifle, was going to buy a HK handgun but dad talked to my uncle who was a captain in the Nevada Highway Patrol and didn't like the idea 'cuz I'm 14. Anyway, I'll have to get a good bolt action, maybe a 7mm mag or .300 mag, for hunting woodpeckers... they get big around here.

:D Hunting woodpeckers with a .300 Mag?!? LOL What are they, the size of an elephant?  That's funny!  ;D

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Cocobolo on June 14, 2001, 08:28:29 am
OK ghost, I assume you mean a flak vest? I'll try to find something that looks the same, I don't have a good image of one. I*'ll make it look dirty like the one I did for operation recovery...

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Ghost on June 15, 2001, 01:07:18 pm
Just played with HK ITD v2.1 in multiplayer... it RULES... I had the SR9 TC, or some sniper rifle like it, with BT (Ballistic tip?) 7.62x51mm. Went undefeated in seven games, then the host went to a mod map of the TV Station, inserts were close together and the UMP 45 Accessorized came in real handy, along with the 30-round USP.

Good work, coco.

One thing, though. Not about this mod, but others. It seems that some people that make mods have never picked up a gun, for the operatives we take charge of in RS/UO are the best in the world, and can hit a target while running. I can hit a target while running, and I'm far from the best. I know this because I have, with the supposedly "bulky" SKS. I'm pretty tired of these "realists" who seem to think that Ding Chavez is a fat redneck with a bad knee.

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Cobra6 on June 15, 2001, 05:48:25 pm
BT was for Black Talon (very deadly rounds).
:-[ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ::)

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: Ghost on June 15, 2001, 09:48:05 pm
I noticed.  :)

Title: Re: New HK MOd
Post by: chekist on June 16, 2001, 02:38:39 pm
What's up with these "experts" proclaiming "realistic" weapons?  Probably never even held a gun in their life.
The Rainbow Six shooters are some of the best SpecOps operatives in the world. Read: EXPERT SHOOTERS! Your mods reflect that.  

I saw, in some other, ("realistic") mods, a weapon reticule bloom so much that you can't hit an enemy from ten feet away.  That's real?  From personal experience I know that you can fire, let's say, a SAW, full auto, from the assault position, pretty accurately.  You won't shoot a 2 inch groups,  ;D lol, but you'll be able to put down some accurate fire downrange.

Those "realistic" mods portray some kindergarten kids attempting to fire automatic weapons ;D

Keep up the good work, guys!