*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Peter Pallen (HardHit) on March 17, 2001, 03:25:20 pm

Title: H&K Mod for rogue Spear WORKS !!!
Post by: Peter Pallen (HardHit) on March 17, 2001, 03:25:20 pm
Hey Cocobelo,

I got the mod to work in Rogue Spear.

And I really love this mod.

If anyone is interested in how it works don't hesitate to email me.

Best regards and keep up the good work,

Peter Pallen (HardHit).

Email : ppallen@pandora.be

Title: Re: H&K Mod for rogue Spear WORKS !!!
Post by: SiCkPoiNtE on September 16, 2001, 12:05:04 pm
Hey I tried e-mailing you to ask how to get it too work but it said your e-mail wasnt valid. So can you just please tell me over the forums? Thanks.

Title: Re: H&K Mod for rogue Spear WORKS !!!
Post by: TRD_LonelyGhost on September 16, 2001, 12:44:01 pm
i would like to be interested in how it work s to so if you can e-mail me and let me know   cdromkid1@home.com