*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: AMBROSE on November 13, 2001, 01:57:58 pm

Post by: AMBROSE on November 13, 2001, 01:57:58 pm
Read my post at Opp Clan. it isn't the one i wrote last night but very close still. i just took out some of the Fs i used.
        The Opp Clan stinks. they are all talkin like they are in da hood! they all think they are pimps! wats wrong with those guys, JEEPERS!?  ???

            Brando's beeotch pimp moma- AMBROSE ;D
                 joke! ;D

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 13, 2001, 02:29:28 pm

I was on TRD forums and i found THIS!!!!!

"I am sickened at the blatant theft of the TRD PISTOL Mod by some idiot who thought he/she was being cute. I don't have time for people like this and if they thought they were hurting the TRD Clan they were wrong. The people they hurt are themselves. I am at the point right now where I want to quit modding. So for those who did this ask yourself...Was it worth it.
Cobra6 OUT!!!"

Cobra quit modding? NA this just can't be true! Not cobra! did those pimps really piss him off so much? COBRA IF U HAPPEN TO READ THIS PLEASE REPLY!

           a very VERY sad -AMBROSE :(

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: Suicide_Commando on November 13, 2001, 02:54:36 pm
I sincerely hope that that is not the case. Cobra'd be letting those idiotic fools win if he did quit. I think that this will just give Cobra and Coco all the more reason to put out an amazing (isn't all of their work) mod to completely blow away those pirating (sp?) , childish , unscrupulous morons who have no ethics whatsoever.

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: Cobra6 on November 13, 2001, 06:17:36 pm
I contacted their administrator for their web site and told them about the copyright information. They are going to take the appropriate action.

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: TRD_LonelyGhost on November 13, 2001, 06:22:30 pm
damn yall got me fealling bad with all these post as if i started this i guess i should just quit what i do on the game im out peace :(

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 13, 2001, 06:31:36 pm
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! snap outa it GHOST! be a man! its not your fault! everything is gonna be okay :D Don't quit. u did the right thing man! and im prouda ya! :D and don't forget ur ol bud AMBROSE is here to make ya laugh with his stupid ramblings ;D TRD CLAN is a great bunch of guys and it would be stupid if u quit! i know u will do the right thing bud ;)

                                            -AMBROSE ;)

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: Cobra6 on November 13, 2001, 06:33:46 pm
Naaahhh...Nobody is quiting anything. I am taking the appropriate actions against the person who has the mod on their site for download. Their administrator was very interested in the fact they are doing this, so I suspect they will not have any web space for long. In the event they go to another server I will be there writing more letters until they decide it is not worth it.

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 13, 2001, 06:35:52 pm

                                 -AMBROSE :o

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: Suicide_Commando on November 13, 2001, 06:56:59 pm
Good.I'm glad you're taking the appropriate action Cobra. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 13, 2001, 07:31:15 pm

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: Cocobolo on November 14, 2001, 06:45:33 am
Hats off to Cobra, I've never seen you this ruthless before, lol! Going to the web host was a stroke of evil genious! ;D Genious I say!

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 14, 2001, 08:42:43 am
Go above the dam to source of the water to cut off the flow (symbolic). Good job Cobra, and where can I get a copy of this mod? No, I wont be passing it around, because:
a) I'm on a Mac, and have a sence of loyalty
b) I am permabanned from GameRanger (Our ONLY game-finding program!!) so I cant play multy with it..

If you can hook me up with a copy, ?I will try to convert it... (I think it should be easy enought, right???:))


Happy 500th Post Coco! It will be soon now! ~ Romulus

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 14, 2001, 01:38:30 pm


Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: Cocobolo on November 14, 2001, 02:28:01 pm
Jeeez, 500 posts, wow! :o

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 14, 2001, 03:11:18 pm
I still hold the most POSTS for a GUEST !  ;D

                                        The Post Man -AMBROSE ;)

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: {E}LuSiVe on November 14, 2001, 03:23:40 pm
Actually i was part of this forum for a LONG time without registering, so consider yourself behind me, but not by much. hehe...  8)

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 14, 2001, 03:31:18 pm

                             -AMBROSE ;)

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: AMBROSE on November 14, 2001, 03:36:04 pm
ALSO! ;D How do u become a MEMBER anyway? Do u need to have some sort of requirements to be a MEMBER ???

                       -AMBROSE ???

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 14, 2001, 04:22:15 pm
Ambrosha - Yes, they would lose their site, and then the next one and so on, until Cobra decdeds to let them off... (sry bout ur name spellinf) About the account... Up near the top there are some in-site links. under that there is a bar  with like 'home', 'help', 'search', 'login', and 'regerster'... Click on the regester button and then fill out the form and you can have an account!

PS - Im nearly at 500... Coco finaly beat me... damn :)

PPS - I want to play a game vs u PeeCee peoples some time, lets hook up on MaG (Mac Gaming League - app also out for PC!) and we can play... I want to see how good teh best really are!

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: ViX on November 14, 2001, 06:46:51 pm
*posting just to catch up*

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: SiGmA_X on November 14, 2001, 09:10:26 pm
**Posting not to be beeten!**

\\Romulus ~ Post Number 497 [3 to go!]!

Title: Re: READ MY POST!
Post by: _TwoTimer_ on November 15, 2001, 03:18:34 pm

Does it count how many U read?
Just kidding!!!
Some guys got more than 500!
What do U guys do?
Don' t U have any jobs?  ;)

_TwoTimer_ aka Pidjen