Title: Help Post by: Cobra6 on February 03, 2002, 04:19:27 pm Need a pic of an RPG-7 if anyone has one. A side view would be great.
Title: Re: Help Post by: Suicide_Commando on February 03, 2002, 06:59:53 pm http://www.emergency.com/rpg7.htm
Only black and white though ???? http://www.afghanwar.spb.ru/18/oni8.htm http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/galleryfiles/0600/649.htm http://www.sci.net.au/londonb/enemy_page.htm http://www.soft.net.uk/entrinet/nva_vc_smallarms.htm#RPG-7 Title: Re: Help Post by: Cobra6 on February 03, 2002, 07:11:30 pm Can you find a color version of the first one?
Title: Re: Help Post by: Suicide_Commando on February 03, 2002, 07:22:45 pm Sorry , think that's the best I can do. Can't seem to find any good color pics.
Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 03, 2002, 08:29:34 pm http://www.army.cz/technika/zbrane/rpg7/rpg7.htm http://www.kam.lt/ginklai/ginkluote_rpg7.htm
http://www.army.cz/technika/zbrane/rpg75/rpg75.htm (75) http://www.mod.gov.sk/e-ziny/armada/2001_07/004.html (small) http://www.nellis.af.mil/UNITS/547IS/TTF/RPG7.htm here ya go Mr. Cobra Title: Re: Help Post by: Suicide_Commando on February 03, 2002, 08:35:43 pm Well those blow mine out of the water (no pun intended). ?You speak Russian or somethin Grenade? ? ? :D
Title: Re: Help Post by: Cobra6 on February 03, 2002, 08:38:38 pm Great job guys...I can always count on the people in this forum for help. How about some hi-res russian weapons..hehe
You guys are going to love this mod. Title: Re: Help Post by: Suicide_Commando on February 03, 2002, 08:44:18 pm I only wish you would add the post Soviet Union Russian weapons. There are so many amzing designs. Other than that I'm going to love this mod. ;D How many weapons are going to be in it anyway?
Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 03, 2002, 08:47:40 pm http://www.tamiltigers.net/weaponary/shmelrocket.htm (check this out )
http://www.wp.mil.pl/zdjecia/rpg7.jpg http://www.wp.mil.pl/_en_paf/e_4_7_1_n.htm http://www.nellis.af.mil/UNITS/547IS/TTF/AKDisplay.htm http://www.nellis.af.mil/UNITS/547IS/TTF/Display2.htm http://www.nellis.af.mil/UNITS/547IS/TTF/Display3.htm http://www.china-defense.com/infantry/type-69/type69rpg_2.html Hope these help, remember to always use Google. Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 03, 2002, 08:50:01 pm I wish i knew Russian , i just look for RPG-7 in the description, easy as that.
Title: Re: Help Post by: kazan on February 03, 2002, 08:56:11 pm THAT'S THE WAY JUST LOOK FOR THE NAME NICE PICS BY THE WAY :D
Title: Re: Help Post by: Suicide_Commando on February 03, 2002, 08:59:46 pm To hell with Hotbot. I'm usin Google from now on.
Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 03, 2002, 09:10:18 pm Lol !!! I always use Google unless i am lookin up a specific .com then i use Yahoo. Thanks Kazan, I went through about 10 -15 pages to get these , wasn't that hard. If you ever watch Techtv they always recommend Google.
Title: Re: Help Post by: Suicide_Commando on February 03, 2002, 09:12:40 pm It's nice having these boards alive again
Title: Re: Help Post by: kazan on February 03, 2002, 09:38:52 pm yep google is the way to go it can be a pain in the ass finding pics but just think what we'll get out of it when cobra&mac are done bros.. ;D
Title: Re: Help Post by: Cobra6 on February 03, 2002, 10:25:18 pm Great Job again!!! As it stands right now I have 14 assault rifles, 1 RPG, a MON50 (claymore mine) and 4 types of frags. I have been playing it alot and it is looking real hot. Just remember this is a 1-2 month project, but it will be worth it. If you find anything that resembles a Soviet Bloc weapon put the pic or the URL uo in this thread and I'll make sure the credit goes to you. ;)
Title: Re: Help Post by: kazan on February 03, 2002, 11:55:48 pm dont no if u need anny mroe pics bout i found some on these pages http://www.gunsworld.com/ak/ak_mod_us.html
http://www.gunsworld.com/gun_ar/vz58.htm http://www.gunsworld.com/ak/ak_china56_us.html http://www.gunsworld.com/ak/ak_su_us.html Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 04, 2002, 05:51:52 pm More...
http://kalashnikov.guns.ru/ http://guns.ru/ http://www.sovietarmy.com/ http://www.ultimak.com/ (thought you might like this one) http://www.ak47world.com/ Heres some czech stuff if ya want it. http://www.flyinglead.com/worldofczs/czrifles.shtml Polish here. http://hem.passagen.se/dadkri/index.htm Some pistols here. http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg58-e.htm Have fun heehee . Title: Re: Help Post by: Tek on February 04, 2002, 07:55:20 pm This might be a deviation from the thread's topic, but I always wondered what kinds of guns my gangsta bruthahs in the Philippino Army use.
Title: Re: Help Post by: B2K_Ghost on February 04, 2002, 09:18:35 pm Cobra6 you have the AN-94 right? I know you had a pic of it a year ago when one of us suggested it for a mod.
Title: Re: Help Post by: Cobra6 on February 04, 2002, 09:29:28 pm Im sure I got it on my HD somewhere, but I am looking for Hi-Res pics for this mod...so Im searching all over the place
Title: Re: Help Post by: WardenMac on February 04, 2002, 10:57:02 pm I love the pic of the ultimak gernade, I need a side view with the scope lids flipped up ;D. Cant believe I actually liked a ak, its hot. That Veper (think that what it was) isnt bad either
Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 05, 2002, 12:24:22 am http://www.gunsworld.com/ak/an_94s_us.html
http://www.in-arms.com/port/browse.asp?catid=246&linkid=1811 http://world.guns.ru/assault/as34-e.htm http://club.guns.ru/eng/abakan.html http://weapons.0golf.com/firearms/abakan.htm Some AN-94 pics here. Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 05, 2002, 12:36:35 am http://www.ultimak.com/photos.htm
Hey Mac, down this page is a side view of the scope, it ain't the same gun though. Is this ok, i could dig up a better pic if ya want. Title: Re: Help Post by: WardenMac on February 05, 2002, 07:22:10 pm You came through gernade, dont know if cobra will usem, but Ill makem, thx bud. I love that vpr II. Not a side shot though.
Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 05, 2002, 09:47:47 pm Some Vepers:
http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/v.htm http://www.bsporting.com/ROBARM.html Some Veprs: http://www.rbs.ru/vttv/99/Firms/Molot/e-vepr.htm http://www.weareguns.com/supervepr.htm http://club.guns.ru/eng/vepr.html http://www.impactguns.com/store/vepr_II_308.html http://www.armedresponseinstitute.com/vepr_.htm http://www.armedresponseinstitute.com/body_vepr_.htm http://www.dsgun.com/Robinson%20Armament%20Co.htm (this one) http://www.cavalryarms.com/vepr.htm This oughta do...eehhh. :) Title: Re: Help Post by: TRD_LonelyGhost on February 05, 2002, 10:28:09 pm http://www.geocities.com/nkvdman/1947weapon_RPG2.htm
http://www.depo.org.pk/products/pmtf/images/rpg7.jpg http://www.psni.police.uk/museum/text/captions/sec5pl29.htm Title: Re: Help Post by: chekist on February 06, 2002, 11:51:08 am Quote This might be a deviation from the thread's topic, but I always wondered what kinds of guns my gangsta bruthahs in the Philippino Army use. Say whaaaat? You tell us, tough guy ::) Title: Re: Help Post by: WardenMac on February 06, 2002, 05:03:28 pm Thanks for the pic gernade, I know how long it takes to find them. I looked for this one for a while. Dont know if it will make it into the mod or not. I just wanted you to check it out. Turned out pretty good I thought. Keep helping cobra ?and coco out guys, as usual everyones coming through for them.
"(http://www.starrlyn.com/gunpics/ss1.jpg)" Title: Re: Help Post by: AMBROSE on February 06, 2002, 06:40:36 pm Yeah MAN!!!! Cool!!! MORE PICS!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Help Post by: Suicide_Commando on February 06, 2002, 07:27:07 pm Very , very nice Warden. Now someone needs to do the SVU. ;D
Title: Re: Help Post by: Mr_Grenade on February 06, 2002, 07:47:09 pm Niiiiicccceeee pic Mac. Need more pics ? I can dig some more pics up i have lots if time on my hands. Anything you need. I put a link to a hack in the forum that makes Google your search engine in explorer, if ya did not see it, check it out.
Title: Re: Help Post by: WardenMac on February 06, 2002, 09:22:59 pm I appreciate it guys. Im waiting for cobra to shoot me some more pics. This Warsaw mod is his baby, so Im not sure right now exactly what he wants. But dont worry, if he or coco needs something they will let us know.