*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Mr_Grenade on March 18, 2002, 04:46:47 pm

Title: MP5 Pic Hehe,,,,
Post by: Mr_Grenade on March 18, 2002, 04:46:47 pm

Title: Re: MP5 Pic Hehe,,,,
Post by: kazan on March 18, 2002, 10:07:48 pm

Title: Re: MP5 Pic Hehe,,,,
Post by: WardenMac on March 18, 2002, 10:30:28 pm
I have a friend that made a model of that wep, it actually turned out really good. Just dont know what mod theme it would fit. Maybe the rediculously engraved and extremely overpriced weapons mod

Title: Re: MP5 Pic Hehe,,,,
Post by: SabreSix on March 19, 2002, 01:56:00 am
? ? My uncle Herb sold cars. He told me, "Boy, just remember, there's an ass for every seat." ?Guess he was right. Just didn't know it would be a jackass.

I woulda' guessed maybe a Saudi had the damn thing made to go with those dumbass gold plated AK's they've got, but the scrollwork has a suspiciously Western(Texan?)touch. ?Waste of good engraving. ?Well, bright side, at least the work kept somebody in beer and pizza money.

Title: Re: MP5 Pic Hehe,,,,
Post by: Raven2367 on March 19, 2002, 07:43:25 am
ohhhh god that poor mp5
how can anyone be so cruel
that realy sux
:o >:( :o >:( :o >:( :o >:( :o

Title: Re: MP5 Pic Hehe,,,,
Post by: Cocobolo on March 20, 2002, 12:22:02 pm
I agree with Sabre, that thing is ghastly... Don't get me wrong, it looks like a very skillful engraving job, but why? Kinda looks like a persian style to me, but hey, anybody from anywhere can emulate any style, so who knows...