*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: TooTH FaiRy on March 29, 2002, 02:42:59 am

Title: Coco .............!!!
Post by: TooTH FaiRy on March 29, 2002, 02:42:59 am
--- ;D  HEY BUDD-A-ROO, hows yer goin, well,i got something; nothin to big or anything, but i was jus wondering - and hell, the guys might even think this could be a "great" "small" idea! -     Anyways, i got a request for yua lad!   Have you ever thought of liek making a lil standoff section, of liek having Armpacths?!?!   Like if you made a bunch of armpacths for us, and like Badge armpacths, liek SWAT, SEAL, Marine Corp, ext ext, blah blah blah!!!...  I htink that would be kinda phat, yua?!   I don kno; jus try to think of doin somethin liek taht in considiration ???   Then all of your followers and Supporters can show who the respect besides their own damn clan...  8)    

--- Ahhh!?!? Another thing i need a lil helpy on...  OK, for some reaosn out of the ordinary, the fooking "FOG" and "lighting" do NOT show anymore, and ive scimmed and scoodled, but everything seems to be ok, i got the stuff activated, liek SHOW FOG and DIAMIC blah blah blah... so i went to go see if any mod may hve done it, deactivated everything to back to normal, wasnt mod, (maybe i should try reinstalling...) cuz i havent DLed anythign TOO recently.... its jus that, outta the blue, its not there anymore, and i went to files to see if they might be there, and there Still there...............  I DON KNO!!! Im a fooking tard at times - well most of time - so if you, or any others; basically im askin;         WTF could it be GoDAMMiT...?!?!    
 Thnx Coco (and/or anybody else who gets to this b4 the big man does...)