*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Cobra6 on April 06, 2002, 06:42:13 pm

Title: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Cobra6 on April 06, 2002, 06:42:13 pm
I was looking at the Official SWAT Mod and I was thinking that the DTD Pro Mod Team needs their own SWAT Team. Well, I am leaving the wepons selection to our faithful in this forum. Please let me know what weapons are your favorites, weapons from our other mods is ok. If it is a rare weapon, please give me a link to a good quality side photo. Who knows...your weapons may appear in V2.0 of the Official SWAT Mod. Coco can you make the DTD Pro Mod SWAT Uni's and design a cool patch? For those of you with good artistic skills now is the time to submit a shoulder patch to use in this mod. Have fun!  ;D

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Suicide_Commando on April 06, 2002, 07:20:05 pm
Ohhh Ohhh me first.  ;D  I would like to see a Steyr GB , the best pistol of all time. Here's some info and a pic.
http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg71-e.htm  I've got some other pics on my hd but they are rather small.  :(

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: TooTH FaiRy on April 06, 2002, 11:27:09 pm
:D  YA YA, OK, i would say,
PRIMES -  A Colt Car-15 (or any other CQB Colt prime-arm; aloso maybe scoped, or nightvision, lol, is it possible with thermal-scope?!!), Hk G36c, Hk 53 A5N/A3, Mossberg CQB Shotgun, Steyr 9mm Carbine, SIG 552 ;  SR's - MSG90, PSG-1, Remington-T51 ; SIDEARMS -  Beretta 92/96 Birgadier .40, SOCOM/ NOT SP, Glock 30/18                  ---------  and for the Unis, I lvoe the SEALs CQB Uniform, and anything taht would deffintly be DTD style !!!  ;)

I guees tahts all i can think of :/  lol, its not like yau'll are gunna even pay attention to what i say, yaull never do !!!   >:( ??? >:(            8) ::)

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: {E}LuSiVe on April 07, 2002, 12:26:28 am
leave the armpatch to me mwahahaha ;D ;D

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Cobra6 on April 07, 2002, 01:38:31 am
Here are my choices:
Primaries: HK MP-7, HK UMP9mm, Colt RO635, HK 53A3, HK 53k

Secondaries: Taurus Raging Bull, HK SP-89

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Mr_Grenade on April 07, 2002, 02:46:29 am


The Calico Liberty 100.


(Click on pics to geta better pic)

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: kazan on April 07, 2002, 02:54:55 am
The OLYMPIC ARMS OA-93 http://www.law-17.com/OA93.html

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: TooTH FaiRy on April 07, 2002, 11:35:54 am
:D HEY, exactly what DOES   DTD*  Stand for again... ??!
DTD = ?   ??? ??? ??? ??? ???  :o ::)

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: WardenMac on April 07, 2002, 02:53:35 pm
Im with you on the ump cobra, love that wep. We need a new variant of the clear ump tacked out. Sound good?

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Raven2367 on April 07, 2002, 04:10:12 pm
a COLT SOCOM and A H&K SOCOM as Hand guns
a Tactical GIAT FAMAS and a M4 w/ Laser as assault weapons
a Mp5 SD, a UMP 45, a P90 SD and a STEYR AUG as SMGs
a Colt Accurized Rifle and a PSG1 and a M16 scoped as Sniper weapons
and a Mosberg CQB Shotgun and a Spass12 as SGs
and have you ever seen the german Swat uniforms?? they look great!!!

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Grendel_BHZ on April 07, 2002, 05:44:31 pm
personally I would like to see the ZM LR - 300 with an ACOG sight and silencer, and for a sidearm I would have to pick the FN Five-seven with a lazer... :D

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Cobra6 on April 07, 2002, 10:42:45 pm
Most of the weapons mentioned here with a few exceptions are already in V2.0. What I do promise is that the weapons inventory pics will be the best quality you have ever seen (the DTD Swat ones anyway) I am really taking my time to find the best pics to use for the DTD weapons. Kinda our signature series of weapons.

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: {E}LuSiVe on April 08, 2002, 12:37:41 am
finished the armpatch- its in ur email.  8)

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Cocobolo on April 08, 2002, 10:00:45 am
OK this is great guys, but remember, you have to give a big, clean dead-on side shot of the weapon you would like to see....Otherwise I can't make a decent texture. And if these are gonna be the DTD team weapons, they have to ALL be top notch looking specimens indeed....
I have to look around my weapons pics inventory for this one, but fear not.... As for the uni's, got that covered buddy...
Now I guess this means that we'll have to include a "you vs DTD" mission in with this one.....or a series of training missions going against the other SWAT depts...?  Hmmmmmm

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Cobra6 on April 08, 2002, 12:27:27 pm
I agree with Coco...Only Hi-Res pics will make into the DTD signature series of weapons. I spent all of last night searching for weapons pics and you should see my new MP5...WOW :o You can even see the writing on the magazine. Take a look.And notice the selector switch is in the "Full Auto" mode. ;D

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: WardenMac on April 08, 2002, 03:49:53 pm
Ive been searchin too, found a few. Let me know if you guys want them.

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Ugly Tiger on April 18, 2002, 10:51:20 pm
OK OK, the only one i truly TRULY ask fer, is the M4 Shorty, an exact duplicate of your Nakama Xingsu uses, and maybe with like a trihandle SOP handle, but one hting i really really want on it, is liek a SNIPER SCOPE, big as fook attatched to it, PLZZZZZZZ    ;D ;D ;D
OMG, that would be killer  8)              ::)
Infatc, im gunna look for some pix, brb...

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Ugly Tiger on April 19, 2002, 11:47:32 pm
8)  OK, i cant find any pix of teh AR-15 "SHORTY" at anywhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, hmm, lol, not google or dogpile, cant find em there at all, but uhh, if some1 could post some pix of it if they can find some good pix  ;D Thatll be helpfull   ???  

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: SabreSix on April 20, 2002, 02:07:01 am
While your about it, could someone please do a decent model of the MP5N w/SureFire forearm AND flash suppressor?

By the way, if anyone is interested, take a look at Bushmaster Firearms site. http://www.bushmaster.com/ Swan of G,G&G has designed a new forearm for the M4 called the S.I.R.  Being tested now by USSOCOM for inclusion as part of the M4 Block II Upgrade.

Also check out the new RSS M4 collapsible stock designed by the folks at Magpul.  It too is undergoing testing. So new it's not even on their website and does not appear to be for sale yet.

What the hell, while I'm throwin' URLs around might as well include this one:


Has a wealth of real world, no bullsh_t firearms and ammunition data.

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Ugly Tiger on April 21, 2002, 12:55:06 pm
can someone PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ gemme a link fer pix on teh Colt arm - AR-15 'SHORTY' and jus liek teh ones in US TAC and the one that the Kama guy uses in RDG  ??? ;D  
thnx...  8)

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Cocobolo on April 22, 2002, 08:53:11 am
OK there are no "Kama" guys in RDG, they're all mine! lol Anyways, that M4 micro that Nakama Xingsu has is in the RDG mod, and is playable.
The model is by WardenMac, I hooked up the texture and reduced the poly's a tad but nothing about the model was visibly changed.. Haha Mr. "low key" Mac deserves the credit. It's a killer, but putting a big sniper scope on such a short weapon doesn't really make sense since it's so specialized for CQB. The FAMAS has a decent sized scope on it, and I thought that looked a lil odd but f'it... ;) My new favorite wep is the Japanese Type 64 sniper as far as the RDG mod goes...

BTW it's out, go play it!

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Ugly Tiger on April 22, 2002, 08:13:17 pm
:D LMAO, BTW Coco, well, hmm, im gunna se if i can post this somehow, but i have an ACTUALL picture of it ok, its exactly jus like yer US TACs SHORTY and yer RDG SHORTY, like is basicaly the RDG SHORTY but with teh SOP Handle on it, the tri-hand, but it has a huge as Scope on it, and its as alomst as long as the gun its self, yes i do kno its CQB Specialty weapon, but, lol, i dont ever kno, im kinda stupid at these things, my neighbor works fer teh goverment, and he was telling me aboot it, and then he showed me a pic a while ago, and i wanted to see if they had any pix on the interent i could use to re modelize, but havent been able to, so im gunna see if i can try harder to get this thing scanned and post it on here, cuz i tried and i couldnt post the pic  :(  so, hmm, lol, WHATEVER, thnx anyways man...  8)

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Cocobolo on April 23, 2002, 01:38:00 pm
Well it wouldn't be the first time we put an unortodox weapon in a mod (Stinger missile, heh heh ;D)... let us see a pic and we'll go from there...

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: Ugly Tiger on April 23, 2002, 06:37:37 pm
yaaa, ok ok, working on pic still, fer aboot an hour already, adn still trying to figure it out, how do you get it posted up here

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: WardenMac on April 27, 2002, 12:48:18 am
Im back from my long trip to Utah. Glad to see some folks are liking the shorty. Thanks to coco as always, he hooked it up. I think it goes well with the mod, look forward to working on something new. Hope everyone enjoys the mod, they put alot of work into this one and it shows. Fantastic job guys!

Title: Re: DTD SWAT Team?
Post by: WardenMac on April 27, 2002, 11:57:43 am
I remember seeing a pic of the sir in a gun mag. I searched for it but could never find a pic online. Nice looking wep. I scanned a pic of it but my scanner sucks, so I never did anything with it.