*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Cocobolo on May 10, 2002, 01:48:19 pm

Title: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Cocobolo on May 10, 2002, 01:48:19 pm
 ? Some of you have expressed concern over our decision to make GR mods. Some have been asking for them for a while.. Maybe some of you feel like I do, that the community is starting to slowly fold and that RS will fade out. I don't believe that it ever really will completely die, but newer games are pushing it to the back-burner.

Great mods like RLTC and even Red Diamond Group will no longer grab the amount of downloads that US TAC or HKITD captured, because they were released in RS's peak of popularity. This year we stepped it up and caught the end of the wave... We became overnight experts and busted ass to put out what we felt was the best. The inspiration was the people waiting, drooling over our next releases... No disrespect is intended by that, you all know how it goes. Nowadays, people have that interest in GR, and so it has become hard to ignore. I am not one to go for the latest trends, which is why I waited so long to get GR. But I like it.

I love RS, Cobra loves RS, WM loves RS, I can safely say that we all prefer it to GR. But GR has things that appeal to modders, to me the detail level that can be used is a selling point. (We were pushing the RS engine to it's limits in terms of texture sizes and weapon detail.) Also, the immersiveness in deeper. For me, starting out as a texture artist and skinner, later getting into 3d models, I was tempted to skin for games like Unreal and Halflife, simply because of the more advanced/detailed engines. But I could never bring myself to commit the time to learning. Now here comes GR, much more up my alley in terms of the military/tactical aspect.. (outer space gets old) Not to mention that it's much easier than RS and less time consuming to mod. Theoretically, I could put out 3 GR mods alone in the time it would take to build one good RS skin/weapon mod. That's without the rest of the team's help. Of course, GR doesn't allow for a lot of the things we do with RS... (do I seem conflicted? lol) It's a tough thing to say we are "switching" to GR, I don't think I'd say that ever, we rarely plan things out around here. But for now, we're gonna give this a shot.

All our major projects are a team effort, of course, the guys don't have to do the same thing I am doing, and they can make any mod they like thru DTD. To me, DTD is more of a creative outlet than anything else... Maybe that's why our product ends up being so well executed. I look at it like an art project, so I can justify spending an extra 1/2 hour finding a good knee pad texture or 2 hours hunting the web for a gun texture just a little better than the one I already have. Hopefully we can bring this to GR, and ultimately, Raven Shield.

To all you guys/girls who play RS because of the mods, and those who are getting into GR, thanks for your continued support. I hate to leave anybody feeling like they are being left behind, because you're not.

Bye now,


Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Ugly Tiger on May 10, 2002, 04:30:21 pm
:o GoDaMN  Coco - This makes me feel empty on the words i could say, but its nothing so Trivial than the way you have putt'n yourself to make it clear and understanding aboot moving form RS series to GR. .    I mean HeLL FooKing ya - its all true with the modding time and work and blah blaH BlaH . .   GR is a GreaT game - and seeing DTD sortda  gave us the potential of keeping RS fun and rejoycing
Its not hard man - i take it hard, but it all ends up with a good time - sortda like HighSchool, it Fooking sux - the fact that HighSchool is over, and almost 1/2 the friends, true friends, memories (i will be a senior next year in HS) - there over (college is the same as well), and you gotta come to a new point - but sometimes things in life things should never be forgotten, memories that should nto be remembered (thats what pictures and YearBooks are good for, lol)
Feel good Coco - Cobe - WM, because you know you do (taht you fell good), cuz fer teh fact youve satisfied numerous fello's
Fook it man - thinking aboot leaving shit hurts, but keep yer chin up cuz you left this shit without a failure  ;)
  *I Think im gunna cry - hah  :D
But this means GR is going to be some Shizznit - GoDaMN, if RS was this good, maaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Raven Sheild, mm'mmm. .  8)   :P

LOL - ask Cobra aboot the clan weve got going on UO - lol, he likes to stop by and have some fun with us at times  ;)
hehe - cobe - oh SHit !! Tahts rigth the Pix !!  - Ahh, im sending them now Cobe, GoDamn i ferget thigns like this, Coco, Cobe wil have those pix of those AR-15 SHORTY's - lol, k ?  
Oh. .  P.S. - And Coco, LOL, shit, well no Duh you majored in ENGLISH, you need to Fooking help me man, It took me '4' times to pass 9th Grade English, i just got to 10th English ::LMAO::  But im getting out of AP Calculus with like, going on with a 90's area Final, and then ill be taking damn AP SAT - boy is taht gunna be a ass, math easy, but gemme some lessons with English - told a DMV Advisor to blow me for the fact he wouldnt do my liscence cuz i couldnt pass Friggin English, such horse shit -
ahh well anyways,
thnx Coco/Cobe/WM/All DTD Bitchs. .  
RS is Home - And GR is our Club

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Raven2367 on May 10, 2002, 05:20:38 pm
Man that was nice. I'm on ur side: RS will never die. but its good to try something new sometimes. I remember a year ago as I first came to ur site. it was like the place behind the rainbow for rs players with all your nice skins and weps. sometimes i find myself looking at old forum posts. i noticed: so many people have disapearde!! its nearly like home this forum though. all nice people especially you coco. you even help in things that arent about RS. Yeah gost recon isnt so good i think. not enough Urban Ops 4 me. I prefer the RS series.
About UT. If you've got any skins 4 me... ill have them :-)
cos I can never find any good skins for unreal tournament. suppose yours are great :-)
well thanx for your post. I realy liked it!!!
Your fan: Greg

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: ViX on May 10, 2002, 06:47:30 pm
I too prefer RS over GR anyday and I absolutely understand your point. No matter what game you are modding for I am sure that your work as a team will always be the best.

btw, The Sum of all Fears went gold today, looks sweet.

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: dave-s on May 11, 2002, 06:43:59 am
Awww, now Im gonna have to buy it ;)

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: {E}LuSiVe on May 11, 2002, 11:21:03 am
i like both, i really dont have a favorite. glad to see u guys are experimenting. ;)

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: WardenMac on May 11, 2002, 06:07:07 pm
Well said my friend

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Mr_Grenade on May 12, 2002, 12:00:28 pm
I think if Raven Shield turns out to be an awesome game alot of peeps will abandon RS/UO anyway ( except us peeps with low end systems who couldn't play Raven Shield ), so doin some GR moddin is good . Get some GR mods out before the next RS hits and so the masses can see your awesome talents .

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Sho. on May 12, 2002, 01:45:12 pm
and what is with the good unfinished things ???

the next RDG mod in the Takedown levels ???

Wardens Weapon mod ???

The Int Tac mod with the SEK Skins and Weapons ???

the Weapons i wait for...

AMP DSR-1 Sniper Rifle
HK Mp5 PDW Trible Mag Scoped
HK G36c Beta C Mag
HK USP cal.45 Laser
Olympic Arms M4 Beta C Mag

and.....damm.....much things i hope to see.

but UO is for me the best game! i play it since R6,i have all parts and all DTD mods, "I LOVE IT" and i will not stop before it come something better...SOAF or Raven Shield i must see but current it is UO i Play, with or without new mods!  >:(

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Ugly Tiger on May 12, 2002, 06:07:52 pm
;D hehe -Right on Sho

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: ViX on May 12, 2002, 06:31:30 pm
Half-life is still alive for one reason.. modders. Remember that

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Cocobolo on May 13, 2002, 07:45:42 am
I hear ya Sho. We've got mods and ideas for mods out the wazoo around here, with a couple mods about 1/2 to 3/4 complete and collecting dust. I hate to see them sitting there but it seems like there is never enough time! Don't worry, I never said you wouldn't see more DTD mods for UO, just not right now ;)

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Sho. on May 13, 2002, 08:49:06 am
yes thats a word!  ;D
hope you will not kick this projects away! or forget it  8)

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: AMBROSE on May 13, 2002, 03:01:18 pm
Cake is so right. Without HL mods that game would have died a long time ago. CS 1.4 rules! Download the fusion pack 7.0 from gamesfusion.com for your computer for the ultimate CS experience!

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: kazan on May 14, 2002, 12:35:54 am
RS is getting on in age don't get me wrong it's stil a good game but just look at all the new games on the market today GR.Operation Flashpoint.HL.SWAT.nowonder u guys are turning to GR about time to just think how great the mods will be an then u can put your skills into Raven Sheild. ;D

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: ViX on May 15, 2002, 11:13:56 am
ahhhhhhhh i just remembered the cake mod!

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: {E}LuSiVe on May 15, 2002, 12:18:21 pm
whatever happened to that?

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: Cocobolo on May 15, 2002, 01:54:10 pm
Ummmm errrrrr ahhhhh ummmmmm
I had legal trouble getting Betty Crocker to license some of the cake flavors to me for use as proximity mines.... Damn that legal red tape!  ???

Title: Re: RS Abandonment?
Post by: ViX on May 16, 2002, 02:24:22 pm
damn that bitch! im taking her down now!