Title: #SKUL founded today. Post by: *DAMN Bander on January 29, 2001, 03:39:04 pm Spezialkommando #SKUL (Ultralag) was founded today by me and Termi.
Maybe Diablo will be a part of that unit also without leaving *DAMN. Depends on what agent leaders say. #SKUL is at my personal "command" (organisation) and will have the duty TO RESTORE HONOR IN CLANBATTLES again. our statutes are easy: # I AM SKUL # I LOVE TO HAVE LAG # I LOVE TO RUSH # CAMPING? DUNNO THAT WORD # I KILL SWIFT AND FAST # IF I DIED I KILLED A FOE BEFORE # I RESPECT THE OTHER THREE # THE THREE RESPECT ME # I LIVE TO FIGHT IN CLANBATTLE # NO RESPECT FOR DISRESPECTERS # EVERY DAY I DIE MAKES ME MORE RESISTENT AGAINST LAG # FOUR SKULs u WILL SEE IN YOUR NIGHTMARES, BEWARE. So far the Team consists of: #SKUL Termi #SKUL Bander #SKUL Diablo (heavy replacement) maybe so far we will unite with SF for one CB against POD before they maybe fall appart (what i heard). if NOT SKUL will have the honor to challenge 4 PODs soon on Leaguefield. *DAMN Mauti consider #SKUL as registred for battle league till server is still down plz. All Clans beware to get challenged where u stand from now on. #SKUL feels free to challenge all clans on GR when a below 250 ping can be offered from both sides. So stick to your guns and await tha #SKULs - soon knocking at your backdoor clanners. We will fight as in normal r6 gaming - expect no tactical bullshitting from us :) just pure action. aka: we spit on the outcome but we give u some shots of adrenalin u will never forget. hehe. cya soon on GR - i might visit the most laggy games with my team to gain resistances very fast. har - *DAMN Bander / #SKUL Bander Title: Re: #SKUL founded today. Post by: *DAMN Bander on February 06, 2001, 10:38:31 am Heyas all!
I just wanted to say tnx for the huge personal support in my venegance on GR. Dudes from all over the world offered to join me in my task to fight lag wherever hide some worthless clanners behind lol. NEWS: #SKUL renamed to: SKilled Under Lag (official TAG) or innofficially: Suck Cock and U Live (hehe). Termi was announced to represent #SKUL on Gameranger cuz some other #SKULs are borrowed from other Clans and will only waer their #SKUL Insignia in Training or Clanbattle. Maybe - Stuf Beefpile joined the #SKUL Commando too - we must see if Comance and Glad will also borrow me and Term Stud from time to time. Plz tnx - but DONT ask me on GR to join #SKUL (except u are Attila, Antman, JohnNothing or one of those ...) - #SKUL is only a Havoc-Commando where hand-choosen GR Veterans can take part. Actually we have enough (5) members and we will only take new #SKULs where we would be stupid if we should refuse. Clanbatlles - as promised - will follow soon. We just have to make some logistic planning and tactical discussions abou the Commando Mixup (Euro/U.S.) Regards to all honorable clans #SKUL Bander Title: Re: #SKUL founded today. Post by: Redbaron on March 23, 2001, 05:13:27 pm Congradulations,
I wish your clan best of luck. Title: Re: #SKUL founded today. Post by: *DAMN CDiabloCool on March 23, 2001, 05:22:14 pm hey red #SKUL is not a clan its a high lag task force we fight in extremly laggy conditions