*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Mr. Lothario on July 27, 2007, 02:56:27 am

Title: Recommendation: Rainbow Six - Vegas
Post by: Mr. Lothario on July 27, 2007, 02:56:27 am
     Hey, folks. Long time no see. Alaric, Brain, and I picked up R6: Vegas for Windows recently, and it's amazing. It captures much more of the feel of Rogue Spear than any of the other sequels in the series, and is also fun as hell. It's an UbiSoft Montreal production, and Red Storm's name is nowhere to be seen. In other words, it doesn't suck (amazingly enough). It's based on the Unreal Engine 3, so it looks excellent and performs well even on machines that don't quite meet the required specs.

     The best part is, apparently nobody's buying it, so the price was recently dropped to $20. Grab it while you can (gamestop.com is a good bet), and come and say "hi" to us. We miss our old shooting buddies. : )

Title: Re: Recommendation: Rainbow Six - Vegas
Post by: Cell on July 27, 2007, 07:54:15 pm
Do you guys use xfire?

If so what are your screen names.  I don't play R6:Vegas that much anymore, but if I see you guys on, I'll come check you out.  Also, consider GRAW2 as well. Great game.

Here are some posts on Vegas:http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=10680.0 (http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=10680.0)
& GRAW2:http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=10716.0 (http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=10716.0)

Title: Re: Recommendation: Rainbow Six - Vegas
Post by: Mr. Lothario on July 28, 2007, 08:22:51 am
     Heh, now that I read the older Vegas post, I remember reading it before. Every repost is a repost repost, I guess.

     No, we don't use XFire, mainly because I don't think any of us have heard of it. I'll look into it.

     But yeah, everybody with a halfway decent gaming rig, PC or Intel Mac, needs to pick this up and come play with us. It's all the awesome of RS, distilled into a pure, drinkable essence.

Title: Re: Recommendation: Rainbow Six - Vegas
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on July 29, 2007, 08:48:07 pm
It's weird that I'd say it about a R6 series game, but I almost like Vegas more with a console controller than I do with windows when I'm playing it. And let me know your xfire name and we'll see if we're ever on to play at the same time... I usually play Battlefield 2 when I am booted into windows for games.

Title: Re: Recommendation: Rainbow Six - Vegas
Post by: Mr. Lothario on July 30, 2007, 06:12:01 am
     My XFire is mrlothario. Or Mr. Lothario... I'm not sure how this works quite yet.

Title: Re: Recommendation: Rainbow Six - Vegas
Post by: mesa on July 30, 2007, 06:00:58 pm

ive been playing a lot of GRAW lately, I havent got GRAW 2 yet -- going to wait on that one.  But, I'm down with some Vegas.  I'll be playing it more.  user xfire: mesafff    aka Dr.Mesa.fff!
