*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: cO.Vickedson on May 11, 2007, 04:45:56 am

Title: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on May 11, 2007, 04:45:56 am
Looks like an updated ghr from the youtube footage.

The trailer they played on TV during the NFL draft was sick.  I'm registered over at the forums there.  If anyone else is gimme a shout.



Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on May 14, 2007, 09:52:56 pm
Yep i signed up, and wick it dosn't just look good, it looked the shit! can't wait to see some proper game footage but this has to be one of the hottest ones to watch for quite a while - BF2 eat your heart out!!

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on May 23, 2007, 08:04:27 pm
Yup.  I'll be waiting patiently, but unless you guys have consoles or PC's/Intel Macs...you'll be waiting for quite a while.  I miss you guys!!!!! Make the transfer already!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on May 24, 2007, 10:13:10 am
Cell i have my 2.66 mac pro baby, ATI1900 card to top it off and lots of goodies, the thing is so fast i had to get a fire resistant table to put it on! ;)

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on May 24, 2007, 07:35:19 pm
BFG...is that x1900 PCI-E?   I know you can probably install just about any card ino that thing and it will work for the PC side, I wonder how it would handle it on the MAC side.  I'm also curious to see how that Pro handles some of the graphically intensive games in XP/Vista.  You need to test it out on R6:Vegas, Ghost Recon:Advanced Warfighter, Crysis...games of that nature.  Shoot me some feedback.  I'm mostly playing GRAW, about 95% of the time...come find me...usually on my clan's TS - attackforcez.servegame.com:8767
not sure if you need the port#.  Everyone is welcome...especially for some GRAW.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on May 25, 2007, 10:21:35 am
X1900 XT. (yep PCIe).

So far on the PC side i've played some AA (max settings yet never dropps below the capped fps!) and some GRAW -- not sure how i show the fps for graw but put it this way i have all the settings on the highest and running a res of 1600x1200 and i havnt experienced a single blip. i'll definatly come find you some time :)

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on July 14, 2007, 09:26:23 am
What I have seen so far on http://www.gametrailers.com/game/4735.html is absolutly stunning. These graphics are damn realistic, maybe even too realistic?

I hope that don't mess with the gameplay and make arcade shooter like controls.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on July 20, 2007, 07:32:02 pm
You can use a program called FRAPS for fps, ss's & recording videos.  I think its fraps.com.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on November 05, 2007, 08:57:55 pm
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - out today!!

Should be a multi platform release - PC / Xbox 360 / PS3

Picking up a copy for PC tonight.......maybe a 360 version when I can get a used one, and swap it for overrated and mostly gay Halo3.

I played the Single Player Demo for COD4 PC, and it seems like it will be pretty sick.  Do a google search on it, this game might be one of the best in a while.  Intel'ers, time to set up XP in Bootcamp.  There is a gamemode called Hardcore, which is targeted toward the realistic side of matching and gameplay.

Nice site to check out : http://www.charlieoscardelta.com (http://www.charlieoscardelta.com)

I'll post a multiplayer review after I log some time.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on November 13, 2007, 05:19:21 pm
This game rules.  Been playing a bunch with twist at night.  Anyone else get it yet?

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: mesa on November 14, 2007, 06:40:20 pm
yep, ive been in there.  GREAT! game.  With updates it will only get better.  Best first person shooter ive seen in years.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: z][t-Rampage on November 19, 2007, 09:57:59 pm
hey peeps

yeah this game rocks. on many levels. its a little too fast and furious for my taste, but i will be playing it quite a bit. maybe i'll just have to become a little more fast and furious :)

but yeah, this game is tight!

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on November 21, 2007, 09:42:16 pm
PLay Search & Destroy Hardcore Mode.  Hardcore mode is less hits to kill someone similar to Ghost Recon/Ravenshield....Search & Destroy is 0 respawns.  Less run and gun mayhem.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: cO.Vickedson on November 23, 2007, 05:13:18 pm
I've been on the XBOX 360 for a couple weeks now.

Gamertag: Vickedson

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 26, 2007, 04:02:32 am
Astounding game, and as much as i hate to say it..mac gaming can go fuck itself in the ass.
They had a LONG tme to make the effort..and since they dont care..i dont care. bye aspyr, sry your ports sucked-screw ea for their shity BF port..

Ive been a mac purist since 1989- but thats all over now.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE having to pollute my machine with winbloze, (what a fucking ass system)



standing in front of the gaming rack and KNOWING that i can play any of them now...well, im humbled to say it was profound.

bye mac games.

yeah, been playing the shit out of the game, and i gotta say, i never imagined id get to run a game that looks this good on good resolutions.. but i do.
Its a BEEEYOOTIFUL game.  call of Duty 2 was hotness, but i had to crank it down on the 2.5 g5 with 256 meg ati9800pro.. on 800x600 to use any kind of cool effects..

BUt this one (alum 24"imac , hd2600 256 meg card, 2.4 gig duo), i can run at 1900x1200 on medium, or 1200x1024 with everything high and it runs flawlessly with everything cranked, excet aa which i have to leave on 2x. and anistrophic low.

No hiccups, no lag..fucking gorgeous.
Same hardware, so what gives, mac porters/publishers?
Hope you wont miss your jobs too badly. Could have saved em...just a lil effort, anda little attention..we would have put out the money..really.
Glenda I sincerely hope some universal is in your immediate future or guess what? Its over sunshine.

I think we're pretty much over getting the SUPEr short end ....

The big 50 man servers are a bit out of control, especially Shipping...picture a map the size of say presidio downstairs with 52 people onit, with nade, launchers and lmgs..a bit retarded...
The rest of the maps with 52, are a bit mad-housish, but can be fun...

Rampage, i suggest finding a nice ten -twelve man game running something other than team deathmatch. Ive met some really cool strategic guys and the game is paced almost perfectly at that size.
I am DYING to meet up with whatever bunch plays, on whatever voice software, and own some of these motherfuckers..

drop your xfire names here or server addresses, or let me know how youre all doing voice these days and lets roll some fuckers..
I miss some of you guys a lot, and hope we meet again...god knows it wont be on Gr.

peace bitchez-

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on November 26, 2007, 01:03:25 pm
My Copy of CoD4 arrrives tomorrow, Shiex it would be awsome to hook up and play some games with you mate - its been to long! :MoD: has a ventrillo server we use for playing AA but there is plenty of room to spare, or i'll probably end up getting this 'xfire' thingy

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: mesa on November 26, 2007, 06:51:50 pm
I really enjoy the game as well.  But I don't like all the run and gun all the time, but it is nice to play run and gun to get your rank up in a hurry.  That's another thing I hate, it's too damn easy to get to the final rank of 55.  Within a week the game was out there were serveral people already at 55 and with only 15 hours of playing time I find myself at 38...kinda lame.  They need to change the ranksing system to something like frag rate.  Higher the rate, higher the rank....so you could acually be demoted -- I dunno, just one of my beef's with the game.  Anyway, back to what I was saying about the ones that dont care for all the run and gun.  Try playing the hardcore servers as mentioned above by Cell.  I actually played in the hardcore server with Cell a few times and it's bad ass.  ZERO lag, I mean ZERO.  You hit someone with a bullet and their dead, a lot like GRAW.  Cell mentioned its like RVS as well, I have to diagree with that one, RVS is the laggiest game on the world lol.  ::lol::    Anywho, hope all of you can join us on xfire and play some pc games.  xfire account: mesafff

Kill 'em All!!!!

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on November 30, 2007, 09:29:42 am
OK, so the single player game is quick, and far from taxing but still great fun. biggest noticeable thing for me about this game - Holy crap the graphics are mind blowing! The grass is really grass, the trees, the whole world is stunning! Gameplay wise i have to agree with the others im not to keen on the very run and gun style of play - seems to destroy the point of camo etc - that said i'll check out some of these other servers.

Other things - people can move to fast - just feels unrealistic. Having got used to the speed of movment in Americas Army i think theyve jsut made the movement to quick - sprint is nice but should be more valuable as a increase from normal movment. Guns are lovely, game is lovely, i hate windows but god damn i like being able to play these games!

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on November 30, 2007, 08:28:07 pm
Astounding game, and as much as i hate to say it..mac gaming can go fuck itself in the ass.

ROFL....takes these retards years before release as well...

Ive been a mac purist since 1989- but thats all over now.
I still use my Mac for almost everything else computer related besides gaming.  Daily use it for work as well...Print,Video, Web design 8).

I ABSOLUTELY HATE having to pollute my machine with winbloze, (what a fucking ass system)
A couple of things....make sure you get yourself a good Internet Security suite.  If you still have your Mac/Mac OS.....use it for email.  Try to avoid using email on the Windows Machine, its like not using a rubber with a Tijuana hooker. It might be convenient, but eventually it will hurt.

standing in front of the gaming rack and KNOWING that i can play any of them now...well, im humbled to say it was profound.
bye mac games.
What a great feeling eh?

I am DYING to meet up with whatever bunch plays, on whatever voice software, and own some of these motherfuckers..
drop your xfire names here or server addresses, or let me know how youre all doing voice these days and lets roll some fuckers..
I miss some of you guys a lot, and hope we meet again...god knows it wont be on Gr.

peace bitchez-
No doubt doood.  mine is cell440 ---> link to it is below in my signature.

SHEIXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BFG!!   ::applause::What a glorious day it is!!!  Me and twist have been playing every night....I am so glad that some of the old Mac men are starting to come around.  We will all have to meet up and show the Windows world what we got.  We have also been talking about putting together a nice team of the old guys, but never had enough.  Would be real cool.

I see usually twist and Mesa...and lately I have seen plokoon aka Frog on.  I know there a few oldies on there too like Pandabear and a few of the 3ID guys.

twist is twist0420 on xfire.  I think Mesa's is mesajustgotownedbycell or some shit.

If I am online I am on xfire.  I have access to a Ventrillo server and a Teamspeak server.  We will definitely hook it up.
I am also going to post a new topic in the General Gossip about a Dual Core configuration for machines running multi core systems...including Intel Macs.  If your not configured correctly, this will give a nice boost in performance.

See you out there.

What's your xfire user name Sheix?  I tried sarcasticredneck but nothing came up.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on December 02, 2007, 04:26:04 am

You can find me with---->    sixsheix

Now, i have got NOT a fucking clue how xfire works, i mean is it a voice app or what?
I have played with mesa and frog, but didnt hear anytning from either of them/
I THINK i have my sound setup right but who the fuck knows.

we REALLY have got to get together, but fair warning, i only play hardcore servers.
I cannot bear having to put three thousand bullets into someone to get a kill.

If im doing something wrong on xfire, let me know..and ill accept friend listings from anyone interested.

Im nice and warmed up and even though its faster, i have had the chance to work some suuper nice fireteam work with guys on BlackHats servers, and HPD servers... I like the game.
I really like how you can really make a difference with all the realistic cover.
Running and gunning didnt get me anywhere, so its lay low, and shark the bitchez..unless we are working a tight formation on domination or one of the non Deathmatch games.

cant wait...get yer asses in here.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on December 02, 2007, 10:16:04 am
..what are you guys using for voice?

that trash STOPS the voice between people when you even load the game..
works lovely, until you hit..'start'

Ive looked at vent..know any public servers?
Or does bombs TS work with PC teamspeak or what the fuck.

Duncan wont shut the fuck up about how shitty the game is without voice,
and his mic is too low for ingame voice, and...and..and..
i REALLY dont wanna fucking have to kill him.

someone help me.


i love this game btw..

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Monoman on December 03, 2007, 12:16:26 am
Or does bombs TS work with PC teamspeak or what the fuck.

Yes, it will work.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on December 03, 2007, 01:19:20 am
spanking lovely tasty goodness. this is peachy ass gaming in a 'mmmm tasty' sauce. im on xfire - modbfg but as shiex so elegantly summed up its a pile'o shite and id be much happier with ventrillo or whatever the hell doesn't cause my game to crash or just bugs the hell out of me!

Dying to play with a proper team on voice im sick of the run and gun 'every man for himself' attitude i seem to find.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on December 03, 2007, 05:51:56 am
Xfire is nice...think of it as Gameranger without direct voice connect in the server.  Its an easy way of finding your buddies and where they are playing.
We usually use Ventrillo or Teamspeak for voicechat.  If someone happens to be on teamspeak, right click on them and you can join through xfire.

Also been using the in-game voice for COD4 as well.

Look for servers labeled "Hardcore"  playing Search & Destroy, which is always no spawn. Much more tactical.  In Game voice chat works as a global chat in the lobby....while dead I think its global for players out....while alive it works for team only.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on December 03, 2007, 04:36:44 pm
I found a 'hardcore' server this morning and LOVED IT! So so so much better, suddenly people stop running and gunning like muppets and it becomes a whole new game. I'll have to sit down and get my head round xfire, i think someone was talking to me earlier but didn't have a clue what was going on!!

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: mesa on December 05, 2007, 06:44:41 pm

I think Mesa's is mesajustgotownedbycell or some shit.

 ::lol:: noob...

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on December 05, 2007, 11:45:22 pm
Oh why does my xfire insist that i don't have CoD4? It sees all my other games, and when i refesh the list it still doesn't see em... is there a prefs file i can remove or something or can anyone help?

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: Cell on December 06, 2007, 05:19:40 pm
Are you running XP or Vista?

2 steps to take....

1. Go to : Tools--->Options--->Games

Xfire Should Auto detect your games.  If it has not detected COD4, try the "Not installed" drop down arrow, go to the Manual Setup radio button then click browse and manually point xfire to COD4.

If Cod4 doesn't show up in your Not Installed drop down menu, then Xfire needs to be updated.  THere have been a few updates to xfire since COD4 released.  Go back into Options---->Files and make sure you have transfers active.  I usually have it as Playing a game - Disabled and the other 2 options at Maximum.

If this doesn't cure it, uninstall xfire and re-install it, and leave it running for a while so it will update itself.

What is weird is that your signature shows that you played COD4, so it must have detected it at one time or another.  Maybe the path got screwed up.  Also note that some of the xfire functions aren't working properly in COD4 like in-game chat, but it should always track your time, and let your friends join on you.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on December 08, 2007, 01:14:26 pm
thanks mate,

yes it started off fine but whenever i tried to ajust my graphics settings in CoD Xfire was causing it to crash. someone told me just to stop it from automatically looking for COD, change my graphics, then turn it back on again... problem is its just disapeared from my list of games (its not in the drop down list either) so i was a bit stumped!
Did a uninstall,restall jobby but not sure if it updated it self since then so i'll give that ago!

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: BFG on December 08, 2007, 08:40:02 pm
Thanks mate, got it sorted finally :)

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on December 15, 2007, 05:24:03 am
CoD4 is fun.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: *NADS bronto on December 15, 2007, 05:42:44 am
i disagree, cod4 licks my penis, i like that snake game you can play on the nokia cell phones. i dunno if they have that any more, i remember playing it on those really big generic turd cell phones.  thats the best game ever

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on December 15, 2007, 05:44:37 am
i disagree, cod4 licks my penis, i like that snake game you can play on the nokia cell phones. i dunno if they have that any more, i remember playing it on those really big generic turd cell phones.  thats the best game ever

why won't you marry me?

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: *NADS bronto on December 15, 2007, 05:46:54 am
you're too old for me, i only like babys. the younger the better, sometimes i even bang pregnant women in hopes the unborn fetus will grab on and give me a hand job while im in there.

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on December 15, 2007, 05:50:24 am
you're too old for me, i only like babys. the younger the better, sometimes i even bang pregnant women in hopes the unborn fetus will grab on and give me a hand job while im in there.

that's ok...i'll make you marry me

Title: Re: Anyone else think COD4 looks good?
Post by: *NADS bronto on December 15, 2007, 07:00:48 am
can i give you a pink sock?