*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: c| Spetsnaz. on January 24, 2007, 04:10:02 am

Title: The State of The Union
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on January 24, 2007, 04:10:02 am
In case you missed heres an abridged version:

Dyke pelosi introduces Dubya to the thunderous approval of the elitest war profiteers. kisses pelosi ass for first chick speaker, hope shes enjoying that mansion her husband purchased with govt war contracts.

 Dubya normal idiotic self. typical economic gibbering, balancing the budget gets standing fucking ovation? Cspan joke, talks of the 'commitment of conscious' to saving social security rubbish.

More 'No child left behind" standardized ghettoization blathering...

Affordable and available health care scores standing ovation, now available at Wal-Mart...

woo for medical liability reform yet another standing ovation..

Temporary workers programs, melting pots, and fuck amnesty..

And now to energy and foreign oil...

Terrorist! could do great harm to us by way of our energy supply! (thanks for telling them)

hmm reduce gas by 20% in next 10 years? Doubling capacity of Strategic oil reserve?

Standing ovation for more Supreme court power...pan to evil looking men clad in black robes

Kill All Terror! Stay on the offensive! More BS fear mongering about disparate SE asian muslim tribes 'training' for attacks on Amerika.

9/11 terror war !!! Hatred barbarians!!! Murder innocent with bullets and bombs overthrow moderate governments

"we will sacrifice our blood and bodies and what is coming is even worse"

and now on to Iran...

the dangers have not  ended, let us do whatever we fucking want, standing ovation...

remove conditions that inspire blind hatred..like murdering civilians?

they hate human freedom

they need a good dose of democracy...and a cluster bomb

Show resolve towards Victory! plus 20,000 marines to Iraq to sort out that problem between those one guys who hate those other guys...

Chaos is the greatest ally in this struggle..err their struggle

We must stay the course and cannot fail! Support the troops!!! standing ovation...

Increase the army by 92,000 in the next five years!

Civilian defense corps?

Make sure them Iranians dont git nukes...

Darfur! standing ovation!

Hiv/AIDs in Africa! standing ovation...

Eliminate the poor..err poverty....

Dikmbe Mutumbo?? PG for the Houston Rockets you shittin me? pan to exceptionally large african man next to Laura...

More fluff...

the elites pretending to give a crap about some grunt that got wounded in the shit...

You thought 06' sucked?!? Watch out for 07'!!!

God Bless peace out.

Title: Re: The State of The Union
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on January 24, 2007, 09:57:01 am
What do you do when you're steadily setting yourself up for war with a country that controls a large chunk of the world's oil supply, and can cause you problems by cutting off its supply of oil?  Why, double your strategic oil reserve so your forces can operate for twice as long, giving them enough time to secure the oil fields and re-establish the steady flow of oil from said country.

Am I the only person who interpreted it that way?

What the fuck was up with the civilian defense corps anyway?  Somebody care to explain to me exactly what they would do, and how it would work?  Great detail, or any detail at all, was not given to this subject in the address.  Would appreciate clarification.

Also, how exactly do they plan to get these 92,000 more troops?  From what I've heard (from people in the military), they have been trying everything they can already to get people to enlist, from higher benefits packages to clubbing people on the back of the head in dark alleys. 

Title: Re: The State of The Union
Post by: BFG on January 24, 2007, 11:24:11 am
To summerise Spetz's summery i think i'd break it down to the following:

"We can do what we want. Gods on our side and need to fuck on anyone who we dont like or who might have some oil we can stash away. Everyone is against us, everyone wants to kill us, so lets fuck em all including anyone else who might get in the way or just not agree with us"

Title: Re: The State of The Union
Post by: "Sixhits" on January 24, 2007, 07:20:52 pm
You really want a summary?

"Give War a Chance"

That's about all we got last night.  That and more wool over our eyes.

Title: Re: The State of The Union
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 25, 2007, 12:23:17 am
     I actually yelled at the TV several times during the speech. "FUCKING LIAR!" "THOSE PROBLEMS WERE CAUSED BY YOU!"