*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Macuber on January 15, 2007, 08:25:10 pm

Title: 55 and Still Alive!!
Post by: Macuber on January 15, 2007, 08:25:10 pm
Today I reached another milestone.... 55!! Thats a Woot!! I now can now live in one of those "Retirement Communities". (Driving golf cart or motorized cart). As I reflect apon this day here at DBL, I have been one of the luckiest to have been associated with the best of the best in the Mac Gaming Community. Most of you reflect after 4 or 5 years about the "Old Timers" of the Mac Games. Imagine 20-25 years from now, those same people. The "Teens"..the 20'ish, 30's/40's will become of age. Macuber will be sitting on the porch of a Nursing Home yelling " SENSOR DOWN!! or MAP!!!". Of course people around me will be saying.."WFT Macuber!!?"

I have been honored with playing with and against the Best of the Best. ALL of the Ghost Recon clans! (I TK too much in Battlefield 1942..sorry Legendary Rob!). Here at DBL I communicate with the Best of the Best.

We all have our diffrences (Political/Religion/(Put your own topic here). But thats what make each one of us...well..us!

Hope when all of you reach my "Tender" age.. life smiles down on you, and your life is as rewarding as mine has been. Time to go and have my walker's tires rotated.

Title: Re: 55 and Still Alive!!
Post by: BFG on January 15, 2007, 09:20:43 pm
Hehe well happy birthday mr macuber!! Jeeze we should have pitched in and got you a zimmerframe or some new teeth (they wont last! ;) ) So im guessing its not beers and strippers but i hope you get to celebrate in style!

All the best


Title: Re: 55 and Still Alive!!
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 15, 2007, 11:32:22 pm
     Congratulations indeed, Macuber! Many happy returns. : ) BFG, it's not beer and strippers, it's Geritol and nurses to administer suppositories.  ;D

Title: Re: 55 and Still Alive!!
Post by: BFG on January 16, 2007, 01:54:27 am
aaah! silly me. i need to get you on a night out loth you can show me the error in my ways ;)

Title: Re: 55 and Still Alive!!
Post by: gsr on January 16, 2007, 07:20:14 pm
Happy B-day Cuber! Isn't it weird how they just seem to come by faster and faster?  A little bit of geritolian relativity.  Keep on keeping on!

Title: Re: 55 and Still Alive!!
Post by: Croosch on January 17, 2007, 01:30:52 am
I think I already gave ya your birthday greetings on GameRanger but I'll say it again, Happy Birthday Cuber... Keep on keepin on old timer.