Title: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: ?SWAT on January 28, 2002, 10:32:25 pm People never cease to amaze me...
Can someone here please explain the new ranking system to me? Someone other then Ult, who I'll talk about in a second. This new system is messed up, to put it kindly. A clan who is 1-1 is ahead of us, and we're 4-0. How? Just cause they got more points? The clan they beat is in 7th.... So I know you guys are trying to make the system more fair and all, but I felt that that needed to be said. Also: Ult- Shut up. If KoS is doing soooo good, let them CB without you. Is KoS doing good, or you? And I don't think it's right for a moderator to make a post like the one you did, especially after you had ducked numerous CB offers from us. I think a new category should be added to the stats: CB's ran away from. I think you guys would lead that one too... But I'm tired of all the BL is making us put up with. I don't think it's right. I'm going to stop using it, period. I'm going to do everything in my power to make SWAT resign from the league, and any other clan who will follow. It's a load of bull. So good luck to you all, and no hard feelings. SWAT doesn't need some stupid list to tell us we're the best. Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: ?SWAT? Civeron on January 28, 2002, 10:37:52 pm now the DAMN site cuts off my name.
This is my post. Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: ?SWAT? # 2 on January 28, 2002, 10:39:11 pm i agree fully with SWAT #1 here, it is a load of bull
as i have stated in other threads bitching , cuz i specialize in that...i like psyco and all other clans, except AK cuz they are with rapid, but enough of that.. it is a load of junk, i have the system says 10 points for a win and 1 point for each player.. but yet, when i see a cb happen, the person gets like 60 points for that win, but yet we get like EFFEn 5 points for a cb. and we effen shut the clans out. we have lost a total of 3 games in the past 4 cbs we have had, and we are 4-0 but yet a 1-1 is beating us in it.. ..... it is official bs. and i will follow with swat if they leave the league,.. swat doesnt need a list to tell we are the best. EFF the EFFEN Battle LEAGUE! Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: jn.wrath on January 28, 2002, 10:43:14 pm SWAT #3 here.. posting anonymously as usual.
Battle League is loads of oso poo Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: *DAMN Alex on January 28, 2002, 10:48:49 pm Im sorry to say that I agree with Oso. How can a team be 2-0 and be in 1st place. When another team is 10-0 but they have 1 point less than the 2-0 team. In my opinion you should get rid of the point system ::)
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Matt on January 28, 2002, 10:51:11 pm breath in... hold... breath out. ;)
i just think the formula needs to be relooked at and clans should start with some points, since we were one of the first clans to get a a bunch of cbs in we got screwed (all that dividing by 0 and 0 as the numerator hurt us bigtime) we wouldnt have to reset the league, the only thing needed would be amount of players in the cbs that happened. ps everyone should congradulaet oso (SWAT #2, get it #2 heheh) for not one mention of poo in his post :) Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: zak on January 28, 2002, 11:02:12 pm guys, once people start cbing more, the points will start to even out, so jsut hang in there, it jsut starting up still guys.
I am aware of cowards who wont cb you SWAT, it would piss me off, no, it did piss me off when peopel used to do it to me, mainly kos, they dont liek to loose, therefore they wont cb good clans. (i would normaly go on attackign ultimo personaly, but hes trying to get me kicked off as a bl admin, so i have to be to be good) -*DAMN zak ps don't hate be because im a pothead Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on January 28, 2002, 11:27:55 pm You may not like the system, but answer me this, where else are there clan and player ladders for R6 and RS? I personally am retired from competition (and killing although I'm still active at dying) and have no clue how the system works, but I do know there isn't much in the way of other options.
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: *DAMN Alex on January 28, 2002, 11:46:42 pm I agree with you Bondo that no one else would go out of their way to make a R6 and RS battle league. But if your going to create one. Make sure it works ::)
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: zak on January 29, 2002, 02:44:07 am what do people think we can about clans declining a cb, just because they dotn like the clan (they'll make some kakamami excuse, but i mean real reason)
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on January 29, 2002, 01:32:28 pm After looking at the ladder and specifically Swat and the 1-1 team above them, I have to agree there has been an error in the calculation system (or the point system in general). If the 1-1 team had won by a shutout and then lost just barely both to top teams and Swat had just barely beaten bad teams I could see it as being right, but considering Swat has higher kill, game, and match win ratios in addition to matches played. The only thing that can possibly be keeping them below is quality of opponent which, if it is true, is set to high on the point priority list. I'm a two bit math whore matician, so I'd be willing to pound out a system that might be more fair that considers games played, the three ratios mentioned before and quality wins but does so in good preportion. Then again just like the BCS does to college football, someone always gets spammed.
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on January 29, 2002, 05:52:43 pm Well, I don't know how the points work, but PsYcO apparently got 65 points for beating a clan with 52. Now I don't quite understand the whole points system, but we apparently got 10 for the win, 3 for having 3 players fighting, and the total amount of points of the clan we defeated (52).
If there are questions about the whole points system, Elandrion is the man to ask because he created it. My personal opinion is that the points system was created this way so we don't have another KoS situation like that last ladder - winning early and often and demoralizing other clans from cb'ing. It was also created so one clan could not sit up top by themselves and not have to defend their record. No matter which way the ladder is created, there is always going to be at least one detractor from it...if you truly hate the way it is set up, there is always the mag league. I didn't want to seem like a total jackass in this post, so to finish it off, I do find it odd having a 1-1 clan ahead of a 4-0 clan, but it is like the BCS...no system is perfect. (Ask Colorado and Oregon) Only way to rectify the situation is to continue fighting other clans and pushing the point totals upward. Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Grifter on January 29, 2002, 06:27:08 pm First, let me say that I truely appreciate the efforts that Mauti and others go through for the RS mac community. I blame nobody for problems and do not want to sound ungrateful at all.
That said, I don't agree with you Ass(assin). If we keep CB'ing and get to the point where the first place team has 500 points, and the next three teams are up there in the 400's... and now a new clan is formed of all stars, comes in and beats the number 1 team, they would end up in first place... with 1 win... that's the way the formula is set up right now. Any clan that comes in can take over first place with a single win against the first place clan... any CB after that and they get less and less points. Right now, SWAT would earn more points for beating the first place clan if we broke up and re-entered the league, then if we CB'd them right up front... that's a little disturbing. As for punishing clans that run away... I'd love to see a challenge function, that if it went unanswered for some amount of time (like, say, 2 weeks, plenty of time to set up a CB), it would deduct some good amount of points from the team that turned down the challenge (like 20 or 25 points, enough for 2 CB's on average). Again, I'm trying not to complain too much, but if we were to have CB'd those same clans today, instead of CB'ing early, we'd have a bunch more points... So, to sum it all up, it's a game, it's only a game... it's a ladder, it's only a ladder... Mauti and Elandrion have my utmost respect in their efforts and the time that they have spent working on this site... so let's not be too insulting here guys. I agree, the way the new point system has gone in (due to either a code bug or just a logic problem) is not exactly fair... but give these guys a chance to make it better before we jump off. In the battle league (not in the forum here) Elandrion mentioned it would be a couple weeks before he could check it out due to school... so let's give him the chance... Just my 2? Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: ?SWAT? Oso on January 29, 2002, 06:31:28 pm okie okie okie okie okie......breatthhhhhheeeee......assassin...... we have tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried again to _______en cb clans when we get a chance, so far every clan we have asked, always says no, so dont tell us to just keep fighting, cuz we cant if the other clan is afraid of a freaken loss... take IAM.. they are damn good cookies, 4 loses and still keeps trying, how come other clans cant be soo cool like them and not worry about a loss... i mean when we/if we lose, we will still continue to cb more and more, a loss isnt the _______ en end of the world, but it seems most clans dont like to lose, and i cant disagree with them, but makeing a clan not be able to participate in cb's cuz of stupid _____en cowards is just pissing me off, we have been turned down about 6 times a day from cbs.... it is just annoying ... i say BOOOO. and wrath guess what... oso poo.. bastard.....
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on January 29, 2002, 06:36:02 pm Well, Oregon at least, I go to CU (not the Boulder one though) and after Oregon kicked our ass I feel worse for them.
Anyway about the points, this is the system I'd propose it may end up needing some changes as I couldn't test to see how it would affect the standings as I don't know who beat who. The Clan gets points thusly. 5 per Clan Battle (this encourages battling) The battle win rate is multiplied by 12 (by multiplying times the number of wins divided by the total number of battles) The game win rate is multiplied by 10 The kill rate is multiplied by 8 Then points are also added for victories over a top 5 clan 10 for the first place, 8 for second and so on. ?If the clan they beat that was in first falls to second, they lose two points as it is how the team stands currently, not at the time of battle that these points are affected. Add all these categories are added to produce a score. ?A hypothetic example will follow. Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Matt on January 29, 2002, 06:38:33 pm there is something definately wrong with this math... psyco got 10 points for the win, plus 3 for each player... plus 52 (m7s points)/0 (psycos points * 4
DOES NOT COMPUTE DOES NOT COMPUTE. you cannot divide by 0, so the winning clan just gets the losing clans points? wtf so if we rejoined the league.. starting over with 0 points cb a clan with a lot of points and get the amount of points they have PLUS 10 for the win PLUS points for each player Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on January 29, 2002, 06:55:37 pm Here's my first hypothetical comparing a 1-1 team that got as many points as it could and a 4-0 team getting as little as it could. Note, I am not bothering with the number of players thing as that is rubbish, it shouldn't matter if it is 2v2 or 3v3 or whatever. So anyway.
Team A 2 games 1-1 record 14-6 games 31-12 kills Win over current #1 Total points-38.8 Team B 4 games 4-0 record 24-16 games 48-44 kills No quality wins Total points- 42.2 As you can see there is no way a 1-1 team could be ahead of a 4-0 team but it is very close due to the quality win and good performances, if the 1-1 team went out won against any old team to go to 2-1 they would be able to pass the 4-0 team. I think this way works very well, rewarding playing the game and playing against high ranked teams. I'd want to factor in a 5 point penalty for clans that reject a challange but it wasn't needed for this. I think this method would give teams the proper weighting. Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on January 29, 2002, 07:52:46 pm Quote I don't agree with you Ass(assin). ?If we keep CB'ing and get to the point where the first place team has 500 points, and the next three teams are up there in the 400's... and now a new clan is formed of all stars, comes in and beats the number 1 team, they would end up in first place... with 1 win... Excellent point grifter...like I said no system is perfect. What most of the people posting here need to realize that absolutely no system is 100% foolproof, 100% effective, and 100% satisfying. This was apparently the best system at the time the new BL was implemented and it will probably stay until we can all get together and talk to Elandrion when he has the time to take away from his busy life and talk to us. Quote As for punishing clans that run away... I'd love to see a challenge function, that if it went unanswered for some amount of time (like, say, 2 weeks, plenty of time to set up a CB), it would deduct some good amount of points from the team that turned down the challenge (like 20 or 25 points, enough for 2 CB's on average). ? Well considering that no one has ever mentioned this type of idea before Grifter, I find several major problems with this such as abuse of the system. There are many ways that a challenge function could be abused and therefore damage the clan who was abused by the system. Like I said earlier, Quote I do find it odd having a 1-1 clan ahead of a 4-0 clan, but it is like the BCS...no system is perfect. (Ask Colorado and Oregon) As for Zak and Ultimo... **sigh** I am not even going to touch that problem between you two. Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Grifter on January 29, 2002, 09:19:29 pm First....
Ult, take a deep breath... SWAT isn't out to get you... Civ posted his opinion. We don't need to start a war over that. I don't think KoS is ducking us, especially since you challenged me just the other day... Civ gets a different story based on what times he is on.. You and Civ just need to clear a little air... it's not a KoS vs SWAT thing... Second, Ass(assin) what kind of abuse? If you have two weeks to answer a challenge... even if you get challenged by multiple clans, why do you think it can be abused?? I mean, I haven't given it a ton of thought, but I like the idea of punishing a clan that refused to CB another clan (like AK keeps ducking us, and a few others). There needs to be some simple logic added, so that you can't challenge the same clan again until the first time limit has expired. Also, there has to be some way to schedule it... so that when one clan doesn't show up, it can be shown... Also, thinking about it... it should probably be a sliding scale... penelties get greater the more times it happens... maybe the first time is free... it could be worked out... at least, it's my opinion it could be. I'm just looking to address the core problem that the skill points were trying to address... clans that refuse to CB other good clans... So if KoS challenged SWAT, we'd have 2 weeks to schedule AND play a CB... if we didn't show, we'd lose 25 points (KoS wouldn't gain any)... If they challenged us again, and we ducked them again, we'd lose 35 ponits or so. (Yes, I'm using KoS and us just to show how silly it can seem)... Also, it should be like a forefit... the challenging clan could extend the deadline, if they feel it was fair (i.e., my connection kept crashing, and Ultimo didn't think it was fair to CB against SWAT without me, so he ok's it to happen a week later, past the deadline, so that I can CB too... he just wouldn't put in that we ducked it as long as we showed up when we all agreed to). Let me know what you guys think? Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Matt on January 29, 2002, 09:26:14 pm i think dividing by 0 is evil.
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on January 29, 2002, 09:37:35 pm Nice to see none of you are commenting on my attempt at a solution, it appears none of you really want a solution, only to argue about stuff. Anyway, just to add in light of recent conversation about penalizing people who dodge, I set it at 5 points because that is a significant enough punishment considering my system isn't loads of points and also because that would be like taking away a battle played which makes sense, if you battle you get 5, if you deny a battle you lose 5. Also, I like the two week period but one clan should only be able to be forcibly challanged by one clan at a time and shouldn't be able to be forcibly challanged by one clan more than once every few months.
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on January 30, 2002, 05:09:20 pm Quote Ass(assin) what kind of abuse? ?If you have two weeks to answer a challenge... even if you get challenged by multiple clans, why do you think it can be abused?? ?I mean, I haven't given it a ton of thought, but I like the idea of punishing a clan that refused to CB another clan (like AK keeps ducking us, and a few others). Example #1 Clan A "challenges" clan B. Clan B accepts the offer but clan A reverses its decision to cb them. Clan B gets penalized. Example #2 Clan A "challenges" clan B 50 separate times. Considering you can't cb 50 times in a 2 week window, clan B gets fucked. Example #3 Clan A "challenges" clan B. What if the clan leader (or whoever reads the email) is say perhaps on vacation for two weeks. Clan B never recieves the email and gets penalized. Example #4 Clan's A, B, C, D, E, and F decide to gang up on clan G and decide to issue multiple challenges. Odds are that clan G cannot possibly fight that many battles in two weeks and clan G ultimately gets fucked. Question #1 : Would this system be automatically via a code or would it have to be manually enforced? Question #2 : How would we know if the challenge was completed or not...if a clanbattle was posted? Question #3 : Would you be able to revoke your challenges? There are many more ways that a system like this could be abused, but this is all I could scratch together in the five minutes I have checking these forums. Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on January 30, 2002, 05:28:12 pm Ok Assassin, for two of those would be ruled out by my rules of no multiple challanges by one or multiple clans. Only one challange can exist at a time. If the first scenario happened team A not team B would be penalized for dodging an arranged CB, or no punishment would happen because when the CB is arranged then the two week deadline ends, at that point if either team dodges they are penalized. Finally for the vacation thing, the person going on vacation would have to inform BL admins and relagate command to another or they could maybe have a two week vacation mode in which they are not able to be challanged that can be used 2-3 times a year.
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: *DAMN Alex on January 30, 2002, 06:25:36 pm Hey I have a great idea. How about we have a rule that each clan has to cb atleast once a week. If that clan doesnt they will get a warning. And if they dont cb that following week they will get the boot. Hey this might get BL into motion :P
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on January 30, 2002, 07:34:43 pm Tell me, does it really work. ?I've tried things like it in the past, paid a pretty penny I don't mind telling you.
Sorry, couldn't resist after seeing Alex's sig. I'll take Famous Titties for $400. Never ever forget "Does it really work? You are sitting on a gold mine trebek" Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: *DAMN Alex on January 31, 2002, 09:35:02 pm That SNL skit is the best I've seen in awhile. I pretty much know all of them.
Trebec:This is the sound a dog makes Sean: Mooooo Trebec: no that incorrect Sean: Well thats the sound your mother made last night Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: SiGmA_X on February 03, 2002, 12:48:22 pm If you dont like the *DAMN Battle League, you can use Th3 Sp0t's Battle League. It will be open in about one week. Check th3sp0t.com for updates!
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Matt on February 03, 2002, 02:44:21 pm no thanks
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Bondo on February 03, 2002, 03:48:39 pm I think most people will take a faulty system with chance at improvement than a faulty administrator with no chance at improvement.
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Matt on February 03, 2002, 05:05:24 pm exactly :)
Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Destructo on February 09, 2002, 10:14:26 am dudes,
First off, y are u all a bunch of bitches? Do none of u have faith to wait a little bit until Elandrion fixes the fuckin script?...christ, he is just as busy as anyone else in the world. I know this is a bit late on the post, but like Elandrion, i am busy. But when i opened this thread and read the first post by Civeron I almost got up and went to the store to buy Civ a box of Kleenex!. This is a gay analagy but.... Was Rome build in one day? Fuck no Just give it a little and be patient like everyone else. There is no reason u should leave the BL. If u know yer #1 and your clan knows your #1 well then u should surly be able to take that top spot and keep it for a long time!! And looking at the BL right now, u are in first 5-0. Also, I don't think it is right for U civ to critisize the way other clans work. Hey don't get me wrong I would love to cb all the time with my fellow KoS members, but if the clan was build on the foundation that the leader fights with the team everytime, then so be it. And BTW we have asked SWAT several times to cb with no as a response. So don't give us all that bullshit, because we ask u guys everytime we both have things in order. And, zak....do we have to feel sorry for u because your a pot head?...What are u the only one who smokes pot or something???... I love how guys are all against the BL. You all bitch about it constantly and say how brutal it is etc etc etc. Y don't the guys who are bitchin like old women get off thier lazy asses and make up and script? Or even better make up a whole new battle league implimenting all thier ideas and point system? Hell u can even make a rule that clans must cb when asked? or even better in KoS's case, we hafta cb without Ulti. Instead of bitching all the time constantly, y don't u get off yer ass and do something about it? Everyone has the brilliant thought out opinions how things should work, and what should be changed. Why don't some of u take the initiative and contribute your ideas and opinions in a physical sense? U know help out....I doubt Elandrion would object to help. Y don't u guys get your noses out of the air? You shit smells just as bad as everyone else's. I don't smoke, but after reading the posts in here, i need a butt...jesus. Man, some of u make it into sooo much of a daily afternoon soap opera sometimes....fuck. ::) Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: ?SWAT? Oso on February 09, 2002, 11:11:35 pm UHHHHH dest..... um i cant recall a single time KoS has come in our room and asked for a cb, so dont try to pull of a fake stunt...... FOOL!... i know my Poo, so dont try to bullpoo a bull pooer
Oh and we were bitching cuz a 1-1 clan was beating a clan with 4-0 , and now we are happy that things have been fix, you are a late SOB,::cyber slaps dest.:: ahh it is good to be a prick sometimes, though i dont get a lot of chances to be one, unless a guy is a blankity blank blank, and bitches at me for killing him 1 to many times, OH and i would like to say to people who join my game, DONT BITCH IF I BLOW YOU UP WITH C4 (SBD) you guys cry about like 5 games in a row of camping, but yet when i catch you guys camping you tell me to STFU, so if you can camp with out letting me bitch, then i will CAMP more than i usually do =D , which is not a lot, but reletively a few =D, and .. umm i just want to blab here to take up time, since i am now banned from GR, cough *Evill i hate you* cough blab blab blab blab blab,,, hmm now what should i blab about, hmmm Oh ya! DEST dont bitch at my clan! cuz i will have to bust out my "cyber slaps" and "cyber kicks" HIIIYAAA! and civ doesnt need any *DAMN tissues, so suck MY TOES!! , ya that is right my *DAMN TOES!! oh ya and clip my toe nails, p.s. just blabbing cuz i am bored and have no life. and dont try to critizice me on it, cuz i know i am =D Title: Re: Now I know why it's called the DAMN site... Post by: Destructo on February 17, 2002, 02:46:48 pm OsO!..omfg get the crack pipe out of your mouth, the coccaine out of your nose, the seringe out of your right and left arms and most importantly the dildo out your ass!!!!!....lol
I don't know HOW many times i have asked SWAT to cb!!!!!!! ult also.....christ your never on anyway so what the hell do u know? And, i will bitch at your clan when u are all crying a river..it's my given right, and i will use it for all it' s worth Hey u can camp with the c4 all u want...just don't bitch like a cunt when i do...cause we all know how attitudes change when your pitching, not reciving oso! *hint hint wink wink* |