*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: spike on November 11, 2006, 09:15:29 pm

Title: I've come back to say...
Post by: spike on November 11, 2006, 09:15:29 pm
That lonewolf is a total noob whose guild cant even clear VC without wiping.
and stubbs the zombie...well i wont even get into that.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: Ein on November 12, 2006, 01:35:18 am
Lol... Well Cookie is a tough boss. Hahahaha

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on November 12, 2006, 06:49:14 am
You're just jealous that your guild cant one-shot BWL on the second month in the instance, and take down the first boss in AQ40 on the third try of the first night.  And dont even get me started on how envious i know you are of the thousand hours of my life i spent tied into a chair playing Stubbs the Zombie with my eyelids propped open with toothpicks and a line of spittle runnning out the left side of my mouth while the right twitched spasmaticly, mumbling 'brainsssssss..." now and then.  Definitely envy. 

But yes, we did wipe on Cookie.  Tough one, that cookie.

Further BWL news:  Two pieces of the Stormrage set have dropped in all of the runs that we've done in these two months.  Two.  Our warlocks, mages and priests are all 3/8 or better in their T2 pieces, and the rogues are catching up in a hurry.  I.  Hate.  You.  BWL.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 12, 2006, 07:09:47 am
i would comment if you fucking people were speaking english..but..youre not.


Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: spike on November 12, 2006, 09:25:05 pm
dude...cloudsong isnt even a WoW wep. thats another game altogether.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 12, 2006, 11:53:20 pm
who cares

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: spike on November 13, 2006, 10:13:56 pm
who cares

you get called out on something and all you can respond with is "who cares."
nice sheix, im real impressed.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 14, 2006, 03:48:16 am
I made my post in the UTMOST spirit of laughter and friendship and love with lone, and his wow addiction (as I lost my clan to the realms and guilds) and when they talk about their ventures, and what gets dropped or picked up, or who wipes what (have no idea what a wipe is) or what the wizareds are doing, or how far everyone has leveled..im absolutely clueless...

So TO ME..its funny...hopefully (and im pretty sure, that if he read it..Lone got it too)

..and since you havent been around me, you dont know what the fuck i meant..nor do i care.
Youve always been a snipey, sarcastic dick anyhow.

Im allowed to joke with my friends without some dipshit popping his head in to shit on my happy ramblings by being a prick..when he doesnt have a godamn clue how i meant it...

so um spike..fuck you..stupid.
And i could give a flying Duckshit what impresses you...


(you wouldnt get the joke if it crawled into your herpes ridden dick and bit you in the bladder)

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: spike on November 14, 2006, 05:13:50 am
I'm not even gonna respond to that, you sophomoric bile spewing bitter pompous son of a bitch.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on November 14, 2006, 05:24:08 am
Now now children.  Play nice, or I'll have to dust off the 'ol  green text and smite some fools.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: theweakspot on November 14, 2006, 05:27:23 am
sheix. i. love. you.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: .vooDoo. on November 14, 2006, 06:41:42 am
..and since you havent been around me, you dont know what the fuck i meant..nor do i care.

Thats the point Shiex.  Anyone reading your responses that didnt know you would have no clue that you were joking around.  In case you didnt notice Spike is the thread started, and the thread was directed to "his" friends that play wow.  He was just defending his thread that you felt the need to come in and flame.  Maybe next time instead of trying to be witty and cleaver with your cyber bashing you should take the time and make it clear that you were joking around instead of just being a blatant donkey to spike.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 14, 2006, 07:48:37 am
I made my post in the UTMOST spirit of laughter and friendship and love with lone, and his wow addiction (as I lost my clan to the realms and guilds) and when they talk about their ventures, and what gets dropped or picked up, or who wipes what (have no idea what a wipe is) or what the wizareds are doing, or how far everyone has leveled..im absolutely clueless...

So TO ME..its funny...hopefully (and im pretty sure, that if he read it..Lone got it too)

That is what we call "taking the time out to make it clear that I was joking around"

Also, something thats NEVER lost on me, is that the great justice advocates on forum flaming..always..ALWAYS end their sermons with a flame of their own..always, and youre no different.

What with me (in your words) "ATTEMPTING to be all Witty and Clever with my cyberbashing while being a JACKASS"..   (no parting shot there eh voo?)

Irony fits like an armani suit... only when its custom tailored. ;)

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 14, 2006, 07:52:15 am
I'm not even gonna respond to that, you sophomoric bile spewing bitter pompous son of a bitch.

psst..Spike...that was a response. ;D

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: NiKLoT on November 14, 2006, 08:24:16 pm
weeehaa, go kill eachother, because a fucking post.. god.. some1 starts a thread about WoW, on the damnr6 forum, what doesnt really has to do anything with damnr6.... then a guy comes (sheix) makes a joke, the other guy who posted the thread, doesnt get, that its a joke -> he gets angry, => sheixs getd angry too, a 3rd guy who has nothing to do with the hole situation, tells us what he think, wich is very interesstin **ironic** => sheix gets angry about this boy => and well lets c what hell answer.
And then a stupid freak, who disapeard for about 4-5 month and isnt even able to talk english properly (im talking bout my self) comes and pisses all off


sometimes i feel like u all r 7 year old kids ;D and i feel like 5!!!!!

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: spike on November 14, 2006, 08:48:02 pm
clear something up for me sheix, at which point were you joking and at which point were you flying off the handle?

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: 7.Dr.Cheap Shot on November 15, 2006, 02:06:44 am
I just wanted my name in this thread... ::lol::

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: Ein on November 16, 2006, 08:34:34 pm
Ummm... So yeah... That Cokie is a tough boss... Yeah. ;D

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: dr.blake. on November 27, 2006, 05:29:03 pm
you guys are insane...

where was I when spikey was 'always' being a sarcastic prick?

someone lock this up before sheix makes someone cry.. PLEASE.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 27, 2006, 08:28:38 pm
ty for resurrecting the dead thread to take your shot blake.

Title: Re: I've come back to say...
Post by: Cell on November 27, 2006, 10:33:41 pm
AAAAAA shit shit..asshole asshole. Please keep it going...makes my day at work more enjoyable.

(you wouldnt get the joke if it crawled into your herpes ridden dick and bit you in the bladder)

I don't care who this is at or what its about...its just some funny shit.