*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Spanke on November 08, 2006, 11:17:38 pm

Title: Spector
Post by: Spanke on November 08, 2006, 11:17:38 pm
my dad has some sort of spyware that takes pictures and there is a dmg on ym desktop called backdoor - so it must be spector.. anyone know hot to bypasss, remove, or locate this thing or what it produces ??!??! (basically any help appreciated)

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on November 08, 2006, 11:54:38 pm
Install Spector on your Mac and it will record EVERYTHING anyone does on the Internet.

Spector automatically takes hundreds of snapshots every hour, very much like a surveillance camera. With Spector, you will be able to SEE EXACTLY what your spouse, kids and employees have been doing online and offline.

LOL - time to go buy a skateboard. I bet you will get in trouble for even typing this message you buffoon, since it most likely took screens of you asking to circumvent it.


oh yeah
12. But, if I tell them, I'm afraid that they will poke around the system and try to circumvent Spector.

That is why Spector has a super Stealth feature.

When installed in Stealth mode, Spector does not show up as an icon, does not appear in the "About This Computer" window, Application Menu, and it cannot be uninstalled without the Spector password which YOU specify, and Spector does not slow down the operation of the computer it is recording.

but like all things on a computer, they can be defeated. Just use your imagination.

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: Spanke on November 11, 2006, 05:35:59 pm
who you calling a buffoon? I have friends w/ computers and another laptop... so...yea ANYWays yea How to get ridofthisshit

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: deumrabbit on November 12, 2006, 12:31:37 am
I assume that it has all of the files for the program hidden (invisible). Download filebuddy and search your hard drive for "spector". You might be able to find it and trash it, who knows. www.filebuddy.com (http://www.filebuddy.com) Filebuddy finds invisible and non-invisible files. It's a neat little program.

The real question is why would your parents waste the time to install that shit on your computer... lol.

P.S. Just delete your parent's accounts or, if it's your computer, stick a password on it.

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: BFG on November 20, 2006, 10:11:38 pm
who you calling a buffoon? I have friends w/ computers and another laptop... so...yea ANYWays yea How to get ridofthisshit

AHAHAHA this is genius! a few suggestions:

1. put a wig on and some disgues comedy glasses or mustache - that way you'll look like someone else.
2. put a blanket over the computer screen - then it can't see what your doing!
3. tell your dad you want to do something you shouldn't be doing and ask him to turn it off
4. go to the shop and get your porn from the top shelf!

Id give you a few hints but its to much fun! :D

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: Spanke on November 21, 2006, 01:20:40 am
Righto jack  ::bussi::

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on November 21, 2006, 02:00:31 pm
O ye of tiny vision-

what you NEED to do is:

Put Spector on HIS machine..wait a few days and see what turns up.
If your dad is boring, never fear.

You can always log into as many bizarro disgusting bestial scat tranny midget sites you can dig up (or find in your bookmarks) and log into ALL of them .....

from HIS computer.

at obscure times.

Middle of the night, or right when mom heads to bed...
Like right before breakfast.. and hell, make it really Obsessive...right AFTEr breakfast too..
dinner time, when the time stamp will bear out his surfing habits while mom is slaving over dinner.
ON SUNDAYS RIGHT BEFORE CHURCH TIME!! (woot)  <--my wifes contribution)

And then take screens of his history pallete..with HIS desktop clearly visible in the background.


Pull your dad aside and ask if he feels like playing the
"youbetterfuckingtakespectoroffmymachineorI'llshowMOMyouhypocritcaljackass" game.

Be outside the range of his right hook, and be ready to follow thru if he touches you.
Sleeping at motel 6 for a few months will be wayyy more humiliating to him,
than a simple ass beating will be to you...



Title: Re: Spector
Post by: BFG on November 21, 2006, 10:16:16 pm
ahahah very good shiex... except now his dad knows your cunning plan ;)

You could always install spector on his comp, then start asking lots of questions on the net about hacking the programme and disabling it - in the hopes that he will in responce then go in and check his settings etc - thus seeing what his password is! However because he knows that you know he is doing this because he knows that your asking these questions that we're answering about putting spector on his account so that you can see what he is doing on his account to control your account things might get a bit omfgthisisfuckingconfusing!

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on November 21, 2006, 10:41:34 pm
hrm, maybe we should use omnigraffle to diagram this.

Title: Re: Spector
Post by: Ein on December 02, 2006, 03:52:52 pm
Just had to say "'LOL".

Sheix, you had me laughing so hard I woke up my wife at 5am with it before I went to work.

Great ideas all.


Title: Re: Spector
Post by: Spanke on December 02, 2006, 08:26:06 pm
blah it is his machine, i could probably just call him out on it it and be like "why the fuck do you want to watch me watch pron"