*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Blitz on August 08, 2006, 06:35:25 pm

Title: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: Blitz on August 08, 2006, 06:35:25 pm
I know a few of you are trying to download Xcod 2.4 since it was released yesterday. But in my opinion, I believe it's for the guys at the WWDC and they will release it after the convention.

Go  here to see what I mean:


Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: Scott_Kevill on August 09, 2006, 01:11:09 pm
I know a few of you are trying to download Xcod 2.4 since it was released yesterday. But in my opinion, I believe it's for the guys at the WWDC and they will release it after the convention.

Go  here to see what I mean:


No, he's just a moron. It's on the ADC site like every previous version of Xcode, which requires an ADC membership, free or otherwise.


Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: BFG on August 09, 2006, 09:52:06 pm
lol damn scott beat me to it.

Nice to see they are really working hard at improving Xcode though, is so damn important!

Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: Ethion on August 10, 2006, 05:38:31 pm
I know a few of you are trying to download Xcod 2.4 since it was released yesterday. But in my opinion, I believe it's for the guys at the WWDC and they will release it after the convention.

Go  here to see what I mean:


No, he's just a moron. It's on the ADC site like every previous version of Xcode, which requires an ADC membership, free or otherwise.


Maybe when you looked. But I believe the first two days it wasn't online. And I checked somewhat regulary for the new version. It's up now anyway, even advertised on MacUpdate.

Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: Blitz on August 10, 2006, 05:41:01 pm
Looks like Scott didn't click the link... Poor Scott. I feel for you... You should really send your resume to Apple and make sure that when they release Xcode 2.4 or any other update that it's up there RIGHT AFTER THE KEYNOTE!


Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: BFG on August 10, 2006, 10:05:12 pm
Blitz in your random appearances on these forums you don't half post the most obsure and odd messages i've come across.

Was there any point to this thread to begin with other than you thought to comment on the fact that apparently some unnamed people we dont know about couldn't find the X-code update??

Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: Ethion on August 10, 2006, 11:04:04 pm
In my desperate attempt to start a flame thread here..

BFG, please use the correct word for the application. As it's not x-code, it's xcode.


Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: Blitz on August 10, 2006, 11:09:37 pm
BFG, to tell you the truth, I was kinda hurt by Scott's and your comments towards something that happened 24+ hours before you guys replied. Of course by the time you replied Xcode 2.4 was released. Of course you don't care about time frames or the ethical treatment of users of the forums. I don't believe many admin use ETHICS behind judgement.

Also, all I was proving with the first post of this thread was that MacRumors.com and a bunch of other sites were saying Xcode 2.4 was released when clearly it wasn't for nearly 24 hours (maybe less). So being a big dumb jackass about my comment towards Scott has no ethical use, because eventually, this thread is going to get so off topic and I'm going to say something that offends you personally that you have no choice but to ban me for no reason (because that's what a lot of admins do).


Title: Re: Where's Xcode 2.4?
Post by: BFG on August 11, 2006, 12:24:08 am
1. sorry ethion i love the liberal use of the - as you can see, especially - and - and when im really crazy a bit of _

2. blitz when on earth did ethics come into it? Im just rather bemused by your random posts/threads that pop up... because (others correct me if u disagree) your thread was pretty much a closed question, not even that and made very little sence to me.

3. And if mine and scotts comments hurt you... then im not sure quite what to say...

4. On the country i do rather care about the users on the fourm, hence why i spend lots of time reading what people say and well.. moderating. If you take offense to my queries of your random posts/threads you could either stop making them quite so bizarre or random, or maybe just ignore me.

5. i need sleep