*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Croosch on July 29, 2006, 07:56:43 am

Title: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Croosch on July 29, 2006, 07:56:43 am
Alright... so I just recently had surgery on my jaw for a rather bad under-bite I had.  In short, they sawed my upper jaw off, moved it out a little and screwed some plates in to hold it together.  Lucky for me they cut all the nerves in my upper gums so I won't regain feeling in my face for at least 6 weeks... meaning no pain. It's now just one week after surgery and quite honestly, it's beginning to suck.

I have 5 more weeks before I can chew anything and right now I'm stuck drinking a protein instant breakfast thing for breakfast, a fiber drink (which is horrid) and spaghettios for dinner and lunch since I'm not a huge fan of soup.  And the occasional smoothy... I was under weight before surgery by about 10 pounds and I've already lost 9 pounds since the surgery.  So there's no chewing at all and I'm at a stage right now where it's really pissing me off and I'm tempted to just take a hand full of chips and throw em in my mouth.  Any ideas, preferably realistic ideas for anything that'd work?  My mind is blank when it comes to liquid and blended foods because I usually only really eat meat and chips.  Ideas would be very much appreciated ;D

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Croosch on July 29, 2006, 08:01:07 am
Oh and by the way, the nutritionist the hospital provided for me sucks...

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on July 29, 2006, 08:06:47 am
Dont eat rat poison.  Hold to this idea and you should be alright.

Lone has spoken.

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on July 29, 2006, 11:41:52 am
Meat Shakes.

p.s. and if they sawed your UPPER jaw off, wouldnt that mean they cut your head off?

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: pointillist on July 29, 2006, 05:01:15 pm
Oh yeah i did a liquid diet for two years
while they made my teeth perfect.....now i need
another 7,000 to rebuild.......

Get a blender and a steak...season your meat shake
before the blend....heat it in microwave after the grind.

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: juggler on July 29, 2006, 05:13:26 pm
ouch that stinks.  You could eat lots and lots of popsicles and ice cream... you wouldnt be able to feel the coldness when it touches your teeth which is definatly a good thing!

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Croosch on July 29, 2006, 07:56:48 pm
Meat Shakes.

p.s. and if they sawed your UPPER jaw off, wouldnt that mean they cut your head off?

no... part of your skull is actually consideried your upper jaw, the part that connects directly to your lower jaw.  they sawed right under my nose back to my wisdom teeth.

and no, I'm not blending meat... that's just weird.  Though I did go out today and bought some small circle noodles and cheese since I can't swallow the full macaroni and cheese noodles.

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on July 30, 2006, 07:27:35 am
Wel, you might consider trying Dinty Moore beef stew...might have to blend it a little more, but its pretty damn goood. And the Chowder like soups that are super chunky would be good maybe. (chicken, clam) I know you said you didnt like soup..but ITS SOUP THAT EATS LIKE A MEAL? mb?

Whipped watermelon is bad ass..and other fruit stuff...depends on your tastes.
You can alos mix protein shakes into your favorite puddings..so its liek Desert for Dinner.

Good luck. Hope youre feeling ok otherwise..

Too bad you didnt keep the look, i would have donated my avatar.   :)

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: KoS.Rebel on July 30, 2006, 09:44:00 am
Protein shakes...if I were you id head to the nearest GNC. That place is like my second home. They have all sorts of supplements and weight gainer protein shakes that you could drink to maintain your weight.

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: BFG on July 31, 2006, 07:45:47 pm
Meat Shakes


** Runs off to find the 'meat shakes' song **

erm, soup! chicken soup, veg soup, mushroom soup, everything soup! piss easy to make, all you need is some veg and some decent stock.

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Cell on July 31, 2006, 08:03:07 pm
One of my buddies had shattered his jaw a few years back, and all he would do was blend soups and suck them through a straw.  Pretty nasty watching him slurp down his meals through a straw as they dribbled out the side of his mouth.  I kept it to myself though...felt bad enough for him. Nevertheless, he seemed to enjoy them. ::lol::

For the love of God....never mention Spagetti O's again.  Not only is is a sacrelige for any self respecting Italian to have a can of that slop & ketchup in thier cabinet, I ate it ONCE when I was away at college....all drunk....booted it up all over the dorm carpet.  ::nade::

1. Unhealthy route - Milkshakes from say McD's, Wendy's....tasty and fattening. 

2. Healthy route and fairly tasty to moderately yummy...

Myoplex ....

Vanilla Myoplex in a blender, 160z of water or milk, couple of strawberries, and a bananna.  Something you can throw in the mix once in a while so you don't end up looking like Christian Bale in the Machinist.  Eventually you will get sick of it, so moderate your intake.
(http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Ss/0361862/KEYSETPHOTOLOWK_373_.jpg) <---Krush

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on July 31, 2006, 08:16:40 pm
For the love of God....never mention Spagetti O's again.  Not only is is a sacrelige for any self respecting Italian to have a can of that slop & ketchup in thier cabinet, I ate it ONCE when I was away at college....all drunk....booted it up all over the dorm carpet. 


from someone who's last name ends with -UZIO, (if you know it, DONT post it please..there be nuts in the neighborhood)
I simply MUST concur..
And cells first name is the namesake
for my father, grandfather, and Greatgrandfather!!

let us know what you end up using Krushlet.. :)

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: BFG on August 01, 2006, 12:34:28 am
AHAHee I found it :D tis that sexy ugly duckling meat shake (http://www.box.net/public/tbmjbx2d3t)

(ps, click link, press play, enjoy  ::applause::

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: (SiX)Sheixhundt on August 01, 2006, 09:40:09 am
Ive seen that, and putting a Duck Chick in a blender is totally uncool.

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: BFG on August 01, 2006, 08:16:44 pm
But damn, it makes for one tasty bad looking shake mate ;) - but this is music you big crazy man not a blended duck!!

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on August 02, 2006, 08:07:38 pm
For the love of God....never mention Spagetti O's again.  Not only is is a sacrelige for any self respecting Italian to have a can of that slop & ketchup in thier cabinet, I ate it ONCE when I was away at college....all drunk....booted it up all over the dorm carpet.  ::nade::


Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Mr. Lothario on August 03, 2006, 12:11:24 am
     I think it says a lot about the psychology of GameRanger that I saw that 'Rex had posted in this thread and immediately thought to make a post saying "a big fat cock doesn't require chewing."

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Croosch on August 03, 2006, 09:33:50 am
One of my buddies had shattered his jaw a few years back, and all he would do was blend soups and suck them through a straw.  Pretty nasty watching him slurp down his meals through a straw as they dribbled out the side of his mouth.
(http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Ss/0361862/KEYSETPHOTOLOWK_373_.jpg) <---Krush

Except I can't use a straw, I have a syringe with a tube connected to it... straws take too much jaw pressue after this surgery.

Anywho, 2 weeks later and 15 pounds lighter I'm feeling like shit!  lots of vicadin.

Let's just say, even though I still can't feel my face or my gums at all... I have feeling back in my skull, everytime my upper jaw cracks it sucks ass.  I can't open my mouth enough to yawn so everytime I hold it in and pressure builds up in my mouth as it slowly releases through my nose I hear every bone under my nose on my face crack and shift... disgusting.  And those damn pulsating headaches on top of that.

I'm used to the food selection now, I'll never drink v8, malts or ice cream ever again once I can chew again.  I went into this surgery a lightweight at 138lbs and 5'10", I'm now down to 123lbs and my diet isn't changing.  I'll be a skeleton when college rolls around.

Now that I think back a little, the worst part about this surgery is throwing up all the blood that runs into your stomach during surgery while your mouth is still wired shut... throwing up the blood and barely any of it leaving your mouth because you can't open it, can't swallow at this point so it all dries in your mouth... constant nose bleeds after surgery (probably from the god damn tubes).

anywho, laugh it up boys:
I have some of the least swelling the surgeons have ever seen... and apparently I have the southdale hospital record for longest piss after surgery at 1150mLs... the nurse was amazed.

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Mr. Lothario on August 03, 2006, 03:40:58 pm
     Why does your heater look like an evil robot, and why is it staring at me?

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Croosch on August 03, 2006, 07:59:55 pm
     Why does your heater look like an evil robot, and why is it staring at me?

that's a long vetical fan

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Cell on August 03, 2006, 08:44:15 pm
Why you wearing a huggies on your head?  Does this surgery cause you to shit out of your ears?

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: BFG on August 03, 2006, 10:57:05 pm
A large black doughnut has attached itself to the top of your huggies wearing head?!

Title: Re: Help: Need ideas for food
Post by: Croosch on August 04, 2006, 12:41:52 am
Why you wearing a huggies on your head?  Does this surgery cause you to shit out of your ears?

I predicted you would be the one to say that ::lol::