*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: theN00b on August 17, 2002, 03:43:57 pm

Title: Amber Alert System
Post by: theN00b on August 17, 2002, 03:43:57 pm
Let me tell you about the Amber Alert system. The Amber Alert system is supoosed to tell motorists to look out for cars carrying kidnapped children. This is the problem I have. The Amber Alert system can be used to trackl down political enimies. If any of you have read farenheit 451 you may know what I am talking about. The Amber Alert ststem can easily be used to track down political criminals as well as moral criminals. In Texas they are implementing this alert system. Most citezens would hate this idea if it wernt for the fact that the local and national news media are reporting so much on missing persons and kidnapped children. They make it seem like it is an epidemic when ?in all truth kidnappings and abductions have gone down in he past 10 years dramaticaly. Dose this Amber Alert system smell funny to you?

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: Bondo on August 17, 2002, 04:25:21 pm
How exactly does it work?  I didn't get that from your post...but yes, it sounds silly.

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on August 17, 2002, 05:09:31 pm
Yes...please explain this alert system or give a website link if there is one...

What I'm wondering is why they named it with Amber

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on August 17, 2002, 05:13:27 pm
Amber ALert is a load of shit that gets way too much credit. It is named after some girl named Amber in Texas who was killed after being kidnapped...all this worthless alert does is spread news of a kidnapping and the info they have about it across the state. Oh well, it is being used as a political chip by California's worthless Governor, Gray Davis.

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: theN00b on August 17, 2002, 06:04:42 pm
In other words they put a sign up and tell you the kidnappers car. Such as a White Bronco. I think Amber was actually saved by the system. I am not sure nor do I care.

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: bronto on August 17, 2002, 07:21:32 pm
lmao, so it's to expose these people? like how they allert comunities when a former sex offender moves in town, like my town...i have the sex offenders phone number ;).

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on August 17, 2002, 11:34:31 pm
I wouldn't really brag about that bronto as that could suggest many things  :o

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: *Kilzo*:TK0:*DC1* on August 18, 2002, 06:51:19 am
Actually, the system does work quite good. what it does is display all info relevant to recent kidnapping...( A kidnapping in the past 2 hours ) across the tv screen and radios like a weather emergency. Sure it may be over rated to some, but I have 2 children so my opinion is very different than those without any, just wait till you have your own. I know if my little girl disappeared, I would want all the help I could get.

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 09, 2005, 11:14:18 pm
I know this is a really old topic, but I thought it would be good to see what has come about in the 2 years since this thread was created.  I can't believe whoever originally posted this says that it was just a cover-up for finding political enemies.  Have you guys seen how many children have been saved by this system in just the last year?  Every day it seems like you hear about the Amber alert system being activated and the child being found alive and safe just hours later.  I call that real progress.  And it makes me feel better that it is here since I have a 5-year-old daughter myself.

I don't consider digging this one up a bad thing.  Let me know if you disagree Lone.

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on January 09, 2005, 11:29:16 pm
I would have prefered you not, but since it is an ongoing program, and people may be interested to put up their comments about it, it can stay.  I may be editing the specific guidelines for bringing something back, so be sure to check in the 'messages from Admins & Moderators' thread every once and a while.


Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on January 10, 2005, 03:22:10 am
I'm not exactly sure how much Amber Alert itself has been responsible for saving children. I know when I hear about an Amber Alert, I hear about it which is different, but I am given no real way of helping or doing anything so it doesn't actually change. Despite my skepticism, I suppose it can't hurt. The most disturbing thing is they used the Amber Alert bill to also include a law that holds event organizers responsible for activities at the event (such as drug use) for which they really don't have much control. Rider bills piss me off because they are almost always bills that wouldn't pass because they aren't good bills, that is why they have to be riders.

Title: Re: Amber Alert System
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 10, 2005, 03:44:15 am
Rider bills piss me off because they are almost always bills that wouldn't pass because they aren't good bills, that is why they have to be riders.

Yeah, I feel the same way.[/size]