*DAMN BattleLeague Logo
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*DBL News
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*DAMN SheepIcon [Season XIII after thoughts] - [23.5.2006 ; 5:23 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Season XIII was the first scheduled season in the history of the *DAMN Battle League.

It was a tough one for the clans as well as for the administration to show up regulary.

I would like to thank our admin Red Tigah, who was the master brain behind the realisation of the scheduled ladders. She put hours and hours of work into this idea and how it could be done to please most clans and bring back a healthy level of cb activity. I think she succeeded in every way and without her the season wouldn't be that exciting and active.

Unfortunaly I also have to say farewell to Tigah, who was a reliable companion since season 8(correct me if I'm wrong), and was always an important supporter of this league. Her dedicated commitment helped to improve this league season by season. So thank you Tigah and have fun playing games without the hassle to be also an admin 24/7.

Next to Tigah, I also would like to thank Lynx for being online and helping out at almost every scheduled round. A new admin has never been as helpful as you in his first season. Thanks a lot.

Back to season XIII. Beside increased activity in the clan ladders this season the FFA ladders came to a stop. Only one FFA cb was played. May people got tired of it. Nevertheless we hope to see some action again next season.

Season XIV and the *DBL 2.0

The release of the next *DAMN Battle League iteration, project name *DBL 2.0, will be at the end of september or early october. At the start of season XIII I thought this will be the last season with the current script, but as it seems there will be another one to fill the gap. Season XIV may be a bit different in terms of scheduling. So we can fully concentrate on the release of the *DBL 2.0. The schedules will probably be more flexible and you, the clans have to schedule the cbs more on your own. We gonna provide a seperate forum just for making schedules. May also season XIV will be used as qualification round for a big *DBL 2.0 opening tournament. We gonna talk about that later. A *DBL 2.0 Dev forum part will also be added to the forum soon. So you can add your input and wishes on the current progress.

Last but not least you can leave your personal season XIII after thoughts at this BL forum thread.
*DAMN SheepIcon [Winner icons] - [23.5.2006 ; 3:04 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
As already reported yesterday, :V: won also the RvS SuperFinals.

The winner icons for all ladders including the fun ladders can be downloaded here:

GhR Adv Mainseason large
GhR Adv Mainseason forum
RvS Adv Mainseason large
RvS Adv Mainseason forum
GhR Adv SuperFinals large
GhR Adv SuperFinals forum
RvS Adv SuperFinals large
RvS Adv SuperFinals forum
Fun ladder winner large
Fun ladder winner forum

The Hall of Fame has also been updated and shows the Advanced winners.

Congratulations again to all winners and clans that pariticipated.

*DAMN Mauti & the *DBL Administration
*DAMN SheepIcon [Winner announcement tomorrow] - [22.5.2006 ; 7:27 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
Tomorrow I gonna post a season round up, send out icons and post a few words about the next season.

Just in advance: :V: owned RvS this season and won also the RvS Advanced ladder last weekend.

More to come.
*DAMN SheepIcon [RvS SuperFinals hosting?] - [19.5.2006 ; 5:03 pm by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
The password for all SuperFinals games should be: rvsfinals.

Starting times are as usual 7:00pm CEST.

If you are not sure, who starts hosting for the SuperFinals games read on:

The higher ranked clan from the mainseason chooses to start hosting or not, for every round(including every cb). In the rules it says the clan above the bracket can choose, which is the same:

--- vs. ---- (A)

--- vs. ---- (B)

For the finals game the higher ranked clan of A + B is above and chooses to start hosting or not.

Beside that you can agree with the other clan to play the first round completely on host X and the second cb on host Y and the last round if necessery on a splitted host, but as said that's up to your personal agreements. Per default each cb will be played on a splitted host.
*DAMN SheepIcon [RvS SuperFinals] - [16.5.2006 ; 11:10 am by *DAMN Mauti] - [0] - *DAMN CommentIcon
This weekend the RavenShield SuperFinals will be played and gonna end season XIII.

The matches are:

(A) Virus vs. :cO:.
(B) {DrK}* vs. [a]

Winner (A) vs. Winner (B)

The starting times are 7:00pm CEST for saturday and sunday.

Good luck.
-[ Season 14 is at an end;
    Season 15 starting soon!
-[ Total CB's played:
-[ Total Members:

-[ Qualification Deadline
16th July 2006
-[ GhR Farewell Tourney
22nd/23rd July 2006
-[ RvS Farewell Tourney
29th/30th July 2006
-[ Status notice
-[ GRPA Mod version 2
-[ IMG interviews Mauti
-[ Winner icons
-[ More winners and other things
-[ GhRa> vs {E}
-[ Po)| vs
-[ Po)| vs
-[ GhRa> vs *
-[ [a] vs GhRa>
*DBL NoCheating Pic