[RvS SuperFinals soon] - [6.4.2005 ; 6:42 pm - by
*DAMN Mauti]
Only a few days until the Raven Shield SuperFinals.
As for the GhR SuperFinals all clans have to be online at 7:00pm CET = 6:00pm GMT = 1:00pm EST.
Of course as you could do in GhR you can already preplay your round. If you want to do so you have to post the date and time in the *DBL forum and the other clan has to confirm it. So we know that both clans agreed to it.
Then only the winner has to appear on saturday one hour later than the other clans. The RvS Finals are only 2 rounds long so the entire SuperFinals will be played on saturday per default.
On monday season X will be summed up, all winners gonna be announced, etc...
Last but not least I would like to remind everyone that a rule is a rule is a rule is a rule.
Good luck to MP5, BBs, dr. and Core,