[Attention FFA recalced] - [31.1.2005 ; 4:12 pm - by
*DAMN Mauti]
Still the first day off season X and a lot of action going on.
For all FFA players, including me, please notice that we have fixed a small bug, that happened when we translated my algorithm written in Java to php, further we increased the constant a bit. To say it short the scorings have changed slightly.
Furhter now you also get different points for each rank, as it was supposed to be, but prevented due the translation fault.
At all this means for you that big FFA's are even more worthy to do because you lose much less points, e.g. for a 3rd place in a 7player FFA compared to a 3player FFA. Further the last place minus points you get removed in a 8FFA game is equal to a 3FFA game.
Btw I also had today 2 very fun cbs, and lost my FFA virginity ;-), well in the second one Stripes owned me. REVENGA!
*Update*: all 3 pending clan cbs are now complete with players and are confirmed.