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[Season 5 ready to start!] - [22.9.2003 ; 12:22 pm - by *DAMN Mauti]
After a 9week long break the Battle League reopens its doors: Season 5 is ready to start. After the tremendous amount of played cbs in the last 2 seasons it was clear that we had to change our BL system to keep up with the posted clanbattles and to bring you up to date stats. Elandrion spent hundreds of hours to make this all possible.

Now you can post the cbs by yourself. After the clanbattle the winner submits the score , game and his players and the loser has only to confirm the cb and add their players and voila the cb is posted and appears immediatley at the ladder. Less waiting - more playing. That's only one of few new additions to our Battle League script.

The ladders: the first time in our BL history we introduce several subladders for one game. The so called "Team" ladder always marks the competition ladder that includes 9 days long finals. All other ladders, as the new Ghost Recon Siege and Ghost Recon 2vs2 CQB ladder, are just for fast and fun games inbetween. With the time 1vs1 and FFA ladders will follow. The reason why they aren't added yet is because we want to test the new submition system on a clan level first and may in the future we also gonna host other games like MOHAA...

The most dramatical change is probably the change from our 3 year old skillpoint system to a complete new Combat Point System which was build and formed by you, the community. Tactical use of the system is almost impossible - the guys the starts to play first have the best chances to come into the finals but nevertheless late starters have a chance if they try hard. Further you don't have to fear about challenging much higher ranked clans(+5 ranks above you) anymore. You won't get any penalty points for trying to beat top clans further if you battle clans at your skill level you lose less points than for beating much weaker clans. All in all the Combat Point System rewards you to battle equally or better ranked clans. Also the player points are now depending on the rank of the challenged clan. I hope this new system will bring us hours and hours of exciting mp games.

On a side note the season length has been shortened to 50days + 9days finals. The finals have now fix cb times to save time except you agree otherwise. Also you can now see detailed informations of each cb and post comments.

Before you stop reading and start surfing around the site please note that we need the name of every clanleader. Just post the clan + clanleader name at the Season 5 clan + clanleader SIGN UP so we, the BL admins, can give you full editing options about your claninfo and clanroster. If you never signed up with your clan or after season 4 was already over please use the sign up directly here at the BL page. Please also note that all clanmembers have to register at the BL so you can add them to your clan roster. As clanleader you can also annouce waradmins. Waradmins are clanmembers that are allowed to submit/confirm clanbattles. By the way only registered clanmembers are allowed to cb for your clan.

Alright that's it for the moment and don't forget to take a look at the rules and download the official *DAMN BL Warzone gamemode for the Ghost Recon Team ladder.

Best Regards,

*DAMN Mauti
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*DAMN Elandrion | 23.9.2003 ; 5:19 am
hehe i forgot...
*DAMN Mauti | 23.9.2003 ; 2:42 am
Elandrion forget it - its our good old well known complainer you still worries about a decision over 1 year ago...

*DAMN Elandrion | 23.9.2003 ; 2:36 am
if you were disappointed with the work of the BL admins, why didn't you contact me or *DAMN Mauti? We can't help if we don't know of problems!

*DAMN Elandrion
Disappointed @ BL staff @ work | 23.9.2003 ; 12:01 am
"1. Both clans are responsible for taking a screenshot of the stats-screen after every game within the Clan battle, this will be the primary article of proof in any arguments and those without them will risk having a ruling against them. Also, both clans should count the game scores and compare throughout the battle to avoid confusion (perhaps adding a 0-0 score count to your name).

Note: Clans in the past, have been able to lie about having a Stats Screen screenshot, and have the CB ruled in THEIR favor. Simple as if the BL mods happen to not like you, they WILL rule against you. They don't care if the other team lies about taking a SS if they don't like you. So don't expect all these rules to apply fairly to everybody. In other words, kiss the BL Mods' asses if you want them to rule for you.(if you have no pride, guess you'd do that...) That's the ONLY way to be treated fairly around here... -this coming from a disappointed BL Player/Clan Leader that got a BS call made against him/his clan, that was so bad, it dragged past the end of Finals of a Season without ANYBODY being able to simply rule against a liar/lying clan. Oh yeah, no fair ruling in the end neither... Caused us to have just the right amount of poins to be taken away to have clan FiRE win... Yeah, talk about coincidental bad call... Just because the BL mods wanted things their way, regardless of what was right and wrong...

Oh yeah, the clan that won that season, happened to have 2 BL Mods working(only 4 were at work at the time), and happened to make that bad call against our clan... They purposely ignored clear facts, like the opposing clan lying and the Clan Leader of the other clan requesting Disciplinary Action taken. In other words, just don't expect things to run exactly fairly around here.... If you know what I mean...


(all these accusations do not include Dr. No or Elandrion for the record. Just FiRE Infection, FiRE Hazard, Pat((He's no longer BL Mod) and VooDoo))
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