Old News |
| [19 new mods!] - [20.10.2003; 9:17:AM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - It's been 2 weeks since I said in 2 days but now the mods are here. 19 more or less new hot Ghost Recon mods are waiting for you at our Mac Downloads. The best would be to visit our Advanced Mod Search site to get a fast overview of all new mods if you aren't on our Mod Notification list.
If you have troubles with updating Ghost Recon to version 1.0.3 I remind you that there is still a tutorial How to update Ghost Recon at our Articles section.
Tim Leary's website has been moved to http://ghostrecon.sanfransicko.com/. Further he has started a Ghost Recon COOP Tournament. If you are interested click here.
Last but not least You deserve an explanation why I was so long away and will be. I'm currently in my 3rd term of software and information engineering studies at the vienna university of technology and it's a difficult and very important one for me: I spend approximatley 33hours a week at the university. On 4 days I come home at 8:00pm or later. Then I have to make me dinner. Around 9:00pm I'm finished and then I would have some spare time before I have to stand up at 7:40am again for university. Next to my 33 "education" hours I have of course to learn and write several java and c apps, bah and before I forget it I have 2 jobs to earn some money for a strongly needed new Mac. My silent and cute 400Mhz G3 iMac DV SE is getting old(bought in 1999). One job as salesman and then I have a contract with Sony Austria to cut them an Offroad movie until the end of october. I hope this will be the last big movie project I have to finish on my iMac. 7 hours DV raw material are a pain in the ass.
However I try to do as much as I can to feed you with new mods and updates. So have a nice day,
*DAMN Mauti
| [Mods *Updated*] - [4.10.2003; 6:12:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Hi guys,
since the Battle League and university started againI didn't have much time for mods but tomorrow I'll do a do a major update.
*Update*: due an 14hours isp fall out I was unable to upload any mods. I hope to get that done within the next 2 days.

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