Old News |
| [Season 5 starts!!!] - [22.9.2003; 9:45:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - The Battle League has been upgraded and season 5 already started. Read the latest Battle League news and don't forget to register at the Battle League page so your clanleader can add you to your clan.
Let the cbs start!
*DAMN Mauti
| [Flies' TOUR d' EUROPE online!] - [19.9.2003; 4:43:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Flies famous tour diary from his europe trip, where he visited few well known GameRangers, can now be found at *DAMN R6. Just head over to our Articles section or click here for a very fun story and lots of pics!
Mauti ps.: Battle League will start very soon...
| [Tons of mods! [Updated]] - [15.9.2003; 6:29:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Today we have many new stuff at our Mac Downloads: first a small update to Icebreaker 39-45 which allows better multiplayer gaming, then we have 2 new very big server side packs (FNG 4.0 and pH 4.0). Trafic to Columbie is a very neat new map and last but not least I have converted Operation Restore Justice - an outstanding total conversion mod. If you have the bandwidth to download this 200+ MB monster and play lots of single player GET IT - you won't be disappointed and hopefully there will be soon a multiplayer patch so you can play all missions in coop as well.
The advanced modding tutorial about long filenames and how you can shorten them can be found here> at our Articles section.
| [Mod updates] - [12.9.2003; 2:49:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Huch another 2 weeks are gone but finally I have uploaded the most important mods and updates to our Mac Downloads and more will follow asap.
The reasons why I was another 2 weeks away are that I had some well paid jobs, met very interesting girls and whenever I dared a look into the forum and saw so many complaints and flamewars I thought how nice it is without them in real life. I came to a point where I seriously thought about to dump the whole website and *DAMN - but then again can I really waste a thing that lasted for over 3years because of a very small annoying minority in the forums!? No, period. So here I am. But I have to clean the floor and so I gonna make some important changes.
About the Battle League: Earlier this week we already made some beta tests of the new script and only some minor things need to be fixed and added. Elandrion only has an important university test at 17th september so we won't start before this. But season 5 will start in september for sure.
When season 5 starts there won't be a 1vs1 and FFA ladder, as previously announced, simply because we want to test the new submition system in the clan ladders first but since the season only lasts 50 days the 1vs1 and FFA ladders will be coming not much later.
About the warzone debate: LMS and WZ will be in one ladder. The rule will be like this:
"Guest clan starts to choose maps and game mode(LMS or WZ) - after the first game the clan that lost the last game selects always the next map and game mode(LMS or WZ). In case of a tie the clan that just chose selects the next map."
A "Siege Fun Ladder" will probably be added as well.
Here is a short preview of what I'm doing the next days so you know when you can expect me to do something for the site:
Tomorrow saturday: conversion of Operation Just Restore and writing an advanced tutorial how to shorten long filenames, especially for Tim Leary and his excellent uptodate Ghost Recon mod/lifestyle website http://leary.homeunix.org/. In the afternoon I gonna meet a very nice girl and then I go to a party. Sunday: clearing forum issues, answering emails of the last 2 months. until 12:00am then I have to leave for work! Monday: whole day dedicated to *DAMN Tuesday: Family Meeting(500+ relatives), which will last the whole day and I gonna hear 500times how large already I am,... Wednesday: working as reseller in my mom's lampstore from 10:00am - 7:00pm so no time for *DAMN. Thursday: no idea we will see.
Alright now I also have to leave for work and then I am at a concert with my cousine.

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