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| [Mosquito Ops PC version downloadable] - [31.8.2007; 10:44:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - I finally received the PC built of Mosquito Ops. Just proceed to the Mosquito Ops website at http://mosquitoops.damnr6.com and scroll down to the downloads.
The PC version requires Window XP SP2(Service Pack 2).
I have also added a readme now to the Mac version, because a few people didn't read the tips and tricks on the website.
Although critics are harsh, I'm pleased to announce that the Mac version was already downloaded over 3000times. Thanks everyone for trying our first game out.
Personally I think people expect a full blown game, but Mosquito Ops is by no mean perfect and is just a game produced within 12 weeks with no prior OpenGL/C++ experience.
So I hope you have fun. Just give it a few minutes until you get used to the controls,
| [Mosquito Ops released] - [28.8.2007; 9:48:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Mosquito Ops has finally been released.
If you ever wanted to experience the daily life of a mosquito, the game is for you. Suck blood, find some mosquito eggs, and reach key locations that are saved by anti mosquito plugs.
I have created a website with many informations about the game and its development.
The Mosquito Ops website can be found at http://mosquitoops.damnr6.com.
You can download the game from there or from our Mac Downloads. The PC version will be added as soon as my teammate sends me the final built.
Please post your feedback in the Mosquito Ops forum thread.
Thanks and have fun playing,
| [*DBL and Mosquito Ops update] - [19.8.2007; 1:07:AM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Good evening,
you can read here about the latest *DBL update.
Today I wanted to release Mosquito Ops. I rushed out a website, but unfortunaly I have to leave now. As a consequence I can't finsih the final touches to the website and modding information, as well as fixing one small bug in the ingame editor. I'm sorry about that. I'm away the next 8 days, so you have to wait another week plus 1 or 2 days, until you can fly around as mosquito and suck blood 'til you explode.
Stay tuned.

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