Old News |
| [I AM BACK!] - [28.8.2003; 8:22:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Hey guys,
yep I'm back. It's been a long time but I'm back in town. I know you have plenty of questions and compaints about forum issues and so on. The first thought was, when I checked my emails and pms from the last 4 weeks, I NEED VACATIONS! Well I had long enough vacations and it was an unbelievable time: waterski driving/riding + many parties in Kärnten, sailing and cliffjumping in Croatia(the first time I jumped from 12metres), touring and lots of Schnaps in Groβ Raming and last but not least brother sitting in lower Austria. Well a photo story will follow sometime ;)
Back to R6 business: first I'll try to answer all emails and update the Ghost Recon mods, then I#ll take care about the forum issues and last I'll dedicate my spare time to the Battle League issues and season 5.
The Battle League season 5 will be opened soon. Do you want a date? I would only break it but an careful estimation is mid september. Don't take this as promise. Most script parts are already finished but you never know what happens next...
Ok guys that's it for the moment, the next days I have to work so don't expect a big differences between my vacation time and yet but things should normalize soon.
Thanks Infection for posting the most important news during my time out.
Greetings to everyone out there,
Mauti who is back in town(did I already mention that ;)
| [Two new mac games announced] - [16.8.2003; 1:45:AM by †FiRE Infection]
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| - Tonight at 7 p.m. EST on the IMG chat boards two new Mac games were announced by Aspyr . Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield are set for release on the Mac. The release dates are set tentatively for late October.
System Requirements: (Subject to change)
Mac OS X, version 10.2 or later Power Mac G4, iMac G4, eMac, PowerBook G4 733 MHz processor or faster 256 MB of RAM 1.7 GB hard drive space 3D Graphics Acceleration required (minimum of ATI Radeon or NVidia GeForce 2 series card)

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