Old News |
| [9th anniversary] - [2.7.2009; 5:56:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
| - On 13th June 2009 *DAMN "celebrated" its 9th anniversary. Although this site is in a state of absence for a while now and only updated from time to time I would like to thank you all for being a part of this community for so many years. It was a pleasure and honor for me to work and play with you.
So many good things happened during this time, but also some tragedies like Grifter's surprising death on 19th july 2002.
Thank you all and let's see what the future holds for us and *DAMN,
| [IGN stops hosting - planet mail address no longer valid!] - [2.7.2009; 5:49:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
| - The IGN Network, who bought the GameSpy Networks, including all Planet websites, recently informed me that it will stop hosting all hosted sites by 31st august 2009.
Since 2004 *DAMN is hosting on its own server, however there was still a best of mods page at http://damnr6.planetrainbowsix.gamespy.com/. This site will be discontinued. However IGN's Fileplanet service, which stores most of our mods, is still available so no mods should get lost after IGN shuts down the hosting service.
Last but not least the damnr6_at_planetrainbowsix.com email address will also be closed. So please update your address book with our damnr6 email address.
PlanetRainbowSix hosted *DAMN for more than 3 years, until we moved to our own server after some serious server issues on Planet's site. However without their support from 2001 - 2004 *DAMN wouldn't have been what it was for so many years: the main Mac mod and community website for tactical shooters.
| [Heroes Unleashed 1.0.0b5 released] - [2.7.2009; 5:39:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
| - ApexMods released an updated to its Ghost Recon total conversion mod Heroes Unleased. You can download the latest version or updater at our Mac Downloads.
Last but not least here is a list of all recent changes:
V1.0.0B5 - RELEASED: 05/27/2009 - CODENAME: DUKE
- Beta Update
- Added arcade mode add-on mod to X-TRAS - Added new game types - Added new maps and re-ordered map sequence - Added new weapons and equipment kits - Added weapon info to X-TRAS - Adjusted actor properties - Adjusted binoculars - Adjusted combat model properties - Adjusted command maps - Adjusted default platoon setups - Adjusted effects textures - Adjusted equipment textures - Adjusted game types - Adjusted game types briefing text - Adjusted map clipping distances - Adjusted map fog settings - Adjusted map insertion zones - Adjusted map preview images - Adjusted map spotting distances - Adjusted map textures - Adjusted missions - Adjusted missions briefing images - Adjusted missions briefing text - Adjusted mouse cursor - Adjusted night vision - Adjusted projectile ballistics - Adjusted projectile properties - Adjusted server setup map info - Adjusted sky models - Adjusted sky textures - Adjusted threat indicator - Adjusted vehicle properties - Adjusted vehicle textures - Adjusted vehicle weapons - Adjusted weapon accuracy - Adjusted weapon ballistics - Adjusted weapon handling - Adjusted weapon kit art - Adjusted weapon muzzle flash - Adjusted weapon reticles - Adjusted weapon sounds - Adjusted weapon textures - Adjusted weapon zoom effect - Fixed missing/wrong map zones - Updated documentation - Updated X-TRAS

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