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| [Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed Update] - [14.6.2010; 1:34:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
| - ApexMods released another update for the total conversion mod Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed. Instead of new addition ApexMods worked hard on the weapon's balancing. Beside that also new assets like game types and a score system have been added.
You can download the latest Mac version as stand alone or update from the Mac Downloads. A PC version is also available at the PC Downloads.
You can leave any comments at this forum entry by ApexMods.
Last but least the ApexMods media release text:
ApexMods Announces New Version of "Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed" Mod ---------------------------------------------------------------------
THE WORLD WIDE WEB - May 30, 2010 - ApexMods (www.ApexMods.com) today announced an update to the popular "Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed" mod for "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon", the critically acclaimed squad-based military tactical shooter, which - although dated - still enjoys a cult-like following due to its realistic oldschool hardcore gameplay.
The updated Heroes Unleashed mod once again contains fine-tuning of many game features, balancing of various gameplay aspects, and new game assets e.g. an overhauled UI and over 60 game types for single and multiplayer available on all 150 maps. The new version also fixes several bugs and improves performance on low-end hardware.
Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed makes more than 100 maps available for single and multiplayer and offers over 200 weapons to choose from. All additions have been carefully integrated and balanced to provide a homogeneous level of professional audio-visual and technical finish.
The mod aims to intensify the realistic feel and immersive qualities of the game, making it more challenging and emphasizing the atypical Ghost Recon game style: Tactical team play rather than the "solo, run and shoot, wanna-live-forever" style found in many other FPS games.
Heroes Unleashed - over 100 maps, more than 200 weapons, ass-kicking realism... Maybe it's time to revisit the King of tactical shooters!
| [*DAMN's 10th anniversary] - [13.6.2010; 8:33:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
| - Today, 10 years ago, on 13th june 2000 *DAMN was founded. Although it has been quiet about the *DBL and *DAMN I'm still around. Right now I'm currently finishing my master thesis in computer science. Beside that I still want to revive *DAMN at least as a meeting point for all the people of us who played together so many hours and days in the last 10 years. It won't be tomorrow but I want you to know that I still think about it.
Thanks for all the fantastic moments I had with you. It was a blast and the memories still impress. Have a nice day,
Mauti ps.: you can leave any comments at the forum: http://www.damnr6.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=11302.0

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