Old News |
| [1 app + 1 update] - [30.5.2004; 1:05:AM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Hello,
I'm online again since 2 days. The reason why I couldn't connect to the GameSpy network was that my ISP blacklisted GameSpy and Desertcombat.com for an unknown reason. However most important is that I have access again.
So here we go with a very neat Server app, that is already available since few weeks, from Bigtex. It allows you to restart a crashed dedicated GhR room via an email.
Further the *DBL Map pack 2.5 has been updated to version 2.55 which fixes the Tac Nuke gun and further adds a new GhR FFA kit file, no sensors and no OICW GL, which will be required for the *DAMN Battle League soon. You can get both at our Mac Downloads.
A big hug and thanks to Nevin for his generous donation. Apple please release new G5s soon!!! I want one =)
Last but not least in 2 weeks *DAMN will celebrate its 4th anniversary. Unfortunaly it's in a time where I have tons of tests and exams but I hope to organise a give away as I did last year.
Greetings from Vienna,
| [*DAMN Mautis status] - [22.5.2004; 2:23:AM by *DAMN Elandrion]
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| - Strange news today: since about nine days, beloved site admin *DAMN Mauti hasn't been able to connect to the *DAMN R6 World site, the forums and the BattleLeague. He can't even receive emails on his planetrainbow6.com account from his home. GameSpy techsupport hasn't been of any help until now, so bear with us until we can restore his access to this most valuable site and bring him back from the depths of disconnectedness.
Have a nice time,
*DAMN Elandrion
| [GameRanger now with Ranking] - [7.5.2004; 5:06:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Only one day after the Battle League Season VIII started Scott "Evill" Kevill has released version 4.0 of Game Ranger.
Game Ranger now features built in game stats and ladders BUT only for premium members. To become a premium member you have to pay an annual fee of 49.95 US Dollar.
Here is the press release:
" Here's the full list of changes: * Added Ladders, Ratings, and Rankings for competitive play for Premium members: * Can host ranked or unranked game rooms * Tracks rank, rating, dispute %, games, wins, losses, % wins, streak, and last game date * Provisional and established ratings * Multiple ladders supported per game * All statistics viewable in Game Ranger for easy access * New game room window showing for all users: statistics, ping time, and Ready state * Joiners must click their "Ready" checkbox before the game can start * Automatic dispute mechanism * Added a transparency fade effect for some windows * Added Cmd-Shift-H shortcut for Hosting Help"
| [BL Season VIII started] - [7.5.2004; 12:34:AM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - The Battle League Season VIII just started 1 minute ago. If you participate on any Ghost Recon ladder make sure to download the *Damn Battle League Map Pack 2.5 Updater at our Mac Downloads.
The Battle League features now a Ghost Recon and Raven Shield FFA ladder. Game mode are 4 fast 5 minute rounds. More at the latest Battle League rules.
Have fun,
*DAMN Mauti ps.: may the first 50 downloader of the *DBL Map Pack Updater have a buggy No Sensor Kit file. If you don't host it doesn't matter, but if you often host No Sensor Kit games you should redownload the 4.2 MB. Sorry but beta testers just found this bug a few minutes after I posted the mod.
| [Icebreaker: Moscow's Gatekeeper] - [1.5.2004; 10:57:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
| - Hi,
I have added a great mod from Icebreaker: Moscow's Gatekeeper. This time your are playing as Axis in the WWII in the Smolenk offensive. 3 missions on 3 very nice maps promise fun hours. The only downside is that you probably need a better Mac(more than my iMac) to achieve good framerates. You can get it as usual in the Mac Downloads.
The WOI2.4 conversion still needs some time. There are soooo many long filenames. Converter's nightmare!
Big big thanks to our latest *DAMN supporter JimmyJamesJim. Thank you so much for your help. I have updated the *DAMN Supporter page. The status pic is now complete. Now Apple has to release new G5s so I can upgrade =), but more details on the supporter page.
Have a nice day,

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