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| [I need your help] - [18.4.2016; 12:06:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - Dear *DAMN users, members and friends,
it’s been a very long time and I hope you are all doing fine. Although the last clanbattle has been played almost 10 years ago, I would like to ask you for your help.
I quit my job as game designer and developer about 8 months ago and founded my very first company and I’m going to launch Trufflepiggy, https://trufflepiggy.com, a free browser add-on that helps you to find everything instantly on your favourite sites, in a few weeks.
The reason why I developed Trufflepiggy was that I was tired to read something interesting on a website and always have to open a new tab and google the product, translation, movie rating or copy and paste the search term directly on those sites. It’s cumbersome and in total I waste a few minutes each day for a task that can be perfectly automated. Especially because in most cases you already know where you want to look something up. Trufflepiggy takes care of that. For some demos just visit the website above.
To make Trufflepiggy as useful as possible I need to create a great default selection of websites where you regulary look something up. That’s where you can help me out.
It would be awesome if you could email me(mauti at damnr6.com) back with your
1. Country 2. Your top websites where you often use search at home and also work.
E.g. for myself:
1. Austria 2. IMDB, Amazon(de+uk), dict.leo.org, willhaben.at, duden.de, and for work symfony.com(docs)
Thank you very much, whatch your six, and greetings from Vienna,
*DAMN Mauti

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