Old News |
| [Merry christmas] - [24.12.2007; 3:09:AM by *DAMN Mauti]
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| - I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. You can read my open christmas letter at the forum.
Further t I would like to mention that Mosquito Ops is the most downloaded file in *DAMNs history with over 26500 downloads since late august. The PC version currently counts almost 20000 downloads while the Mac version clocks in at 7500+ downloads. Thanks to everyone for trying out my first OpenGL game.
Last but not least I visited a Maya introduction lecture at university this year. It was an interesting experience and you can view my first renderings at http://maya.damnr6.com
Once again have a merry christmas and a happy new year. I hope to see and chat with you more regulary in 2008 once I have replaced my broken powerbook.

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