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[Happy new year] - [31.12.2003; 6:15:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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I want to wish you all a happy new year. 2004 will be the year of Raven Shield, the G5 PowerMacs should reach the 3Ghz mark, new mini iPods will see the light of the day and of course *DAMN will provide you, as usual, with the latest mods and news and will take the Battle League a step further.
2004 is also a year where my loyal iMac 1999 400 won't run any new games anymore. It's time to upgrade to a new PowerMac but this little silver box costs money, lots of money. So to keep our service uptodate I need your help.
Become a *DAMN supporter 2004. I have created an exclusive *DAMN calendar 2004 featuring 12 beautiful rendered pics of Adriana Lima(8 are brand new). You get this wonderful handsigned piece of work, printed on high quality A4 glossy paper, for a donation of 20Euro or 25US Dollar and become a *DAMN supporter for the full year 2004. I would get approximatly between 8 - 10US Dollar per donation depends on the ordered quantity. The pic on the right shows the prerelease version of the calendar(yep the prerelease version has a small spelling fault). You could pay per PayPal or send me the money via mail(this version would be prefered because so I don't have to pay 5 - 10percent paypal taxes). If you don't want a *DAMN calendar also normal donations are always welcome and much appreciated.
What do I expect from this donation model!? - Nothing, because in the recent past many Mac websites and online services like Game Ranger started special pay services so the tolerance to pay is very low. That was also the reason why we didn't ask for donations in the past.(A donation button was up for a short time few months ago because few people wanted to donate, thanks again, but then the button was removed again). But now it is unavoidable to upgrade my Mac and your help is really required.
My hope is to get some additional money and all in all each Euro or Dollar I receive will be a big help to afford a new Mac so I can convert mods for the latest and greatest games, AND you get a great *DAMN calendar: the perfect gift for friends, your father or simply yourself. The calendar will be available throughout the whole january.
Elandrion sponsors(rent) me the screen, from MacGamer I won a copy of RvS, and you!? Please let me know what do you think about donating and if you are interested at all in a *DAMN Calendar.Post your comments and vote here please.
Once again a happy new year and good luck 2004.
*DAMN Mauti
[I have won won won....] - [29.12.2003; 11:52:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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- I'm a winner!!!!!! I finally won something over the internet. I'm happy like a 5year old child =))))))))
Btw I won a copy of Raven Shield at the MacGamer's Giveaway. Now I only need to win a brand new G5 ;)
Read everything about the giveaway.
Just in the case you didn't check the Articles section from time to time, the pic was made during my Army time 2001/2002.
Good night,
A happy happy Mauti with a big big *SMILE*
[Sometimes I'm so stupid...] - [28.12.2003; 4:29:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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- Monoman contacted me that I forgot to add the *DBL Domination gametype to the *DAMN Battle League map pack 1.5 updater... and he is completly right... Well I just uploaded the complete version so please redownload it again if you need it for cbs or just for fun games. Btw if you run the updater in Mac OSX you will get an Error saying "File not found" if you haven't installed any previous *DBL Warzone version. Just click ok and the updater will continue updating your *DBL map pack files.
Further Delsk Resistriction Mod was updated to version 2.0.
Get both at our Mac Downloads.
[New mods] - [25.12.2003; 6:29:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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- DTD's No Easy Day 1.3 is now available at our Mac Downloads. The mod includes:
"All new default characters, specialists and enemies, including many new or modified character models and attachments. >All new weapons (Over 120!), with reticules, sounds, etc! >All new 6 mission campaign, with a storyline based on real-world events, happening in real places with a progressive feel and plenty of twists. Retextured maps, all new briefings screens, the works. >All new music, splash screens, and much more!"
Further Delsk Resistriction Mod, Bernies Expansion Mod, Coldsteam and the *DAMN Battle League map pack 1.5 updater have been added.
The *DBL map pack 1.5 updater changes the insertions and zones for a more fair gameplay, updates Warzone to version 2.0 and adds a special *DBL Domination gametype(now also recon points are key locations).
Special thanks and thousand kisses to Monoman who modified the insertions, zones and *DBL gametype. Visit his site at www.planetrainbowsix.com/monoman. Further thanks to Tim Leary who also tried to help out. Visit his great Ghost Recon website.
War of Infamy 2.3 and other mod conversions have been delayed because I'm away for few days.
Nice holidays,
[No Easy Day uploading] - [24.12.2003; 4:38:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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- Hi,
I'm currently uploading DTD No Easy Day 1.3. The mod is 266MB large so it will need over 7hours with my max 128kbit upload speed.
Further Monoman sent me all fixed *DAMN Battle League files. You can download both tomorrow. I have to leave my home yet because I celebrate christmas always at my grandmother's house.
So have a merry merry christmas,
[Before christmas updates] - [21.12.2003; 11:44:AM by *DAMN Mauti]
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- While few of you already receive their copy of Raven Shield I'm currently working on few Ghost Recon projects.
Cocobolo finally finished his gigantic No Easy Day mod featuring 130weapons, tons of new character models, missions and more. The mod has already been converted but as it seems the PC version has few troubles and Coco will release a 1.3 patch on tuesday. I gonna wait until the release so you can expect the mod to work as it is supposed to be.
Delsk and Bernie I gonna upload your mods as well before christmas. Delsk I still didn't find the time to test it as server side mod. Maybe today!?
Tim Leary started to work on the new *DAMN Battle League insertions but unfortunaly due the PC dislike of a Mac compilation mod he had to give up. Nevertheless thanks for your endless effort in trying to get this working. Monoman graciously jumped in and had more luck in modifying the zones. So the *DAMN Battle League map pack 1.5 patch will be released very soon.
Other than that I hope to release the War of Infamy 2.3 patch + Eastern Front mod.
Btw if you are looking for a new PowerMac G4 you maybe should take a look at the Apple Special Offers page! There you will find an Apple refurbished PM Dual 2Ghz for only 2399,-US Dollar. Nice offer especially if you wanted to buy a Dual 1.8 for the same price. The PM 1.6 is starting at 1399,- US Dollar. So check it out if you can tolerate small scratches on your G5 surface.
[Raven Shield is shipping *Update*] - [13.12.2003; 1:26:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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[Few things] - [8.12.2003; 10:43:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
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- As you can read in the forum, Raven Shield is now in duplication.
Tim Leary's Ghost Recon conversion of Hidden War has been added to our Mac Downloads.
Last but not least I have added a screenshot with myself instead of Adriana ;). Few people asked for it. The pic was taken in summer 2003 when we drove back from Croatia to vienna, Austria. The reason why I'm looking so serious is that it isn't that easy to look into the camera and concentrate on the road while moving at 208km/h. Get it in the Arts & Screenshots section.