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[5 new mods] - [29.12.2002; 2:43:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- 5 new Ghost Recon mods are avaible for download. 2 new maps, one WW2 map and the GlassRooms map(known from RS), a small USMC skin pack, a Christmas mission pack that makes all missions "white" and a very cool coop server side mod where you have to destroy lots of tanks in 12 missions.(one mission includes 18tanks!!!!)
Have fun,
[A little bit of Austria] - [28.12.2002; 7:48:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
Today I uploaded my movie "A little bit of Austria or Mauti's GTI". I made it in June 2001 for the *DAMN surprise package. If you want to see a little bit from where I come get the movie and if you don't care it's a nice 9 minute long MPEG4 car movie showing me and my GTI(pic on the right side) in action ;) Download the movie and don't forget to leave your comments.
I also created a new desktop from an army excercise in february 2002.
A new Ghost Recon weapon mod that replaces all Americans with Russian counterparts is also avaible at our Mac Downloads =)
[New mods and GR tutorial] - [23.12.2002; 3:43:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- Hola!
Head over to our Mac Downloads I have added 9 very cool mods like GRS MapPack, that contains the RS Chalet and R6 Killhouse double map, and a special Mac version of MLP's Map Pack 1 that contains 6 maps from R6,RS, Half Life and Counterstrike. For your weapon needs we offer GRM 3.5 and DTD's famous Israel Defense Mod(IDF) 1.2. We have also added some award winning missions that kick the best out of you. Don't wait go downloading ;)
Furthers I have written a tutorial about mods in Ghost Recon: how to activate them, general tips how to use certain mods and some help, e.g. if Ghost Recon doesn't start anymore on your mac. - Mods in Ghost Recon
Last but not least I wish you all a merry christmas,
*DAMN Mauti (I am away the next 3-4 days)
[Fileplanet Public Server] - [23.12.2002; 12:48:AM by *DAMN Mauti]
- I have seen that many of you have troubles to find the free public fileplanet server. At the top of the page you can access the private server and if the public server aren't below scroll down the page and there you will find the free public server.
[Recent mods online again…] - [22.12.2002; 7:55:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- Alright the Caribbean Missile Mod, BB Mod and R02 Industrial Map are online again and do you know what they always worked grrrr.I worked the last three days to find out that the OS X Expander version 6.0.1cuts the filenames even in OS X. Nothing was ever wrong with my Virtual PC, bah.
So guys if you want to run these mods fine you should open the files with Stuffit Expander 7.0.
Tomorrow I'll add another 5+ mods so stay tuned!
[Grrr fileendings] - [20.12.2002; 3:14:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- Due some issues with my Virtual PC Stuffit setup the OS X only mods: Caribbean Missile Mod, BB Woodlands and Industrial map have been temporary removed. They will be up again soon .
[Definition of a veteran?] - [19.12.2002; 6:44:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- ...Who is a veteran? Is it someone that has a low Game Ranger account number? Is it someone who is respected and known by many players or is it someone that plays the game since its release? You see it isn't very easy to define a vet...
Head over to our articles and read the full story!
[Ghost Recon Review] - [18.12.2002; 5:09:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- IMG has reviewed Ghost Recon. Read the review.
By the way I uploaded some very cool new maps for Ghost Recon. Head over to the Mac Downloads.
[Black Sun 3.0 and War of Infamy] - [16.12.2002; 2:21:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- I just added Black Sun 3.0 and War of Infamy 1.0 to our Ghost Recon Mac Downloads. More are coming soon…
[Mac Downloads Online again] - [15.12.2002; 4:17:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- With almost an one hour delay the redesigned Mac Downloads(formerly known as Mac Mod Archive) is online again.
Unfortunaly I have to go but I'll start to add Ghost Recon Mods tomorrow.
I changed the archive system a little bit so it loads faster for you. When you enter a category you have the possibility to download the mod/file direct by clicking on the name or you can click on info if you want to know more about the mod.
In the forums I posted that the download archive will change a lot unfortunaly due time issues I wasn't able to realize everything like a comments page and a new rank system. However the Mac Downloads should load faster than before(especially categories like the RS maps) and that was my main purpose for the redesign.
Btw I noticed that FilePlanet was also redesigned and WTH the layout appears totaly screwed on a Mac Internet Explorer. I am sorry for this but thats out of my business to tell the Fileplanet people what to do. I sent them a mail about this problem, so lets hope.(Although the layout is screwed you can download mods just scroll down the page and you will find the public servers.)
Another thing you have to register now when you want to enter the Fileplanet page, bah that sucks, however once you are registered you can access everything like before. You even don't get any advertise mails if you uncheck the right boxes. Sorry again but as I stated I can't do anything against this.
To sum up the good news the Mac Downloads are online again with a speed pump. Also you will be able to get your latest Ghost Recon mods @ *DAMN R6. Tomorrow I'll start to add the first few mods…
[Mod Archive Deactivated] - [14.12.2002; 2:46:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- While I am working on the download redesign the mac mod archive is deactivated. You might be able to view it but because of some new modified cgi scripts it can happen that you can't download anything. The redesign should be finished tomorrow, sunday, 3:00pm CET.
[Searching for links to mac mods] - [11.12.2002; 5:44:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- Hi guys,
I need your help! Please post links where I can find already ported or working Mac Ghost Recon mods. Also add in which Mac OS you have tried out the mods.
- Post your links to Ghost Recon Mac Mods
[Poll about the new design] - [10.12.2002; 6:10:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
[Welcome] - [10.12.2002; 12:38:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- Welcome to the redesign of *DAMN R6. I hope you like the new design. All parts of the "Home" are already redesigned. Today I am gonna start with the forum and on the weekend the Ghost Recon mod archive should be up and running.
Well about the new design: I tried to make navigation easier and especially faster - you don't have so many sections as before: I have merged T.E.T and Bondo's Modreviews. - You can find them under articles now. Screenshots and Links aren't an extra part.
One problem I had with the redesign is that I can't rebuild the comments of the T.E.T and modreviews so don't be surprised if you find the old design on some comments pages.
To sum up you have now 4 main parts the start page(Home), the download section, forum, and the Battle League.
The site should work fine with Netscape 6+, Mozilla, IE, and even non graphical browsers. As I annouced it yesterday the BL will be redone with the start of the 3rd season because we want to add some special features.
Last but not least I renamed the website from *DAMN R6/RS World to simply *DAMN R6 because we started with Rainbow Six(R6) and furthers we are covering more than only R6 and RS.
[New Website Timeshedule] - [8.12.2002; 12:47:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- On monday/tuesday I'll redo the *DAMN part.
On tuesday/wednesday the forum will be redone. On saturday/sunday the new *DAMN Mac Download archive should be online and Ghost Recon mods gonna be added until the end of this game.
The other parts are already redesigned. About the Battle League I hope we can get the redesign done with the start of the 3rd season. We wanted to do the redesign already witht he start of the 2nd season but due a server crash we lost every data bah. I can't promise anything here only that Ghost Recon will be on board. The rules and play system will be decided in the last december/first january week. We will probably have two cb systems one realistic one(maybe without threat indicator) and one with limited respawns and threat indicator. But everything is undecided in this issue.
[New website] - [3.12.2002; 7:40:PM by *DAMN Mauti]
- The new website is almost done. Currently I have to update all scripts so they work together with the new design. As a consequence it can happen that the current site is unavaible or unviewable. Please excuse any disturbances. - The new site will be up soon.
Take a last look at the R6/RS World design - it has done its job very well over one year now and I hope you will like the new one the same way.
Mauti P.S.: Ghost Recon and Raven Shield we are coming...